@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ An Ashita FFXI plugin used to repeat commands at a specified interval. This is a
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ An Ashita FFXI plugin used to repeat commands at a specified interval. This is a
Repeater Command Listing: /rp, /repeat or /repeater are all valid:
/rp [set|unset] [command] - Set or Unset command to be repeated.
/rp [cycle] <number> - Number of milliseconds to wait before repeating.
/rp [jitter] <number> - Specify max. random addition to cycle time. Default: 0
/rp [start|stop] - Starts or Stops repeating of previously set command.
/rp debug - Toggles debug prints messages.");
* /rp [set|unset] [command] - Set or Unset command to be repeated.
* /rp [cycle] <number> - Number of milliseconds to wait before repeating.
* /rp [jitter] <number> - Specify max. random addition to cycle time. Default: 0
* /rp [start|stop] - Starts or Stops repeating of previously set command.
* /rp debug - Toggles debug prints messages.");
Note: Cycle duration must be within 1s and 3600s (1000ms to 3600000ms)
Note: Cycle duration must be within 1s and 3600s (1000ms to 3600000ms) \
Note: Jitter duration must be within 0s and 3600s (1ms to 3600000ms; 0 = disabled).
/rp set command /dance4 motion
/rp cycle 10000
/rp set command /dance4 motion \
/rp cycle 10000 \
/rp start
This will execute the command "/dance4 motion" every 10,000ms (10 seconds).