9 changed files with 416 additions and 0 deletions
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--[[ |
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s [atom0s@live.com] |
* |
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
* To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ or send a letter to |
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. |
* |
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms. |
* |
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were |
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor |
* endorses you or your use. |
* |
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes. |
* |
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the |
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original |
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project. |
* |
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others |
* from doing anything the license permits. |
* |
* No warranties are given. |
]]-- |
_addon.author = 'atom0s'; |
_addon.name = 'Chatmon'; |
_addon.version = '3.0.0'; |
require 'common' |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Configurations |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
local default_config = |
{ |
alerts = |
{ |
-- Settings for when an incoming tell happens.. |
['tell'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'incoming_tell.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when an incoming GM tell happens.. |
['gmtell'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'GM_alert.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when an incoming chat message contains your name.. |
['linkshell'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'talked_about.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
['party'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'talked_about.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
['say'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'talked_about.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when an incoming party invite occurs.. |
['invite'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'party_invite.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when you are mentioned in an emote.. |
['emote'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'incoming_emote.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when you are examined.. |
['examined'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'you_have_been_examined.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when you gain a skillup.. |
['skillup'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'skillup.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
-- Settings for when you have a full inventory.. |
['inventory'] = |
{ |
enabled = true, |
sound = 'full_inventory.wav', |
repeat_delay = 5 |
}, |
} |
}; |
local chatmon_config = default_config; |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- Variables |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
local chatmon = |
{ |
talk_gmtell_last_alert = 0, |
talk_linkshell_last_alert = 0, |
talk_party_last_alert = 0, |
talk_say_last_alert = 0, |
talk_tell_last_alert = 0, |
invite_last_alert = 0, |
emote_last_alert = 0, |
examined_last_alert = 0, |
skillup_last_alert = 0, |
inventory_full_last_alert = 0, |
}; |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: play_alert_sound |
-- desc: Small wrapper to play a sound clip from a static location. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
local function play_alert_sound(name) |
-- Ensure the main config table exists.. |
if (chatmon_config == nil or type(chatmon_config) ~= 'table') then |
return false; |
end |
-- Ensure the alerts table exists.. |
local t = chatmon_config.alerts; |
if (t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table') then |
return false; |
end |
-- Ensure the configuration table exists for the given name.. |
t = t[name]; |
if (t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table') then |
return false; |
end |
-- Play the sound file.. |
local fullpath = string.format('%s\\sounds\\%s', _addon.path, t.sound); |
ashita.misc.play_sound(fullpath); |
end |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: alert_enabled |
-- desc: Determines if the given alert exists and is enabled. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
local function alert_enabled(name) |
-- Ensure the main config table exists.. |
if (chatmon_config == nil or type(chatmon_config) ~= 'table') then |
return false; |
end |
-- Ensure the alerts table exists.. |
local t = chatmon_config.alerts; |
if (t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table') then |
return false; |
end |
-- Ensure the configuration table exists for the given name.. |
t = t[name]; |
if (t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table') then |
return false; |
end |
-- Attempt to obtain the enabled flag.. |
local enabled = t.enabled; |
if (enabled == nil) then |
return false; |
end |
return enabled; |
end |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: alert_delay |
-- desc: Returns the alerts configured delay. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
local function alert_delay(name) |
-- Ensure the main config table exists.. |
if (chatmon_config == nil or type(chatmon_config) ~= 'table') then |
return 5; |
end |
-- Ensure the alerts table exists.. |
local t = chatmon_config.alerts; |
if (t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table') then |
return 5; |
end |
-- Ensure the configuration table exists for the given name.. |
t = t[name]; |
if (t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table') then |
return 5; |
end |
-- Attempt to obtain the repeat_delay flag.. |
local repeat_delay = t.repeat_delay; |
if (repeat_delay == nil) then |
return 5; |
end |
return tonumber(repeat_delay); |
end |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: is_inventory_full |
-- desc: Returns if the inventory is full. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
local function is_inventory_full() |
local inventory = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetInventory(); |
-- Obtain the current inventory count.. |
local count = 0; |
for x = 1, 80 do |
local item = inventory:GetItem(0, x); |
if (item.Id ~= 0) then |
count = count + 1; |
end |
end |
-- Determine if we have a full inventory.. |
if (count >= (inventory:GetContainerMax(0) - 1)) then |
return true; |
end |
return false; |
end |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: load |
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being loaded. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ashita.register_event('load', function() |
-- Load the configuration file.. |
chatmon_config = ashita.settings.load_merged(_addon.path .. '/settings/chatmon.json', chatmon_config); |
end); |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: unload |
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being unloaded. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ashita.register_event('unload', function() |
-- Save the configuration file.. |
ashita.settings.save(_addon.path .. '/settings/chatmon.json', chatmon_config); |
end); |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: command |
-- desc: Event called when the addon is asked to handle a command. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ashita.register_event('command', function(command, ntype) |
-- Ensure we should handle this command.. |
local args = command:args(); |
if (#args <= 1 or args[1] ~= '/chatmon') then |
return false; |
end |
-- We are handling a mute command.. |
if (#args == 3 and args[2] == 'mute') then |
-- Ensure this alert exists to mute.. |
if (chatmon_config['alerts'][args[3]] ~= nil) then |
-- Disable this alert.. |
chatmon_config['alerts'][args[3]].enabled = false; |
print(string.format('ChatMon: Disabled alerts for: \'%s\'', args[3])); |
return true; |
end |
return true; |
end |
-- We are handling an enable command.. |
if (#args == 3 and args[2] == 'enable') then |
-- Ensure this alert exists to enable.. |
if (chatmon_config['alerts'][args[3]] ~= nil) then |
-- Enable this alert.. |
chatmon_config['alerts'][args[3]].enabled = true; |
print(string.format('ChatMon: Enabled alerts for: \'%s\'', args[3])); |
return true; |
end |
return true; |
end |
return true; |
end); |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: incoming_text |
-- desc: Event called when the addon is asked to handle an incoming chat line. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ashita.register_event('incoming_text', function(mode, chat) |
-- Obtain the current players name.. |
local name = string.lower(AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty():GetMemberName(0)); |
-- /say - /shout - /yell |
if ((mode == 9 or mode == 10 or mode == 11) and alert_enabled('say') and chat:lower():contains(name)) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.talk_say_last_alert) >= alert_delay('say')) then |
chatmon.talk_say_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('say'); |
end |
end |
-- /party |
if (mode == 13 and alert_enabled('party') and chat:lower():contains(name)) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.talk_party_last_alert) >= alert_delay('party')) then |
chatmon.talk_party_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('party'); |
end |
end |
-- /linkshell |
if (mode == 14 and alert_enabled('linkshell') and chat:lower():contains(name)) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.talk_linkshell_last_alert) >= alert_delay('linkshell')) then |
chatmon.talk_linkshell_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('linkshell'); |
end |
end |
--[[ |
-- /emote |
if (mode == 15 and alert_enabled('emote') and chat:lower():contains(name)) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.emote_last_alert) >= alert_delay('emote')) then |
chatmon.emote_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('emote'); |
end |
end]] |
-- /examined |
if (mode == 208 and alert_enabled('examined')) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.examined_last_alert) >= alert_delay('examined')) then |
chatmon.examined_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('examined'); |
end |
end |
-- Skill Gain |
if (mode == 129 and alert_enabled('skillup')) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.skillup_last_alert) >= alert_delay('skillup')) then |
chatmon.skillup_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('skillup'); |
end |
end |
-- Party Invite |
if (mode == 391 and alert_enabled('invite')) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.invite_last_alert) >= alert_delay('invite')) then |
chatmon.invite_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('invite'); |
end |
end |
-- Check if inventory is full.. |
if (mode ~= 0 and alert_enabled('inventory') and is_inventory_full()) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.inventory_full_last_alert) >= alert_delay('inventory')) then |
chatmon.inventory_full_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('inventory'); |
end |
end |
return false; |
end ); |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-- func: incoming_packet |
-- desc: Called when our addon receives an incoming packet. |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
ashita.register_event('incoming_packet', function(id, size, packet) |
-- Check for incoming tells.. |
if (id == 0x17 and struct.unpack('b', packet, 0x04 + 1) == 0x03) then |
-- Is this a tell from a player.. |
if (struct.unpack('b', packet, 0x05 + 1) == 0 and alert_enabled('tell')) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.talk_tell_last_alert) >= alert_delay('tell')) then |
chatmon.talk_tell_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('tell'); |
end |
end |
-- Is this a tell from a GM.. |
if (struct.unpack('b', packet, 0x05 + 1) ~= 0 and alert_enabled('tell')) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.talk_gmtell_last_alert) >= alert_delay('gmtell')) then |
chatmon.talk_gmtell_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('gmtell'); |
end |
end |
end |
-- Incoming emote.. |
if (id == 0x5A) then |
local target = struct.unpack('H', packet, 0x08 + 1); |
if (GetPlayerEntity().ServerID == target) then |
if ((os.time() - chatmon.emote_last_alert) >= alert_delay('emote')) then |
chatmon.emote_last_alert = os.time(); |
play_alert_sound('emote'); |
end |
end |
end |
return false; |
end); |
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