Displays various information about the players current pet.

Updated 8 years ago

Removes the need to press enter during cutscenes and other dialog.

Updated 8 years ago

Get the results from your auction house purchase attempts instantly. No more delay waiting to find out if you won an item or not!

Updated 8 years ago

Automatically responds to party invites based on configuration settings. Can automatically join/decline invites or specifically handle them based on the senders name.

Updated 8 years ago

An example plugin used to demonstrate how the plugin framework for Ashita works. Can be used as a base to create your own plugins.

Updated 8 years ago

Allows players to save and load chat filter settings with ease.

Updated 8 years ago

A simple addon to force all other players to a specific race.

Updated 8 years ago

Learns crafts as you perform them and repeats them with ease.

Updated 8 years ago

Allows players to see all objects regardless if they are rendered.

Updated 8 years ago

Hides the boot loader used for private servers.

Updated 8 years ago

Treasure pool manager that can automatically lot and pass items for you.

Updated 8 years ago

An addon that alters how the macro bars show in game. Removes the delay and instead shows the bars immediately. (Original application and full credit goes to Sorien. Converted to an Ashita addon by atom0s.)

Updated 8 years ago

An alias based chat monitor to automatically execute commands based on chat events.

Updated 8 years ago

Enables mog house functionality in any zone. (Works on private servers, partially works on retail.)

Updated 8 years ago

Forces all doors to be open. (This is a cheat and can get you banned!)

Updated 8 years ago

Enables an first-person shooter ESP style hack by coloring the models of the game based on their entity type. (Default is blue for players, red for monsters, and green for NPCs.)

Updated 8 years ago

Removes all emotes by dropping any emote packet incoming to the client.

Updated 8 years ago

A simple addon that will automatically respond to tells with a desired message when enabled.

Updated 8 years ago

Displays a colored message when you learn a Blue Magic spell. Making it easier to see when one is learned.

Updated 8 years ago

Blocks any and all forms of calling for help to prevent accidents. This addon blocks the call for help packet from ever being sent.

Updated 8 years ago