The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

344 lines
14 KiB

* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- func: string.contains
-- desc: Determines if a string contains the given sub-string.
function string.contains(s, v)
return s:find(v, nil, true) ~= nil;
-- func: string.startswith
-- desc: Determines if a string begins with a specific string.
function string.startswith(s, v)
return s:sub(1, #v) == v;
-- func: string.endswith
-- desc: Determines if a string ends with a specific string.
function string.endswith(s, v)
return s:sub(-#v) == v;
-- func: string.upperfirst
-- desc: Uppercases the first letter of a string.
function string.upperfirst(s)
return s:sub(1, 1):upper() .. s:sub(2);
-- func: string.toproper
-- desc: Converts a string to proper casing.
function string.toproper(s)
local ret = '';
local t = { };
for x = 1, s:len() do
t[x] = s:sub(x, x);
if (t[x - 1] == ' ' or x == 1) then
t[x] = t[x]:upperfirst();
ret = ret .. t[x];
return ret;
-- func: string.insert
-- desc: Inserts data into the current string at the given position.
function string.insert(s, p, v)
local part = s:sub(1, p - 1);
return part .. v .. s:sub(#part + 1);
-- func: string.remove
-- desc: Removes the character at the given index.
function string.remove(s, index)
return s:sub(0, index - 1) .. s:sub(index + 1);
-- func: string.lpad
-- desc: Pads a string 'n' times with the given string.
function string.lpad(s, v, n)
return (v:rep(n) .. s):sub(-(n > #s and n or #s));
-- func: string.rpad
-- desc: Pads a string 'n' times with the given string.
function string.rpad(s, v, n)
return (s .. v:rep(n)):sub(1, -(n > #s and n or #s));
-- func: string.hex
-- desc: Converts a strings value to a hex string.
function string.hex(s, sep)
sep = sep or ' ';
local ret = '';
for _, v in pairs(s:totable()) do
ret = ret .. string.format('%02X', v) .. sep;
return ret:trim();
-- func: string.fromhex
-- desc: Converts a hex value to a string.
function string.fromhex(s)
s = s:gsub('%s*0x', ''):gsub('[^%w]', '');
return (s:gsub('%w%w', function(c) return string.char(tonumber(c, 16)); end));
-- func: string.totable
-- desc: Converts the characters of a string to a table.
function string.totable(s)
local ret = { };
for x = 1, string.len(s) do
ret[x] = string.byte(s, x);
return ret;
-- func: string.clean
-- desc: Cleans a string of whitespace.
function string.clean(s, trimend)
if (trimend == nil) then trimend = true; end
if (trimend) then
return s:gsub('%s+', ' '):trim();
return (s:gsub('%s+', ' '));
-- func: string.trimstart
-- desc: Trims the start of a string for whitespace.
function string.trimstart(s, c)
if (not c) then c = ' '; end
s = string.reverse(s);
s = string.trimend(s, c);
return string.reverse(s);
-- func: string.trimend
-- desc: Trims the end of a string for whitespace.
function string.trimend(s, c)
if (not c) then c = ' '; end
if (string.sub(s, -1) == c) then
s = string.sub(s, 0, -2);
s = string.trimend(s, c);
return s;
-- func: string.trim
-- desc: Trims a string of whitespace.
function string.trim(s, c)
if (not c) then c = ' '; end
s = string.trimstart(s, c);
s = string.trimend(s, c);
return s;
-- func: string.args
-- desc: Returns a table of arguments parsed from a string.
function string:args()
local STATE_NONE = 0; -- Currently within nothing..
local STATE_WORD = 1; -- Currently within a word..
local STATE_QUOTE = 2; -- Currently within a quote..
local currentState = STATE_NONE;
local currentChar = nil;
local nextChar = nil;
local stringStart = nil;
local args = { };
-- Loop the string and self any arguments..
for x = 1, string.len(self) do
-- Read the current characters..
currentChar = string.sub(self, x, x);
nextChar = string.sub(self, x + 1, x+1);
-- Handle non-state..
if (currentState == STATE_NONE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
stringStart = x+1;
currentState = STATE_QUOTE;
if (currentChar ~= ' ') then
stringStart = x;
currentState = STATE_WORD;
-- Handle quoted string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_QUOTE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
currentState = STATE_NONE;
table.insert(args, #args+1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
-- Handle word string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
if (currentChar == ' ' or nextChar == nil or nextChar == '\0') then
currentState = STATE_NONE;
table.insert(args, #args+1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
print('args - Unknown state.');
-- If in a word insert into the args table..
if (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, #self + 1));
-- Return the found arguments..
return args;
-- func: string.is_quoted_arg
-- desc: Determines if the string is quoted.
function string.is_quoted_arg()
local arg = string.match(self, "^\"(.*)\"$");
return (arg ~= nil), arg;
-- func: string.parseargs
-- desc: Returns a table of arguments parsed from a string.
function string:parseargs()
local STATE_NONE = 0; -- Currently within nothing..
local STATE_WORD = 1; -- Currently within a word..
local STATE_QUOTE = 2; -- Currently within a quote..
local currentState = STATE_NONE;
local currentChar = nil;
local nextChar = nil;
local stringStart = nil;
local prefix = nil;
local args = { };
-- Loop the string and self any arguments..
for x = 1, string.len(self) do
-- Read the current characters..
currentChar = string.sub(self, x, x);
nextChar = string.sub(self, x + 1, x + 1);
-- Ensure the command starts with a slash..
if (x == 1 and currentChar ~= '/') then
return nil;
-- Handle non-state..
if (currentState == STATE_NONE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
stringStart = x;
currentState = STATE_QUOTE;
elseif (currentChar ~= ' ') then
stringStart = x;
currentState = STATE_WORD;
-- Handle quoted string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_QUOTE) then
if (currentChar == '"') then
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x));
currentState = STATE_NONE;
-- Handle word string state..
elseif (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
if (currentChar == ' ') then
table.insert(args, #args+1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
if (prefix == nil) then
prefix = args[#args];
currentState = STATE_NONE;
elseif (nextChar == nil or nextChar == '\0') then
-- This section never actually seems to get hit during processing.
-- Regardless, it needs to use a different endpoint than the block above.
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x));
if (prefix == nil) then
prefix = args[#args];
currentState = STATE_NONE;
elseif (prefix == nil and currentChar == '/' and x == (stringStart + 1)) then
-- If command line starts with //, put that in its own argument field
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x));
prefix = args[#args];
currentState = STATE_NONE;
elseif (currentChar == '"') then
-- A quote mark should start a new quote arg, even if there is no space delimiter.
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, x - 1));
currentState = STATE_QUOTE;
stringStart = x;
print('parseargs - Unknown state.');
-- If in a word insert into the args table..
if (currentState == STATE_WORD) then
table.insert(args, #args + 1, string.sub(self, stringStart, #self));
-- Return the found arguments..
return args;