
Ashita addons that are released and available through the launcher.
Lua 1 0

Allows searching for items within a players various storage containers via a slash command.

Updated 2 years ago

Lua 0 2

Searches items stored on all your characters.

Updated 2 years ago

Lua 0 0

An Ashita v3 addon that allows you to track and edit gathering metrics within a simple GUI in Final Fantasy 11 Online.

Updated 3 years ago

Lua 0 0

Creates log files of all incoming text to the players game client. Log files are named per-character and date they are written to for ease of management.

Updated 3 years ago

Lua 0 0

Monitors chat and plays sounds when certain events and conditions are met.

Updated 4 years ago

Lua 0 0

Allows players to change their race and hair style easily via packets.

Updated 4 years ago

Lua 0 0

Display information about yourself and your targets.

Updated 4 years ago

Lua 0 0

PUP attachment addon for changing pup attachments per-user profiles. (Only working on retail and only PUP main at the moment.)

Updated 4 years ago

Lua 0 0

Simple addon to better handle the aspect ratio of the game. Allows for non-standard ratios not available via the in-game configuration.

Updated 5 years ago

An Ashita v3 addon that allows the user to change or remove the default mount music in Final Fantasy 11 Online.

Updated 6 years ago

Lua 0 0

Enables players to see all maps via the /map command without owning the map key item.

Updated 6 years ago

Lua 0 0

Allows a player to set a command to be repeated automatically.

Updated 6 years ago

Lua 0 0

Allows GMs on private servers to still use previous command prefixes they are used to typing instead of the current DSP default. (Accepts @ and $ for prefixes, and will replace with ! as in current DSP.)

Updated 7 years ago

Lua 0 1

Displays the players ability and spell recast information.

Updated 7 years ago

Lua 0 0

Allows users to override the min/max zoom distances (of the mouse wheel) to see closer or further away from their character.

Updated 7 years ago
