@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ Commands - can use /ashitacast or /ac
/ac action [Target Index] [ma/ws/ja/ra] [action ID if not ra] - Directly sends an action packet through with appropriate swaps.
/ac action [Target Index] [ma/ws/ja/ra] [action ID if not ra] - Directly sends an action packet through with appropriate swaps.
/ac debug [Optional: On/Off] - Enables or disables debug prints of all equip swaps. Will toggle if on/off isn't specified.
/ac debug [Optional: On/Off] - Enables or disables debug prints of all equip swaps. Will toggle if on/off isn't specified.
/ac validate - Print an output of what items in your XML are not currently in your inventory/wardrobes.
/ac gear - Use dressme or packer plugins(packer is prioritized) to automatically collect gear from your currently loaded xml. Will not work with neither loaded.