Browse Source

Added base addons. (Distance, FPS, Timestamp, TParty)

Added base addons libraries.
atom0s 8 years ago
  1. 130
  2. 198
  3. 71
  4. 539
  5. 110
  6. 308
  7. 148
  8. 46
  9. 304
  10. 1544
  11. 91
  12. 130
  13. 156
  14. 344
  15. 273
  16. 240
  17. 90
  18. 204


@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
]]-- = 'atom0s'; = 'distance';
_addon.version = '3.0.0';
require 'common'
-- Configurations
local default_config =
font =
family = 'Arial',
size = 16,
color = 0xFFFFFFFF,
position = { -180, 20 },
show_name = false,
show_id = false,
show_id_hex = false
local distance_config = default_config;
-- func: load
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being loaded.
ashita.register_event('load', function()
-- Load the configuration file..
distance_config = ashita.settings.load_merged(_addon.path .. '/settings/settings.json', distance_config);
-- Create the font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Create('__distance_addon');
-- func: unload
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being unloaded.
ashita.register_event('unload', function()
-- Get the font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get('__distance_addon');
-- Update the configuration position..
distance_config.font.position = { f:GetPositionX(), f:GetPositionY() };
-- Save the configuration file.. .. '/settings/settings.json', distance_config);
-- Delete the font object..
-- func: render
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being rendered.
ashita.register_event('render', function()
-- Get the font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get('__distance_addon');
if (f == nil) then return; end
-- Ensure we have a valid player..
local party = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty();
if (party:GetMemberActive(0) == false or party:GetMemberServerId(0) == 0) then
-- Ensure we have a valid target..
local target = ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target('t');
if (target == nil or target.Name == '' or target.TargetIndex == 0) then
local str = string.format('%.1f', math.sqrt(target.Distance));
-- Append the name..
if (distance_config.show_name == true) then
str = str .. ' ' .. target.Name;
-- Append the server id (decimal)..
if (distance_config.show_id == true) then
str = string.format('%s [%d]', str, target.ServerId);
-- Append the server id (hex)..
if (distance_config.show_id_hex == true) then
str = string.format('%s [%08X]', str, target.ServerId);
-- Set the distance text..


@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
]]-- = 'atom0s'; = 'FPS';
_addon.version = '3.0.0';
require 'common'
-- FPS Configuration
local default_config =
font =
family = 'Arial',
size = 12,
color = math.d3dcolor(255, 255, 0, 0),
position = { 1, 1 }
format = 'FPS: %.1f'
local fps_config = default_config;
-- FPS Variables
local fps = { };
fps.count = 0;
fps.timer = 0;
fps.frame = 0; = true;
-- func: print_help
-- desc: Displays a help block for proper command usage.
local function print_help(cmd, help)
-- Print the invalid format header..
print('\31\200[\31\05' .. .. '\31\200]\30\01 ' .. '\30\68Invalid format for command:\30\02 ' .. cmd .. '\30\01');
-- Loop and print the help commands..
for k, v in pairs(help) do
print('\31\200[\31\05' .. .. '\31\200]\30\01 ' .. '\30\68Syntax:\30\02 ' .. v[1] .. '\30\71 ' .. v[2]);
-- func: load
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being loaded.
ashita.register_event('load', function()
-- Load the configuration file..
fps_config = ashita.settings.load_merged(_addon.path .. '/settings/fps.json', fps_config);
-- Create the font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Create('__fps_addon');
-- func: unload
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being unloaded.
ashita.register_event('unload', function()
-- Get the font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get('__fps_addon');
-- Update the configuration position..
fps_config.font.position = { f:GetPositionX(), f:GetPositionY() };
-- Save the configuration file.. .. '/settings/fps.json', fps_config);
-- Delete the font object..
-- func: command
-- desc: Event called when a command was entered.
ashita.register_event('command', function(command, ntype)
-- Get the arguments of the command..
local args = command:args();
if (args[1] ~= '/fps') then
return false;
-- Toggle the FPS visibility..
if (#args == 1 or args[2] == 'show') then = not;
return true;
-- Set the FPS color..
if (#args >= 6 and args[2] == 'color') then
font_config.font.color = math.d3dcolor(tonumber(args[3]), tonumber(args[4]), tonumber(args[5]),tonumber(args[6]));
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get('__fps_addon');
if (f ~= nil) then f:SetColor(font_config.font.color); end
return true;
-- Set the font family and height..
if (#args >= 4 and args[2] == 'font') then = args[3];
font_config.font.size = tonumber(args[4]);
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get('__fps_addon');
if (f ~= nil) then
return true;
-- Set the FPS divisor..
if (#args >= 2 and tonumber(args[2]) > 0) then
local pointer = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, '81EC000100003BC174218B0D', 0, 0);
if (pointer == 0) then
print('[FPS] Could not locate the required signature to patch the FPS divisor!');
return true;
-- Read into the pointer..
local addr = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer + 0x0C);
addr = ashita.memory.read_uint32(addr);
-- Set the new FPS divisor..
ashita.memory.write_uint32(addr + 0x30, tonumber(args[2]));
print(string.format('\31\200[\31\05FPS\31\200] \31\130Set FPS divisor to: \30\02%d', tonumber(args[2])));
return true;
-- Prints the addon help..
print_help('/fps', {
{ '/fps show', '- Toggles the FPS display on and off.' },
{ '/fps color [a] [r] [g] [b]', '- Sets the FPS display color.' },
{ '/fps font [name] [size]', '- Sets the FPS display font family and height.' },
{ '/fps [num]', '- Sets the FPS divisor. (1 = 60FPS, 2 = 30FPS, etc.)' },
return true;
-- func: render
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being rendered.
ashita.register_event('render', function()
-- Get the font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get('__fps_addon');
if (f == nil) then return; end
-- Set the font visibility..
-- Skip calculations if font is disabled..
if ( == false) then return; end
-- Calculate the current FPS..
fps.count = fps.count + 1;
if (os.time() >= fps.timer + 1) then
fps.frame = fps.count;
fps.count = 0;
fps.timer = os.time();
-- Update the FPS font..
f:SetText(string.format(fps_config.format, fps.frame));


@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- Extensions
require 'imguidef'
require 'logging'
require 'mathex'
require 'settings'
require 'stringex'
require 'tableex'
require 'timer'
-- Common FFXI Requires
require 'ffxi.enums'
require 'ffxi.recast'
require 'ffxi.targets'
require 'ffxi.vanatime'
require ''
-- func: switch
-- desc: Switch case implementation for Lua. (Credits: Unknown Original Author)
function switch(c)
local switch_table =
casevar = c,
caseof = function(self, code)
local f;
if (self.casevar) then
f = code[self.casevar] or code.default;
f = code.missing or code.default;
if f then
if (type(f) == 'function') then
return f(self.casevar,self);
error('case: ' .. tostring(self.casevar) .. ' is not a function!');
return switch_table


@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- Holds various definitions, enumerations, etc. specific to FFXI data.
AbilityType =
General = 0,
Job = 1,
Pet = 2,
Weapon = 3,
Trait = 4,
BloodPactRage = 5,
Corsair = 6,
CorsairShot = 7,
BloodPactWard = 8,
Samba = 9,
Waltz = 10,
Step = 11,
Florish1 = 12,
Scholar = 13,
Jig = 14,
Flourish2 = 15,
Monster = 16,
Flourish3 = 17,
Weaponskill = 18,
Rune = 19,
Ward = 20,
Effusion = 21
CraftRank =
Amateur = 0,
Recruit = 1,
Initiate = 2,
Novice = 3,
Apprentice = 4,
Journeyman = 5,
Craftsman = 6,
Artisan = 7,
Adept = 8,
Veteran = 9
CombatType =
Magic = 0x1000,
Combat = 0x2000
Containers =
Inventory = 0,
Safe = 1,
Storage = 2,
Temporary = 3,
Locker = 4,
Satchel = 5,
Sack = 6,
Case = 7,
Wardrobe = 8,
Safe2 = 9,
Wardrobe2 = 10,
Wardrobe3 = 11,
Wardrobe4 = 12,
EquipmentSlotMask =
None = 0x0000,
Main = 0x0001,
Sub = 0x0002,
Range = 0x0004,
Ammo = 0x0008,
Head = 0x0010,
Body = 0x0020,
Hands = 0x0040,
Legs = 0x0080,
Feet = 0x0100,
Neck = 0x0200,
Waist = 0x0400,
LEar = 0x0800,
REar = 0x1000,
LRing = 0x2000,
RRing = 0x4000,
Back = 0x8000,
-- Slot Groups
Ears = 0x1800,
Rings = 0x6000,
-- All Slots
All = 0xFFFF
EquipmentSlots =
Main = 0,
Sub = 1,
Range = 2,
Ammo = 3,
Head = 4,
Body = 5,
Hands = 6,
Legs = 7,
Feet = 8,
Waist = 9,
Ear1 = 10,
Ear2 = 11,
Ring1 = 12,
Ring2 = 13,
Back = 14,
ElementColor =
Red = 0,
Clear = 1,
Green = 2,
Yellow = 3,
Purple = 4,
Blue = 5,
White = 6,
Black = 7
ElementType =
Fire = 0,
Ice = 1,
Air = 2,
Earth = 3,
Thunder = 4,
Water = 5,
Light = 6,
Dark = 7,
Special = 0x0F,
Unknown = 0xFF
EntityHair =
Hair1A = 0,
Hair1B = 1,
Hair2A = 2,
Hair2B = 3,
Hair3A = 4,
Hair3B = 5,
Hair4A = 6,
Hair4B = 7,
Hair5A = 8,
Hair5B = 9,
Hair6A = 10,
Hair6B = 11,
Hair7A = 12,
Hair7B = 13,
Hair8A = 14,
Hair8B = 15,
-- Non-Player Hair Styles
Fomar = 29,
Mannequin = 30,
EntityRace =
Invalid = 0,
HumeMale = 1,
HumeFemale = 2,
ElvaanMale = 3,
ElvaanFemale = 4,
TarutaruMale = 5,
TarutaruFemale = 6,
Mithra = 7,
Galka = 8,
-- Non-PC Races
MithraChild = 29,
HumeChildFemale = 30,
HumeChildMale = 31,
GoldChocobo = 32,
BlackChocobo = 33,
BlueChocobo = 34,
RedChocobo = 35,
GreenChocobo = 36
EntitySpawnFlags =
Player = 0x0001,
Npc = 0x0002,
PartyMember = 0x0004,
AllianceMember = 0x0008,
Monster = 0x0010,
Object = 0x0020,
LocalPlayer = 0x0200,
EntityType =
Player = 0,
Npc1 = 1,
Npc2 = 2,
Npc3 = 3,
Elevator = 4,
Airship = 5,
ItemFlags =
None = 0x0000,
WallHanging = 0x0001,
Flag1 = 0x0002,
Flag2 = 0x0004,
Flag3 = 0x0008,
DeliveryInner = 0x0010,
Inscribable = 0x0020,
NoAuction = 0x0040,
Scroll = 0x0080,
Linkshell = 0x0100,
CanUse = 0x0200,
CanTradeNpc = 0x0400,
CanEquip = 0x0800,
NoSale = 0x1000,
NoDelivery = 0x2000,
NoTrade = 0x4000,
Rare = 0x8000,
Exclusive = 0x6040,
Nothing = 0xF140
ItemType =
None = 0x0000,
Item = 0x0001,
QuestItem = 0x0002,
Fish = 0x0003,
Weapon = 0x0004,
Armor = 0x0005,
Linkshell = 0x0006,
UsableItem = 0x0007,
Crystal = 0x0008,
Currency = 0x0009,
Furnishing = 0x000A,
Plant = 0x000B,
Flowerpot = 0x000C,
PuppetItem = 0x000D,
Mannequin = 0x000E,
Book = 0x000F,
RacingForm = 0x0010,
BettingSlip = 0x0011,
SoulPlate = 0x0012,
Reflector = 0x0013,
Logs = 0x0014,
LotteryTicket = 0x0015,
TabulaM = 0x0016,
TabulaR = 0x0017,
Voucher = 0x0018,
Rune = 0x0019,
Evolith = 0x001A,
StorageSlip = 0x001B,
Type1 = 0x001C
JobMask =
None = 0x00000000,
WAR = 0x00000002,
MNK = 0x00000004,
WHM = 0x00000008,
BLM = 0x00000010,
RDM = 0x00000020,
THF = 0x00000040,
PLD = 0x00000080,
DRK = 0x00000100,
BST = 0x00000200,
BRD = 0x00000400,
RNG = 0x00000800,
SAM = 0x00001000,
NIN = 0x00002000,
DRG = 0x00004000,
SMN = 0x00008000,
BLU = 0x00010000,
COR = 0x00020000,
PUP = 0x00040000,
DNC = 0x00080000,
SCH = 0x00100000,
GEO = 0x00200000,
RUN = 0x00400000,
MON = 0x00800000,
JOB24 = 0x01000000,
JOB25 = 0x02000000,
JOB26 = 0x04000000,
JOB27 = 0x08000000,
JOB28 = 0x10000000,
JOB29 = 0x20000000,
JOB30 = 0x40000000,
JOB31 = 0x80000000,
AllJobs = 0x007FFFFE,
Jobs =
None = 0,
Warrior = 1,
Monk = 2,
WhiteMage = 3,
BlackMage = 4,
RedMage = 5,
Thief = 6,
Paladin = 7,
DarkKnight = 8,
Beastmaster = 9,
Bard = 10,
Ranger = 11,
Samurai = 12,
Ninja = 13,
Dragoon = 14,
Summoner = 15,
BlueMage = 16,
Corsair = 17,
Puppetmaster = 18,
Dancer = 19,
Scholar = 20,
Geomancer = 21,
RuneFencer = 22
Language =
Default = 0,
Japanese = 1,
English = 2,
French = 3, -- No longer used.
Deutsch = 4 -- No longer used.
LoginStatus =
LoginScreen = 0,
Loading = 1,
LoggedIn = 2
MagicType =
None = 0,
WhiteMagic = 1,
BlackMagic = 2,
Summon = 3,
Ninjutsu = 4,
Song = 5,
BlueMagic = 6,
Geomancy = 7,
Trust = 8
MoonPhase =
New = 0,
WaxingCrescent = 1,
WaxingCrescent2 = 2,
FirstQuarter = 3,
WaxingGibbous = 4,
WaxingGibbous2 = 5,
Full = 6,
WaningGibbous = 7,
WaningGibbous2 = 8,
LastQuarter = 9,
WaningCrescent = 10,
WaningCrescent2 = 11
Nation =
SandOria = 0,
Bastok = 1,
Windurst = 2
PuppetSlot =
None = 0,
Head = 1,
Body = 2,
Attachment = 3
RaceMask =
None = 0x0000,
HumeMale = 0x0002,
HumeFemale = 0x0004,
ElvaanMale = 0x0008,
ElvaanFemale = 0x0010,
TarutaruMale = 0x0020,
TarutaruFemale = 0x0040,
Mithra = 0x0080,
Galka = 0x0100,
Hume = 0x0006,
Elvaan = 0x0018,
Tarutaru = 0x0060,
Male = 0x012A,
Female = 0x00D4,
All = 0x01FE,
SkillTypes =
-- Weapon Skills
HandToHand = 1,
Dagger = 2,
Sword = 3,
GreatSword = 4,
Axe = 5,
GreatAxe = 6,
Scythe = 7,
Polarm = 8,
Katana = 9,
GreatKatana = 10,
Club = 11,
Staff = 12,
-- Combat Skills
Archery = 25,
Marksmanship = 26,
Throwing = 27,
Guard = 28,
Evasion = 29,
Shield = 30,
Parry = 31,
Divine = 32,
Healing = 33,
Enhancing = 34,
Enfeebling = 35,
Elemental = 36,
Dark = 37,
Summoning = 38,
Ninjutsu = 39,
Singing = 40,
String = 41,
Wind = 42,
BlueMagic = 43,
-- Crafting Skills
Fishing = 48,
Woodworking = 49,
Smithing = 50,
Goldsmithing = 51,
Clothcraft = 52,
Leathercraft = 53,
Bonecraft = 54,
Alchemy = 55,
Cooking = 56,
Synergy = 57,
ChocoboDigging = 58,
TargetType =
None = 0x00,
Self = 0x01,
Player = 0x02,
PartyMember = 0x04,
AllianceMember = 0x08,
Npc = 0x10,
Enemy = 0x20,
Unknown = 0x40,
CorpseOnly = 0x80,
Corpse = 0x9D
TreasureStatus =
None = 0,
Pass = 1,
Lot = 2
WeatherType =
Clear = 0,
Sunny = 1,
Cloudy = 2,
Fog = 3,
Fire = 4,
Fire2 = 5,
Water = 6,
Water2 = 7,
Earth = 8,
Earth2 = 9,
Wind = 10,
Wind2 = 11,
Ice = 12,
Ice2 = 13,
Lightning = 14,
Lightning2 = 15,
Light = 16,
Light2 = 17,
Dark = 18,
Dark2 = 19
WeekDay =
Firesday = 0,
Earthsday = 1,
Watersday = 2,
Windsday = 3,
Iceday = 4,
Lightningday = 5,
Lightsday = 6,
Darksday = 7


@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.ffxi = ashita.ffxi or { };
ashita.ffxi.recast = ashita.ffxi.recast or { };
-- Scan for patterns..
ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, '894124E9????????8B46??6A006A00508BCEE8', 0x19, 0);
ashita.ffxi.recast.s_recast_ptr = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, '56BE????????66833E00??????????????662906', 0x02, 0);
-- Signature validation..
if (ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr == 0 or ashita.ffxi.recast.s_recast_ptr == 0) then
print(string.format('A Pointer: %08X', ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr));
print(string.format('S Pointer: %08X', ashita.ffxi.recast.s_recast_ptr));
error('recast.lua -- signature validation failed!');
ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr = ashita.memory.read_uint32(ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr);
ashita.ffxi.recast.s_recast_ptr = ashita.memory.read_uint32(ashita.ffxi.recast.s_recast_ptr);
-- func: get_ability_ids
-- desc: Returns a table containing the current ability recast ids.
local function get_ability_ids()
local t = { };
for x = 0, 31 do
t[x + 1] = ashita.memory.read_uint8(ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr + (x * 8) + 3);
return t;
ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_ids = get_ability_ids;
-- func: get_ability_id_from_index
-- desc: Returns the ability id at the given index in the recast id list.
local function get_ability_id_from_index(index)
return ashita.memory.read_uint8(ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr + (index * 8) + 3);
ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_id_from_index = get_ability_id_from_index;
-- func: get_ability_recast_by_index
-- desc: Returns the raw recast timer for the ability at the given index.
local function get_ability_recast_by_index(index)
return ashita.memory.read_uint32(ashita.ffxi.recast.a_recast_ptr + (index * 4) + 0xF8);
ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_index = get_ability_recast_by_index;
-- func: get_ability_recast_by_id
-- desc: Returns the raw recast timer for the ability of the given id.
local function get_ability_recast_by_id(id)
local ids = get_ability_ids();
for k, v in pairs(ids) do
if (v == id) then
return get_ability_recast_by_index(k - 1);
return -1;
ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id = get_ability_recast_by_id;
-- func: get_spell_recast_by_index
-- desc: Returns the raw recast timer for the spell at the given index.
local function get_spell_recast_by_index(index)
return ashita.memory.read_uint16(ashita.ffxi.recast.s_recast_ptr + (index * 2));
ashita.ffxi.recast.get_spell_recast_by_index = get_spell_recast_by_index;
-- func: format_timestamp
-- desc: Formats a recast timer into a hh:mm:ss timestamp.
local function format_timestamp(timer)
local t = timer / 60;
local h = math.floor(t / (60 * 60));
local m = math.floor(t / 60 - h * 60);
local s = math.floor(t - (m + h * 60) * 60);
return string.format('%02i:%02i:%02i', h, m, s);
ashita.ffxi.recast.format_timestamp = format_timestamp;


@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.ffxi = ashita.ffxi or { };
ashita.ffxi.targets = ashita.ffxi.targets or { };
-- Scan for patterns..
ashita.ffxi.targets.pointers = { };
ashita.ffxi.targets.pointers =
['lastst'] =
pointer = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'A1????????BF????????8B??B9', 0, 0),
offset1 = 0x01
['scan'] =
pointer = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'A1????????85C074??F7', 0, 0),
offset1 = 0x01,
offset2 = 0x350E4
['r'] =
pointer = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, '8B0D????????85C9750333C0C36A00', 0, 0),
offset1 = 0x02,
offset2 = 0x011E
-- func: get_target_lastst
-- desc: Returns the <lastst> target.
local function get_target_lastst()
local lastst = ashita.ffxi.targets.pointers.lastst;
-- Ensure the pointer is valid..
if (lastst.pointer == 0) then
return nil;
-- Read the target pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(lastst.pointer + lastst.offset1);
if (pointer == 0) then return nil; end
-- Read the pointer..
pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer);
if (pointer == 0) then return nil; end
-- Read the entity index..
return ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer + 0xB8);
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_lastst = get_target_lastst;
-- func: get_target_bt
-- desc: Returns the <bt> target.
local function get_target_bt()
-- Obtain the local player..
local player = GetPlayerEntity();
if (player == nil) then
return nil;
-- Obtain the players server id..
local serverId = player.ServerId;
for x = 0, 2303 do
local entity = GetEntity(x);
if (entity ~= nil and entity.WarpPointer ~= 0 and entity.ClaimServerId == serverId) then
if (entity.StatusServer ~= 2 and entity.StatusServer ~= 3) then
return entity;
return nil;
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_bt = get_target_bt;
-- func: get_target_bt
-- desc: Returns the <bt> target.
local function get_target_pet()
-- Obtain the local player..
local player = GetPlayerEntity();
if (player == nil) then
return nil;
-- Ensure the players pet index is valid..
if (player.PetTargetIndex == 0) then
return nil;
-- Return the pet entity..
return GetEntity(player.PetTargetIndex);
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_pet = get_target_pet;
-- func: get_target_scan
-- desc: Returns the <scan> target.
local function get_target_scan()
local scan = ashita.ffxi.targets.pointers.scan;
-- Ensure the pointer is valid..
if (scan.pointer == 0) then
return nil;
-- Read the pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(scan.pointer + scan.offset1);
if (pointer == 0) then return nil; end
-- Read the pointer..
pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer);
if (pointer == 0) then return nil; end
-- Validate the scan target is set..
pointer = pointer + scan.offset2;
if (ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer) ~= 1) then
return nil;
-- Read the entity index..
return GetEntity( + 0x10), 0xFFFF));
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_scan = get_target_scan;
-- func: get_target_ht
-- desc: Returns the <ht> target.
local function get_target_ht()
local e = nil;
for x = 0, 2303 do
local entity = GetEntity(x);
if (entity ~= nil and entity.WarpPointer ~= 0 and entity.StatusServer ~= 2 and entity.StatusServer ~= 3) then
if (, 5), 1) == 1) then
if (, 16), 1) == 1) then
if (e == nil) then
e = entity;
if (math.sqrt(entity.Distance) < math.sqrt(e.Distance)) then
e = entity;
return e;
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_ht = get_target_ht;
-- func: get_target_ft
-- desc: Returns the <ft> target.
local function get_target_ft()
-- Validate the entity map pointer..
local entity_map = AshitaCore:GetPointerManager():GetPointer('entitymap');
if (entity_map == 0) then
return nil;
-- Locate the player pointer..
local player = ashita.memory.read_uint32(ashita.memory.read_uint32(entity_map) + (4 * GetPlayerEntity().TargetIndex));
-- Read the follower index..
local follower = ashita.memory.read_uint16(player + 0x264);
if (follower == 0) then
return nil;
-- Return the follower entity..
return GetEntity(follower);
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_ft = get_target_ft;
-- func: get_target_normal
-- desc: Returns the <t> target.
local function get_target_normal()
return GetEntity(AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetTarget():GetTargetIndex());
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_normal = get_target_normal;
-- func: get_target_r
-- desc: Returns the <r> target.
local function get_target_r()
local rtarget = ashita.ffxi.targets.pointers.r;
-- Ensure the pointer is valid..
if (rtarget.pointer == 0) then
return nil;
-- Read the pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(rtarget.pointer + rtarget.offset1);
if (pointer == 0) then print('no1');return nil; end
-- Read the pointer..
pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer);
if (pointer == 0) then print('no2');return nil; end
-- Offset the pointer..
pointer = pointer + rtarget.offset2;
-- Read the response target name..
local name = ashita.memory.read_string(pointer, 30);
if (name == nil or #name == 0) then
return nil;
-- Locate the matching entity..
for x = 0, 2303 do
local ent = GetEntity(x);
if (ent ~= nil and ent.Name == name) then
return ent;
return nil;
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target_r = get_target_r;
-- func: get_target
-- desc: Returns the desired target by its short-hand tag.
local function get_target(name)
-- Convert to lower name..
name = string.lower(name);
-- Return the desired target..
return switch(name) : caseof
['lastst'] = function() return get_target_lastst(); end,
['bt'] = function() return get_target_bt(); end,
['me'] = function() return GetPlayerEntity(); end,
['pet'] = function() return get_target_pet(); end,
['scan'] = function() return get_target_scan(); end,
['ht'] = function() return get_target_ht(); end,
['ft'] = function() return get_target_ft(); end,
['t'] = function() return get_target_normal(); end,
['r'] = function() return get_target_r(); end,
['default'] = function() return nil; end,
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target = get_target;
-- func: get_last_teller_name
-- desc: Returns the name of the last person to send the player a whisper.
local function get_last_teller_name()
local rtarget = ashita.ffxi.targets.pointers.r;
-- Ensure the pointer is valid..
if (rtarget.pointer == 0) then
return nil;
-- Read the pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(rtarget.pointer + rtarget.offset1);
if (pointer == 0) then print('no1');return nil; end
-- Read the pointer..
pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer);
if (pointer == 0) then print('no2');return nil; end
-- Offset the pointer..
pointer = pointer + rtarget.offset2;
-- Read the response target name..
return ashita.memory.read_string(pointer, 30);
ashita.ffxi.targets.get_last_teller_name = get_last_teller_name;


@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.ffxi = ashita.ffxi or { };
ashita.ffxi.vanatime = ashita.ffxi.vanatime or { };
-- Scan for patterns..
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.pointer = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'B0015EC390518B4C24088D4424005068', 0x34, 0);
-- Signature validation..
if (ashita.ffxi.vanatime.pointer == 0) then
error('vanatime.lua -- signature validation failed!');
-- func: get_raw_timestamp
-- desc: Returns the current raw Vana'diel timestamp.
local function get_raw_timestamp()
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(ashita.ffxi.vanatime.pointer);
return ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer + 0x0C);
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_raw_timestamp = get_raw_timestamp;
-- func: get_timestamp
-- desc: Returns the current formatted Vana'diel timestamp.
local function get_timestamp()
local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp();
local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25;
local h = (ts / 3600) % 24;
local m = (ts / 60) % 60;
local s = ((ts - (math.floor(ts / 60) * 60)));
return string.format('%02i:%02i:%02i', h, m, s);
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_timestamp = get_timestamp;
-- func: get_current_time
-- desc: Returns a table with the hour, minutes, and seconds in Vana'diel time.
local function get_current_time()
local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp();
local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25;
local h = (ts / 3600) % 24;
local m = (ts / 60) % 60;
local s = ((ts - (math.floor(ts / 60) * 60)));
local vana = { };
vana.h = h;
vana.m = m;
vana.s = s;
return vana;
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_time = get_current_time;
-- func: get_current_hour
-- desc: Returns the current Vana'diel hour.
local function get_current_hour()
local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp();
local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25;
return (ts / 3600) % 24;
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_hour = get_current_hour;
-- func: get_current_minute
-- desc: Returns the current Vana'diel minute.
local function get_current_minute()
local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp();
local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25;
return (ts / 60) % 60;
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_minute = get_current_minute;
-- func: get_current_second
-- desc: Returns the current Vana'diel second.
local function get_current_second()
local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp();
local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25;
return ((ts - (math.floor(ts / 60) * 60)));
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_second = get_current_second;
-- func: get_current_date
-- desc: Returns a table with the current Vana'diel date.
local function get_current_date()
local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp();
local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25;
local day = math.floor(ts / 86400);
-- Calculate the moon information..
local mphase = (day + 26) % 84;
local mpercent = (((42 - mphase) * 100) / 42);
if (0 > mpercent) then
mpercent = math.abs(mpercent);
-- Build the date information..
local vanadate = { };
vanadate.weekday = (day % 8); = (day % 30) + 1;
vanadate.month = ((day % 360) / 30) + 1;
vanadate.year = (day / 360);
vanadate.moon_percent = math.floor(mpercent + 0.5);
if (38 <= mphase) then
vanadate.moon_phase = math.floor((mphase - 38) / 7);
vanadate.moon_phase = math.floor((mphase + 46) / 7);
return vanadate;
ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_date = get_current_date;


@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.ffxi = ashita.ffxi or { }; = or { };
-- Scan for patterns.. = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, '66A1????????663D????72', 0x02, 0);
-- Signature validation..
if ( == 0) then
error('weather.lua -- signature validation failed!');
-- func: get_weather
-- desc: Returns the current weather id.
local function get_weather()
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(;
return ashita.memory.read_uint8(pointer);
end = get_weather;


@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.gui = ashita.gui or { };
-- Helper To Reduce Nesting
imgui = ashita.gui;
-- Common Values Used By ImGui
FLT_MAX = 3.402823466e+38;
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ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal = 67108864; -- Internal use only!
ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu = 134217728; -- Internal use only!
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ImGuiInputTextFlags_Multiline = 1048576; -- Internal use only!
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ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening = 42;
-- Enumeration for PushStyleVar() / PopStyleVar()
-- NB: the enum only refers to fields of ImGuiStyle() which makes sense to be pushed/poped in UI code. Feel free to add others.
ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha = 0;
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding = 1;
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowRounding = 2;
ImGuiStyleVar_WindowMinSize = 3;
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ImGuiAlign_Left = 1;
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ImGuiAlign_Right = 4;
ImGuiAlign_Top = 8;
ImGuiAlign_VCenter = 16;
ImGuiAlign_Default = 9; -- ImGuiAlign_Left | ImGuiAlign_Top
-- Enumeration for ColorEditMode()
ImGuiColorEditMode_UserSelect = -2;
ImGuiColorEditMode_UserSelectShowButton = -1;
ImGuiColorEditMode_RGB = 0;
ImGuiColorEditMode_HSV = 1;
ImGuiColorEditMode_HEX = 2;
-- Enumeration for GetMouseCursor()
ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow = 0;
ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput = 1;
ImGuiMouseCursor_Move = 2;
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS = 3;
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW = 4;
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW = 5;
ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE = 6;
-- Condition flags for ImGui::SetWindow***(), SetNextWindow***(), SetNextTreeNode***() functions
-- All those functions treat 0 as a shortcut to ImGuiSetCond_Always
ImGuiSetCond_Always = 1;
ImGuiSetCond_Once = 2;
ImGuiSetCond_FirstUseEver = 4;
ImGuiSetCond_Appearing = 8;
-- Custom Variable Creation Types
-- Used with imgui.CreateVar
ImGuiVar_UNDEF = 0; -- 0 bytes (null)
ImGuiVar_BOOLCPP = 1; -- 1 byte bool
ImGuiVar_BOOL8 = 2; -- 1 byte char
ImGuiVar_BOOL16 = 3; -- 2 bytes short
ImGuiVar_BOOL32 = 4; -- 4 bytes BOOL
ImGuiVar_CHAR = 5; -- 1 byte char
ImGuiVar_INT8 = 6; -- 1 byte char
ImGuiVar_UINT8 = 7; -- 1 byte unsigned char
ImGuiVar_INT16 = 8; -- 2 bytes short
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ImGuiVar_UINT32 = 11; -- 4 bytes unsigned int
ImGuiVar_FLOAT = 12; -- 4 bytes float
ImGuiVar_DOUBLE = 13; -- 8 bytes double
ImGuiVar_CDSTRING = 14; -- ? bytes char[]
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ImGuiVar_INT32ARRAY = 17; -- ? bytes int[]
ImGuiVar_FLOATARRAY = 18; -- ? bytes float[]
ImGuiVar_DOUBLEARRAY = 19; -- ? bytes double[]
-- func: stylecolor
-- desc: Sets a style color of the ImGui system.
local function stylecolor(idx, color)
if (idx < 0 or idx > ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening) then
error('Attempting to set an invalid style color!');
local s =;
s[idx] = color; = s;
ashita.gui.stylecolor = stylecolor;
-- func: bor
-- desc: Bitwise or operation handler to loop varargs of flags and bitwise or them together.
local function imguibor(...)
-- Obtain the arguments in a loopable table..
local args = { n = select('#', ...), ... };
local ret = 0;
for x = 1, args.n do
ret = bit.bor(ret, args[x]);
return ret;
ashita.gui.bor = imguibor;


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.logging = ashita.logging or { };
ashita.logging.level = ashita.logging.level or { };
-- Logging Level
ashita.logging.level.None = 0; -- Logs a normal message.
ashita.logging.level.Information = 1; -- Logs a warning.
ashita.logging.level.Warning = 2; -- Logs a warning.
ashita.logging.level.Error = 3; -- Logs an error.
ashita.logging.level.Debug = 4; -- Logs a debug message.
-- func: ashita.logging.log
-- desc: Prints a string to the current log file.
local function log(lvl, src, str)
LogManager:Log(lvl, src, str);
ashita.logging.log = log;
-- func: ashita.logging.normal
-- desc: Logs an normal line to the log file.
local function log_normal(src, str)
ashita.logging.log(ashita.logging.level.None, src, str);
ashita.logging.normal = log_normal;
-- func:
-- desc: Logs an information line to the log file.
local function log_info(src, str)
ashita.logging.log(ashita.logging.level.Information, src, str);
end = log_info;
-- func: ashita.logging.warn
-- desc: Logs a warning line to the log file.
local function log_warning(src, str)
ashita.logging.log(ashita.logging.level.Warning, src, str);
ashita.logging.warn = log_warning;
-- func: ashita.logging.error
-- desc: Logs an error line to the log file.
local function log_error(src, str)
ashita.logging.log(ashita.logging.level.Error, src, str);
ashita.logging.error = log_error;
-- func: ashita.logging.debug
-- desc: Logs a debug line to the log file.
local function log_debug(src, str)
ashita.logging.log(ashita.logging.level.Debug, src, str);
ashita.logging.debug = log_debug;


@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- func: math.distance2d
-- desc: Returns the 2D distance between two sets of coords.
function math.distance2d(x1, y1, x2, y2)
local x = x2 - x1;
local y = y2 - y1;
return math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
-- func: math.distance3d
-- desc: Returns the 3D distance between two sets of coords.
function math.distance3d(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
local x = x2 - x1;
local y = y2 - y1;
local z = z2 - z1;
return math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z));
-- func: math.degree2rad
-- desc: Converts a degree to a radian.
function math.degree2rad(d)
local pi = 3.14159265359;
return d * (pi / 180);
-- func: math.rad2degree
-- desc: Converts a radian to a degree.
function math.rad2degree(r)
local pi = 3.14159265359;
return r * (180 / pi);
-- func: math.clamp
-- desc: Clamps a number between a min and max value.
function math.clamp(n, min, max)
if (n < min) then return min; end
if (n > max) then return max; end
return n;
-- func: math.round
-- desc: Rounds a number to the given decimal places.
function math.round(n, dp)
local m = 10 ^ (dp or 0);
return math.floor(n * m + 0.5) / m;
-- func: math.d3dcolor
-- desc: Converts the given ARGB values to make a D3DCOLOR.
function math.d3dcolor(a, r, g, b)
local a = bit.lshift(, 0xFF), 24);
local r = bit.lshift(, 0xFF), 16);
local g = bit.lshift(, 0xFF), 08);
local b =, 0xFF);
return bit.bor(bit.bor(a, r), bit.bor(g, b));
-- func: math.bin2int
-- desc: Converts a binary number to an integer.
function math.bin2int(b)
return tonumber(b, 2);
-- func: math.int2bin
-- desc: Converts an integer to a binary number.
function math.int2bin(i)
local s = string.format('%o', i);
local a = { ["0"] = "000", ["1"] = "001", ["2"] = "010", ["3"] = "011", ["4"] = "100", ["5"] = "101", ["6"] = "110", ["7"] = "111" };
local b = string.gsub(s, "(.)", function(d) return a[d]; end);
return b;
-- func: math.rngrnd
-- desc: Generates a ranged random number between a min and max point.
function math.rngrnd(l, h)
return l + (h - l) * math.random();
-- func: math.truncate
-- desc: Returns a number towards zero.
function math.truncate(n, dp)
local m = 10 ^ (dp or 0);
local f = num < 0 and math.ceil or math.floor;
return f(n * m) / m;


@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.settings = ashita.settings or { };
if (ashita.settings.JSON == nil) then
ashita.settings.JSON = require('json.json');
-- func: normalize_path
-- desc: Normalizes a paths slashes to a single format.
local function normalize_path(path)
local p = path:gsub('/', '\\');
local i = p:find('\\');
while (i ~= nil) do
if (p:sub(i + 1, i + 1) == '\\') then
p = p:remove(i);
i = p:find('\\');
i = p:find('\\', i + 1);
return p;
-- func: path_from_file
-- desc: Obtains a path from a file location.
local function path_from_file(f)
-- Ensure the given data has a file extension..
if (f:find('%.') == nil) then
return f;
-- Find the location of the first slash..
local s = f:find('\\');
if (s == nil) then return f; end
-- Find the last slash location..
while (true) do
local c = f:find('\\', s + 1);
if (c == nil) then break; end
s = c;
-- Pull and return the file path..
return f:sub(0, s - 1);
-- func: save_settings
-- desc: Saves a table, as JSON, to the given file.
local function save_settings(name, t)
-- Convert the table to json..
local data = ashita.settings.JSON:encode_pretty(t, nil, { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = ' ' });
if (data == nil) then
error('Failed to convert data to JSON for saving.');
return false;
-- Normalize the path..
local name = normalize_path(name);
-- Ensure the path exists..
local dir = path_from_file(name);
if (not ashita.file.dir_exists(dir)) then
-- Save the config file..
local f =, 'w');
if (f == nil) then
error('Failed to save configuration.');
return false;
-- Write and close the file..
return true;
end = save_settings;
-- func: load_settings
-- desc: Loads a json settings file and converts its data to a Lua table.
local function load_settings(name)
-- Load the file for reading..
local f =, 'r');
if (f == nil) then
return nil;
-- Read the full file contents..
local raw = f:read('*a');
-- Convert the JSON to a Lua table..
local data = ashita.settings.JSON:decode(raw);
if (type(data) == 'table') then return data; end
-- Failed to convert..
return nil;
ashita.settings.load = load_settings;
-- func: load_settings_merged
-- desc: Loads a json settings file and converts its data to a Lua table. Afterward, merges the
-- loaded settings into the parent table.
local function load_settings_merged(name, parent)
-- Ensure the parent table is valid..
if (parent == nil or type(parent) ~= 'table') then
return nil;
-- Load the settings..
local data = ashita.settings.load(name);
if (data == nil) then
return parent;
-- Merge the tables..
return table.merge(parent, data);
ashita.settings.load_merged = load_settings_merged;


@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- func: string.contains
-- desc: Determines if a string contains the given sub-string.
function string.contains(s, v)
return s:find(v, nil, true) ~= nil;
-- func: string.startswith
-- desc: Determines if a string begins with a specific string.
function string.startswith(s, v)
return s:sub(1, #v) == v;
-- func: string.endswith
-- desc: Determines if a string ends with a specific string.
function string.endswith(s, v)
return s:sub(-#v) == v;
-- func: string.upperfirst
-- desc: Uppercases the first letter of a string.
function string.upperfirst(s)
return s:sub(1, 1):upper() .. s:sub(2);
-- func: string.toproper
-- desc: Converts a string to proper casing.
function string.toproper(s)
local ret = '';
local t = { };
for x = 1, s:len() do
t[x] = s:sub(x, x);
if (t[x - 1] == ' ' or x == 1) then
t[x] = t[x]:upperfirst();
ret = ret .. t[x];
return ret;
-- func: string.insert
-- desc: Inserts data into the current string at the given position.
function string.insert(s, p, v)
local part = s:sub(1, p - 1);
return part .. v .. s:sub(#part + 1);
-- func: string.remove
-- desc: Removes the character at the given index.
function string.remove(s, index)
return s:sub(0, index - 1) .. s:sub(index + 1);
-- func: string.lpad
-- desc: Pads a string 'n' times with the given string.
function string.lpad(s, v, n)
return (v:rep(n) .. s):sub(-(n > #s and n or #s));
-- func: string.rpad
-- desc: Pads a string 'n' times with the given string.
function string.rpad(s, v, n)
return (s .. v:rep(n)):sub(1, -(n > #s and n or #s));
-- func: string.hex
-- desc: Converts a strings value to a hex string.
function string.hex(s, sep)
sep = sep or ' ';
local ret = '';
for _, v in pairs(s:totable()) do
ret = ret .. string.format('%02X', v) .. sep;
return ret:trim();
-- func: string.fromhex
-- desc: Converts a hex value to a string.
function string.fromhex(s)
s = s:gsub('%s*0x', ''):gsub('[^%w]', '');
return (s:gsub('%w%w', function(c) return string.char(tonumber(c, 16)); end));
-- func: string.totable
-- desc: Converts the characters of a string to a table.
function string.totable(s)
local ret = { };
for x = 1, string.len(s) do
ret[x] = string.byte(s, x);
return ret;
-- func: string.clean
-- desc: Cleans a string of whitespace.
function string.clean(s, trimend)
if (trimend == nil) then trimend = true; end
if (trimend) then
return s:gsub('%s+', ' '):trim();
return (s:gsub('%s+', ' '));
-- func: string.trimstart
-- desc: Trims the start of a string for whitespace.
function string.trimstart(s, c)
if (not c) then c = ' '; end
s = string.reverse(s);
s = string.trimend(s, c);
return string.reverse(s);
-- func: string.trimend
-- desc: Trims the end of a string for whitespace.
function string.trimend(s, c)
if (not c) then c = ' '; end
if (string.sub(s, -1) == c) then
s = string.sub(s, 0, -2);
s = string.trimend(s, c);
return s;
-- func: string.trim
-- desc: Trims a string of whitespace.
function string.trim(s, c)
if (not c) then c = ' '; end
s = string.trimstart(s, c);
s = string.trimend(s, c);
return s;
-- func: string.args
-- desc: Returns a table of arguments parsed from a string.
function string:args()
local STATE_NONE = 0; -- Currently within nothing..
local STATE_WORD = 1; -- Currently within a word..
local STATE_QUOTE = 2; -- Currently within a quote..
local currentState = STATE_NONE;
local currentChar = nil;
local nextChar = nil;
local stringStart = nil;
local args = { };
-- Loop the string and self any arguments..
for x = 1, string.len(self) do
-- Read the current characters..
currentChar = string.sub(self, x, x);
nextChar = string.sub(self, x + 1, x+1);
-- Handle non-state..
if (currentState == STATE_NONE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
stringStart = x+1;
currentState = STATE_QUOTE;
if (currentChar ~= ' ') then
stringStart = x;
currentState = STATE_WORD;
-- Handle quoted string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_QUOTE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
currentState = STATE_NONE;
table.insert(args, #args+1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
-- Handle word string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
if (currentChar == ' ' or nextChar == nil or nextChar == '\0') then
currentState = STATE_NONE;
table.insert(args, #args+1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
print('args - Unknown state.');
-- If in a word insert into the args table..
if (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, #self + 1));
-- Return the found arguments..
return args;
-- func: string.is_quoted_arg
-- desc: Determines if the string is quoted.
function string.is_quoted_arg()
local arg = string.match(self, "^\"(.*)\"$");
return (arg ~= nil), arg;
-- func: string.parseargs
-- desc: Returns a table of arguments parsed from a string.
function string:parseargs()
local STATE_NONE = 0; -- Currently within nothing..
local STATE_WORD = 1; -- Currently within a word..
local STATE_QUOTE = 2; -- Currently within a quote..
local currentState = STATE_NONE;
local currentChar = nil;
local nextChar = nil;
local stringStart = nil;
local prefix = nil;
local args = { };
-- Loop the string and self any arguments..
for x = 1, string.len(self) do
-- Read the current characters..
currentChar = string.sub(self, x, x);
nextChar = string.sub(self, x + 1, x + 1);
-- Ensure the command starts with a slash..
if (x == 1 and currentChar ~= '/') then
return nil;
-- Handle non-state..
if (currentState == STATE_NONE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
stringStart = x;
currentState = STATE_QUOTE;
elseif (currentChar ~= ' ') then
stringStart = x;
currentState = STATE_WORD;
-- Handle quoted string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_QUOTE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x));
currentState = STATE_NONE;
-- Handle word string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
if (currentChar == ' ') then
table.insert(args, #args+1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
if (prefix == nil) then
prefix = args[#args];
currentState = STATE_NONE;
elseif (nextChar == nil or nextChar == '\0') then
-- This section never actually seems to get hit during processing.
-- Regardless, it needs to use a different endpoint than the block above.
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x));
if (prefix == nil) then
prefix = args[#args];
currentState = STATE_NONE;
elseif (prefix == nil and currentChar == '/' and x == (stringStart + 1)) then
-- If command line starts with //, put that in its own argument field
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x));
prefix = args[#args];
currentState = STATE_NONE;
elseif (currentChar == '"') then
-- A quote mark should start a new quote arg, even if there is no space delimiter.
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
currentState = STATE_QUOTE;
stringStart = x;
print('parseargs - Unknown state.');
-- If in a word insert into the args table..
if (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, #self));
-- Return the found arguments..
return args;


@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- func: table.copy
-- desc: Creates a new copy of the given table.
function table.copy(t)
-- Ensure the incoming object is a table..
if (type(t) ~= 'table') then
return 't';
local t_mt = getmetatable(t);
local copy = { };
-- Make a copy of all inner-tables..
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if (type(v) == 'table') then
v = table.copy(v);
copy[k] = v;
-- Update the metatable..
setmetatable(copy, t_mt);
return copy;
-- func: table.count
-- desc: Returns the count of elements in the table.
function table.count(t)
local count = 0;
for _, _ in pairs(t) do
count = count + 1;
return count;
-- func: table.haskey
-- desc: Determines if the table has a given key.
function table.haskey(t, key)
for k, _ in pairs(t) do
if (k == key) then
return true;
return false;
-- func: table.hasvalue
-- desc: Determines if the table has the given value.
function table.hasvalue(t, val)
for _, v in pairs(t) do
if (v == val) then
return true;
return false;
-- func: table.merge
-- desc: Merges a table into another one, populating missing entries.
function table.merge(src, dest)
for k, v in pairs(src) do
if (type(v) == 'table') then
if (dest[k] == nil) then
dest[k] = v;
table.merge(v, dest[k]);
if (dest[k] == nil) then
dest[k] = v;
return dest;
-- func: table.null
-- desc: Nils all values of the given table.
function table.null(t)
for k, _ in pairs(t) do
t[k] = nil;
-- func: table.reverse
-- desc: Reverses the order of elements in a table.
function table.reverse(t)
local len = #t;
local ret = { };
for x = len, 1, -1 do
ret[len - x + 1] = t[x];
return ret;
-- func: table.sortbykey
-- desc: Sorts the given table by its keys.
function table.sortbykey(t, desc)
local ret = { };
for k, _ in pairs(t) do
table.insert(ret, k);
if (desc) then
table.sort(ret, function(a, b) return t[a] < t[b]; end);
table.sort(ret, function(a, b) return t[a] > t[b]; end);
return ret;
-- func: table.sum
-- desc: Gets the sum of all number elements of a table.
function table.sum(t)
local val = 0;
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if (type(v) == 'number') then
val = val + v;
return val;
-- func: table.mult
-- desc: Gets the product of all number elements of a table.
function table.mult(t)
local val = 0;
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if (type(v) == 'number') then
val = val * v;
return val;
-- func: table.min
-- desc: Returns the lowest numeric value within a table.
function table.min(t)
local val = nil;
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if (type(v) == 'number') then
if (val == nil) then
val = v;
if (v < val) then
val = v;
return val;
-- func: table.max
-- desc: Returns the highest numeric value within a table.
function table.max(t)
local val = nil;
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
if (type(v) == 'number') then
if (val == nil) then
val = v;
if (v > val) then
val = v;
return val;
-- func: table.join
-- desc: Joins a tables values together into a string with the given separator.
function table.join(t, sep)
local ret = '';
sep = sep or '';
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if (#ret == 0) then
ret = tostring(v);
ret = ret .. sep .. tostring(v);
return ret;
-- func: table.foreach
-- desc: Executes the given function against each table value.
function table.foreach(t, func)
local ret = T{ };
for k, v in pairs(t) do
ret[k] = func(k, v);
return ret;
-- func: table.keys
-- desc: Returns a table of keys from the given table.
function table.keys(t)
local ret = { };
local count = 1;
for k, _ in pairs(t) do
ret[count] = k;
count = count + 1;
return ret;
-- func: T
-- desc: Creates a metatable enabled table object.
function T(t)
return setmetatable(t, { __index = table });


@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
ashita = ashita or { };
ashita.timer = ashita.timer or { };
-- Timer Status Definition
local TIMER_PAUSED = 0;
local TIMER_STOPPED = 1;
local TIMER_RUNNING = 2;
-- Timer Table Definitions
ashita.timer.timers = { };
ashita.timer.timersonce = { };
-- func: create_timer
-- desc: Creates a timer object inside of the timer table.
local function create_timer(name)
if (ashita.timer.timers[name] == nil) then
ashita.timer.timers[name] = { };
ashita.timer.timers[name].Status = TIMER_STOPPED;
return true;
return false;
-- func: remove_timer
-- desc: Removes a timer from the timer table.
local function remove_timer(name)
ashita.timer.timers[name] = nil;
-- func: is_timer
-- desc: Determines if the given name is a valid timer.
local function is_timer(name)
return ashita.timer.timers[name] ~= nil;
-- func: once
-- desc: Creates a one-time timer that fires after the given delay.
local function once(delay, func, ...)
local t = { };
t.Finish = os.time() + delay;
if (func) then
t.Function = func;
f.Args = {...};
table.insert(ashita.timer.timersonce, t);
return true;
-- func: create
-- desc: Creates a timer.
local function create(name, delay, reps, func, ...)
if (ashita.timer.is_timer(name)) then
ashita.timer.adjust_timer(name, delay, reps, func, unpack({...}));
-- func: start_timer
-- desc: Starts a timer by its name.
local function start_timer(name)
if (ashita.timer.is_timer(name)) then
ashita.timer.timers[name].n = 0;
ashita.timer.timers[name].Status = TIMER_RUNNING;
ashita.timer.timers[name].Last = os.time();
return true;
return false;
-- func: adjust_timer
-- desc: Updates a timer objects properties.
local function adjust_timer(name, delay, reps, func, ...)
ashita.timer.timers[name].Delay = delay;
ashita.timer.timers[name].Reps = reps;
ashita.timer.timers[name].Args = {...};
if (func ~= nil) then
ashita.timer.timers[name].Function = func;
return true;
-- func: pause
-- desc: Pauses a timer.
local function pause(name)
if (ashita.timer.is_timer(name)) then
if (ashita.timer.timers[name].Status == TIMER_RUNNING) then
ashita.timer.timers[name].Diff = os.time() - ashita.timer.timers[name].Last;
ashita.timer.timers[name].Status = TIMER_PAUSED;
return true;
return false;
-- func: unpause
-- desc: Unpauses a timer.
local function unpause(name)
if (ashita.timer.is_timer(name)) then
if (ashita.timer.timers[name].Status == TIMER_RUNNING) then
ashita.timer.timers[name].Diff = nil;
ashita.timer.timers[name].Status = TIMER_RUNNING;
return true;
return false;
-- func: toggle
-- desc: Toggles a timers paused state.
local function toggle(name)
if (ashita.timer.is_timer(name)) then
if (ashita.timer.timers[name].Status == TIMER_PAUSED) then
return ashita.timer.unpause(name);
elseif (ashita.timer.timers[name].Status == TIMER_RUNNING) then
return ashita.timer.pause(name);
return false;
-- func: stop
-- desc: Stops a timer.
local function stop(name)
if (ashita.timer.is_timer(name)) then
ashita.timer.timers[name].Status = TIMER_STOPPED;
return true;
return false;
-- func: pulse
-- desc: Pulses the timer tables to allow timers to run.
local function pulse(name)
-- Handle the normal timers..
for k, v in pairs(ashita.timer.timers) do
if (v.Status == TIMER_PAUSED) then
v.Last = os.timer() - v.Diff;
elseif (v.Status == TIMER_RUNNING and (v.Last + v.Delay) <= os.time()) then
v.Last = os.time();
v.n = v.n + 1;
-- Call the timer function..
local a, b, c, d, e, f = pcall(v.Function, unpack(v.Args));
if (a == nil or a == false) then
print( .. ' - timer.lua pcall error: ' .. tostring(b));
-- Stop the timer after its reps were met..
if (v.n >= v.Reps and v.Reps > 0) then
-- Handle the once timers..
for k, v in pairs(ashita.timer.timersonce) do
if (v.Finish <= os.timer()) then
local a, b, c, d, e, f = pcall(v.Function, unpack(v.Args));
if (a == nil or a == false) then
print( .. ' - timer.lua pcall error: ' .. tostring(b));
-- Remove the timer..
ashita.timer.timersonce[name] = nil;
ashita.register_event('timerpulse', pulse);
-- Expose The Functions
ashita.timer.create_timer = create_timer;
ashita.timer.remove_timer = remove_timer;
ashita.timer.is_timer = is_timer;
ashita.timer.once = once;
ashita.timer.create = create;
ashita.timer.start_timer = start_timer;
ashita.timer.adjust_timer = adjust_timer;
ashita.timer.pause = pause;
ashita.timer.unpause = unpause;
ashita.timer.toggle = toggle;
ashita.timer.stop = stop;
ashita.timer.pulse = pulse;


@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
]]-- = 'atom0s'; = 'timestamp';
_addon.version = '3.0.0';
require 'common'
-- Configurations
local default_config =
color = 200,
format = '%H:%M:%S',
open_bracket = '[',
close_bracket = ']'
local configs = default_config;
-- func: load
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being loaded.
ashita.register_event('load', function()
-- Load the configuration file..
configs = ashita.settings.load_merged(_addon.path .. '/settings/settings.json', configs);
-- func: unload
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being unloaded.
ashita.register_event('unload', function()
-- Save the configuration file.. .. '/settings/settings.json', configs);
-- func: incoming_text
-- desc: Event called when the addon is asked to handle an incoming chat line.
ashita.register_event('incoming_text', function(mode, message, modifiedmode, modifiedmessage, blocked)
-- Do nothing if the line is already blocked..
if (blocked) then return false; end
-- Handle the modified message if its set..
if (modifiedmessage ~= nil and #modifiedmessage > 0) then
message = modifiedmessage;
-- Skip ignored chat modes..
local ignored = T{
-- Synergy
600, 702, 909, 919,
-- Linkshell / System Messages
200, 973
if (ignored:hasvalue(mode)) then
return false;
-- Create and apply the timestamp..
local timestamp ='\31\%c[%s]\30\01 ', configs.color, configs.format));
return timestamp .. message;


@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
]]-- = 'atom0s'; = 'tparty';
_addon.version = '3.0.0';
require 'common'
-- Variables
local tparty = { };
tparty.targethpp_str = '__tparty_targethpp'; -- The base name used for a string object.
tparty.partytpp_str = '__tparty_partytpp'; -- The base name used for a string object.
-- func: load
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being loaded.
ashita.register_event('load', function()
-- Pull the current configuration info for position calculations..
tparty.window_x = AshitaCore:GetConfigurationManager():get_int32('boot_config', 'window_x', 800);
tparty.window_y = AshitaCore:GetConfigurationManager():get_int32('boot_config', 'window_y', 800);
tparty.menu_x = AshitaCore:GetConfigurationManager():get_int32('boot_config', 'menu_x', 0);
tparty.menu_y = AshitaCore:GetConfigurationManager():get_int32('boot_config', 'menu_y', 0);
-- Ensure the menu sizes have a valid resolution..
if (tparty.menu_x <= 0) then
tparty.menu_x = tparty.window_x;
if (tparty.menu_y <= 0) then
tparty.menu_y = tparty.window_y;
-- Calculate the scaling based on the resolution..
tparty.scale_x = tparty.window_x / tparty.menu_x;
tparty.scale_y = tparty.window_y / tparty.menu_y;
-- Create the target hp % text object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Create(tparty.targethpp_str);
f:SetFontHeight(8 * tparty.scale_y);
-- Create the individual party member labels..
for x = 0, 17 do
f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Create(string.format('%s%d', tparty.partytpp_str, x));
f:SetFontHeight(8 * tparty.scale_y);
f:SetText(string.format('TP: %d', x));
-- func: unload
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being unloaded.
ashita.register_event('unload', function()
-- Cleanup the font objects..
for x = 0, 17 do
AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Delete(string.format('%s%d', tparty.partytpp_str, x));
-- func: render
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being rendered.
ashita.register_event('render', function()
-- Obtain needed information managers..
local party = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty();
local target = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetTarget();
-- Calculate offset position starting points..
local posx = tparty.window_x - (107 * tparty.scale_x);
local posy = tparty.window_y - (34 * tparty.scale_y);
local curx = 0;
local cury = 0;
-- Locate the players zone..
local zone = party:GetMemberZone(0);
-- Handle the players local party..
for x = 0, 5 do
-- Get the current player slot font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get(string.format('%s%d', tparty.partytpp_str, x));
-- Ensure the player is valid to render information for..
if (x ~= 0 and zone ~= party:GetMemberZone(x) or party:GetMemberActive(x) == 0) then
-- Calculate the needed position of the font..
curx = posx;
cury = posy - ((party:GetAllianceParty0MemberCount() - 1 - x) * (20 * tparty.scale_y));
-- Update the font object..
local tp = party:GetMemberCurrentTP(x);
if (tp >= 1000) then
-- Calculate the alliance offsets..
local posx_a0 = posx;
local posy_a0 = tparty.window_y - (389 * tparty.scale_y);
local posx_a1 = posx;
local posy_a1 = tparty.window_y - (288 * tparty.scale_y);
-- Handle the alliance party information..
for x = 6, 17 do
curx = 0;
cury = 0;
-- Calculate the alliance position..
if ((x >= 6) and (x < 12)) then
curx = posx_a0;
cury = posy_a0 + (((x - 6) * 16) * tparty.scale_y);
curx = posx_a1;
cury = posy_a1 + (((x - 12) * 16) * tparty.scale_y);
-- Get the current player slot font object..
local f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get(string.format('%s%d', tparty.partytpp_str, x));
local tp = party:GetMemberCurrentTP(x);
if (tp >= 1000) then
-- Set the visibility of the party members information..
if (party:GetMemberActive(x) == 0 or zone ~= party:GetMemberZone(x)) then
-- Obtain the current target..
local target = ashita.ffxi.targets.get_target('t');
if (target == nil) then
f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get(tparty.targethpp_str);
curx = posx;
cury = posy - (((party:GetAllianceParty0MemberCount() - 1) * 21) + 34) * tparty.scale_y;
f = AshitaCore:GetFontManager():Get(tparty.targethpp_str);