Adding feature for duplicate and storage items. Updated slips. #5

atom0s sapludināja 2 revīzijas no :master uz master pirms 6 gadiem
Fel komentēja pirms 6 gadiem

This PR includes the addition of:

  1. Updated to latest slips data (as of 7/15/2018 from windower resources)
  2. Addition of /finddupes to find duplicate items
  3. Addition of /findslips (#) to show which items can be stored on slips.
  4. Updated README with screenshots / examples
This PR includes the addition of: 1. Updated to latest slips data (as of 7/15/2018 from windower resources) 2. Addition of `/finddupes` to find duplicate items 3. Addition of `/findslips (#)` to show which items can be stored on slips. 4. Updated README with screenshots / examples
atom0s aizvēra šo izmaiņu pieprasījumu pirms 6 gadiem
Izmaiņu pieprasījums tika sapludināts ar revīziju 43c3111aab.
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