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Ashitacast 1.48 - Added addtoecho tag to allow logging of addtochat. Added /ac override command to enable equipping from sack/satchel/case/etc. (DSP ONLY - DO NOT USE ON RETAIL). See documentation.

Lolwutt 6 years ago
  1. 13


@ -38,4 +38,15 @@ Commands - can use /ashitacast or /ac
/ac print set [setname] - Print a set. /ac print set [setname] - Print a set.
/ac addset Name - Add your currently equipped gear to your loaded XML under the specified set name. /ac addset Name - Add your currently equipped gear to your loaded XML under the specified set name.
/ac newxml Name - Create a blank XML and load it(doesn't include rules, just gives you a blank template to add sets to). /ac newxml Name - Create a blank XML and load it(doesn't include rules, just gives you a blank template to add sets to).
=========== WARNING: NOT FOR RETAIL USE ============
/ac override [inventory/safe/storage/temporary/locker/satchel/sack/case/wardrobe/safe2/wardrobe2/wardrobe3/wardrobe4]
This allows Ashitacast to try to equip items from bags other than the typical inventory and wardrobes. You can also use it to disable bags from being used to equip by specifying a bag that is currently enabled. This was a private server feature request; they are attempting to make other bags function as additional wardrobes.
DO NOT ENABLE THIS ON RETAIL. You will be booted to the title screen as soon as you attempt to equip an item that is not in inventory/wardrobes. You may be banned or suspended for doing this, and it will not successfully equip the item.
=========== WARNING: NOT FOR RETAIL USE ============
