WatchDog allows users to wide-scan track anything in a zone easily via slash commands.

Updated 2 years ago

Removes the knockback effect to your player from various abilities performed by enemies.

Updated 2 years ago

Force-enables a hardware mouse cursor for the game client. (Useful for those using proxies such as dgVoodoo 2 that mess up the cursor.)

Updated 2 years ago website interaction built into a plugin! Manage your characters and other information directly within Ashita.

Updated 2 years ago

World of Warcraft's popular Grid and Clique addons for FFXI. Usage: /load greed Use the config XML to edit keybinds, colors, position, anchor point, etc.

Updated 2 years ago

Miniature damage logging in FFXI for Ashita. Usage: /load deeps Monitor can be moved with shift+drag. Click bars to zoom in, right click to zoom out. Reset the meters with /dps reset.

Updated 2 years ago

Enables users to easily override DAT files without actually replacing them. Loads overrides from a set directory so you do not have to overwrite the original game files.

Updated 2 years ago

DashCam allows players to record in-game video with ease.

Updated 2 years ago

In-game crafting tool to help automate crafting bulk amounts of things. Full in-game UI to make things even easier.

Updated 2 years ago

Allows players to set the process affinity mask via a simple in-game command.

Updated 2 years ago

An Ashita v3 addon that allows you to track and edit gathering metrics within a simple GUI in Final Fantasy 11 Online.

Updated 3 years ago

Creates log files of all incoming text to the players game client. Log files are named per-character and date they are written to for ease of management.

Updated 3 years ago

Monitors chat and plays sounds when certain events and conditions are met.

Updated 4 years ago

Allows players to change their race and hair style easily via packets.

Updated 4 years ago

Display information about yourself and your targets.

Updated 4 years ago

PUP attachment addon for changing pup attachments per-user profiles. (Only working on retail and only PUP main at the moment.)

Updated 4 years ago

Manage blue magic spells simple and easy with some slash commands.

Updated 4 years ago

Searches items stored on all your characters.

Updated 4 years ago

Simple addon to better handle the aspect ratio of the game. Allows for non-standard ratios not available via the in-game configuration.

Updated 5 years ago

An Ashita v3 addon that allows the user to change or remove the default mount music in Final Fantasy 11 Online.

Updated 6 years ago