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atom0s 7 years ago
  1. 63
      release/docs/packer/Settings Structure.xml
  2. 16
  3. BIN

release/docs/packer/Settings Structure.xml

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<priority> <!--Set the order in which your containers are filled. Simply omit a container to remove it from the order.-->
<safe equip="true" /> <!--If equip is set to true, packer will be allowed to put equippable items in that container.-->
<storage />
<locker />
<satchel />
<sack usable="true" /> <!--If usable is set to true, packer will be allowed to put usable items in that container.-->
<case other="true" /> <!--If other is set to true, packer will be allowed to put non-equippable and non-usable items in that container.-->
<wardrobe />
<safe2 equip="true" usable="true" other="true" /> <!--You can allow multiple kinds of items to be stored in the same container. All 3 tags will allow all items to be stored there that the game allows.-->
<wardrobe2 />
<wardrobe3 />
<wardrobe4 />
<inventory> <!--Define items that should never be stored.-->
<safe> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in mog safe.-->
<item augment="S176231485494" quantity="1">Otronif Gloves +1</item>
<!--Both tags are optional. Quantity can be set to 'all', and will default to 1 if the tag isn't there.-->
<safe2> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in second mog safe.-->
<storage> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in storage.-->
<locker> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in locker.-->
<satchel> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in satchel.-->
<sack> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in sack.-->
<case> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in case.-->
<wardrobe> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->
<item>Dim. Ring (Holla)</item>
<item>Dim. Ring (Dem)</item>
<item>Dim. Ring (Mea)</item>
<item>Trizek Ring</item>
<item>Echad Ring</item>
<item>Warp Ring</item>
<item>Mecisto. Mantle</item>
<item>Nexus Cape</item>
<wardrobe2> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->
<wardrobe3> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->
<wardrobe4> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->


@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Packer automatically gathers your items for you. You can use the following commands:
/packer gear [File]
-Starts automatic gearing
-If you have Ashitacast loaded, you can trigger this on your currently loaded XML by typing: /ac gear
-File must be located in ashitacast config folder, or full path including drive letter must be specified.
-Filename should not contain quotes, spaces are ok.
Example: /packer gear C:\Ashita 3\Config\Ashitacast\Thorny_MNK.xml
Example: /packer gear Thorny_MNK.xml
/packer stop
/packer load default
-Loads a configuration XML located it ashitaroot/config/packer/. Packer will always look for default.xml in that directory on load and load it.
Settings information is located in the Settings Structure.xml file. Configuration is very similar to dressme, but plugin is MUCH faster.


Binary file not shown.