Searches items stored on all your characters.

Updated 2 years ago

Manage blue magic spells simple and easy with some slash commands.

Updated 8 years ago

Displays the players ability and spell recast information.

Updated 7 years ago

The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.

Updated 2 years ago

A simple addon that allows you to browse the AH while moving/running. (Useful on private servers.)

Updated 8 years ago

Enables players to see all maps via the /map command without owning the map key item.

Updated 6 years ago

A simple addon that will automatically respond to tells with a desired message when enabled.

Updated 8 years ago

Displays a colored message when you learn a Blue Magic spell. Making it easier to see when one is learned.

Updated 8 years ago

Blocks any and all forms of calling for help to prevent accidents. This addon blocks the call for help packet from ever being sent.

Updated 8 years ago

Enables an first-person shooter ESP style hack by coloring the models of the game based on their entity type. (Default is blue for players, red for monsters, and green for NPCs.)

Updated 8 years ago

Monitors chat and plays sounds when certain events and conditions are met.

Updated 4 years ago

Clock is an addon that allows you to display times for various timezones, on-screen.

Updated 8 years ago

Craftmon is an addon that is able to display the players craft result immediately after starting the synth. It will print out a colored message based on the result. (Normal Quality, High-Quality, or Break)

Updated 8 years ago

Allows players to cancel buffs/debuffs via a slash command.

Updated 8 years ago

Removes the need to press enter during cutscenes and other dialog.

Updated 8 years ago

Removes the bad language chat filter by force. (Useful for private servers as the client settings are not properly saved.)

Updated 8 years ago

Allows players to filter their widescan results, by name, to quickly and easily find their desired target.

Updated 7 years ago

Allows searching for items within a players various storage containers via a slash command.

Updated 2 years ago

Forces all doors to be open. (This is a cheat and can get you banned!)

Updated 8 years ago

Allows GMs on private servers to still use previous command prefixes they are used to typing instead of the current DSP default. (Accepts @ and $ for prefixes, and will replace with ! as in current DSP.)

Updated 7 years ago