Browse Source

Initial code commit.

atom0s 8 years ago
  1. 159
  2. 58
  3. 296


@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
]]-- = 'atom0s'; = 'filterscan';
_addon.version = '3.0.0';
require 'common'
require 'mobparse'
-- Variables
local FilterScan =
FFXiPath = ashita.file.get_install_dir(0, 1) .. '\\',
MobList = { },
ZoneDatList = require('zonemoblist'),
Filter = ''
-- func: UpdateZoneMobList
-- desc: Updates the zone mob list.
local function UpdateZoneMobList(zoneId)
-- Attempt to get the dat file for this entry..
local dat = FilterScan.ZoneDatList[zoneId];
if (dat == nil) then
FilterScan.MobList = { };
return false;
-- Attempt to parse the dat file..
FilterScan.MobList = ParseZoneMobDat(FilterScan.FFXiPath .. dat);
return true;
-- func: MobNameFromTargetIndex
-- desc: Returns the mob name from the given target index.
local function MobNameFromTargetIndex(targetIndex)
if (FilterScan.MobList == nil) then
return nil;
for _, v in pairs(FilterScan.MobList) do
if (v[1] == targetIndex) then
return v[2];
return nil;
-- func: load
-- desc: Event called when the addon is being loaded.
ashita.register_event('load', function()
-- Parse the players current zone if we are in-game..
if (AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty():GetMemberActive(0) > 0) then
local zoneId = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty():GetMemberZone(0);
print('Loaded zone mobs.')
-- func: command
-- desc: Event called when a command was entered.
ashita.register_event('command', function(command, ntype)
-- Ensure we should handle this command..
local args = command:args();
if (args[1] ~= '/filterscan') then
return false;
-- Pull the filter from the command..
FilterScan.Filter = (string.gsub(command, '/filterscan', '')):trim()
print(string.format('[FilterScan] Set new filter to: %s', FilterScan.Filter));
return true;
-- func: incoming_packet
-- desc: Called when our addon receives an incoming packet.
ashita.register_event('incoming_packet', function(id, size, data)
-- Check for zone-in packets..
if (id == 0x0A) then
-- Are we zoning into a mog house..
if (struct.unpack('b', data, 0x80 + 1) == 1) then
return false;
-- Pull the zone id from the packet..
local zoneId = struct.unpack('H', data, 0x30 + 1);
if (zoneId == 0) then
zoneId = struct.unpack('H', data, 0x42 + 1);
-- Update our mob list..
-- Handle incoming widescan result packets..
if (id == 0xF4) then
local targetIndex = struct.unpack('H', data, 0x04 + 1);
local mobName = MobNameFromTargetIndex(targetIndex);
if (mobName == nil) then
return false;
-- Filter by name..
if (mobName:lower():find(FilterScan.Filter:lower()) ~= nil) then
return false;
-- Filter by target index..
if (targetIndex == tonumber(FilterScan.Filter, 16)) then
return false;
if (tostring(targetIndex) == FilterScan.Filter) then
return false;
-- Ignore all non-matching entries..
return true;
-- This should never happen here..
return true;
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- func: ParseZoneMobDat
-- desc: Parses a zone monster dat for monster name and id entries.
function ParseZoneMobDat( path )
-- Attempt to open the DAT file..
local f = path, 'rb' );
if (f == nil) then
return nil;
-- Attempt to obtain the file size..
local curr = f:seek();
local size = f:seek( 'end' );
f:seek( 'set', 0 );
-- Ensure the file size is valid.. (Entries are 0x1C in length)
if (size == 0 or ((size - math.floor( size / 0x20 ) * 0x20) ~= 0)) then
return nil;
-- Parse each entry from the file..
local mobEntries = { };
for x = 0, ((size / 0x20) - 1) do
local mobData = f:read(0x20);
local mobName, mobId = struct.unpack('c28L', mobData);
table.insert(mobEntries, {, 0x0FFF), mobName });
return mobEntries;


@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
local ZoneDatList = { };
ZoneDatList[0x0001] = "\\ROM3\\2\\111.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0002] = "\\ROM3\\2\\112.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0003] = "\\ROM3\\2\\113.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0004] = "\\ROM3\\2\\114.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0005] = "\\ROM3\\2\\115.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0006] = "\\ROM3\\2\\116.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0007] = "\\ROM3\\2\\117.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0008] = "\\ROM3\\2\\118.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0009] = "\\ROM3\\2\\119.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x000A] = "\\ROM3\\2\\120.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x000B] = "\\ROM3\\2\\121.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x000C] = "\\ROM3\\2\\122.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x000D] = "\\ROM3\\2\\123.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x000E] = "\\ROM3\\2\\124.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x000F] = "\\ROM\\25\\80.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0010] = "\\ROM3\\2\\126.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0011] = "\\ROM3\\2\\127.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0012] = "\\ROM3\\3\\0.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0013] = "\\ROM3\\3\\1.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0014] = "\\ROM3\\3\\2.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0015] = "\\ROM3\\3\\3.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0016] = "\\ROM3\\3\\4.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0017] = "\\ROM3\\3\\5.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0018] = "\\ROM3\\3\\6.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0019] = "\\ROM3\\3\\7.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x001A] = "\\ROM3\\3\\8.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x001B] = "\\ROM3\\3\\9.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x001C] = "\\ROM3\\3\\10.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x001D] = "\\ROM3\\3\\11.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x001E] = "\\ROM3\\3\\12.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x001F] = "\\ROM3\\3\\13.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0020] = "\\ROM3\\3\\14.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0021] = "\\ROM3\\3\\15.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0022] = "\\ROM3\\3\\16.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0023] = "\\ROM3\\3\\17.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0024] = "\\ROM3\\3\\18.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0025] = "\\ROM3\\3\\19.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0026] = "\\ROM3\\3\\20.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0027] = "\\ROM3\\3\\21.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0028] = "\\ROM3\\3\\22.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0029] = "\\ROM3\\3\\23.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x002A] = "\\ROM3\\3\\24.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x002B] = "\\ROM3\\3\\25.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x002C] = "\\ROM3\\3\\26.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x002D] = "\\ROM\\25\\110.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x002E] = "\\ROM4\\1\\45.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x002F] = "\\ROM4\\1\\46.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0030] = "\\ROM4\\1\\47.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0031] = "\\ROM4\\1\\48.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0032] = "\\ROM4\\1\\49.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0033] = "\\ROM4\\1\\50.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0034] = "\\ROM4\\1\\51.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0035] = "\\ROM4\\1\\52.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0036] = "\\ROM4\\1\\53.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0037] = "\\ROM4\\1\\54.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0038] = "\\ROM4\\1\\55.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0039] = "\\ROM4\\1\\56.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x003A] = "\\ROM4\\1\\57.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x003B] = "\\ROM4\\1\\58.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x003C] = "\\ROM4\\1\\59.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x003D] = "\\ROM4\\1\\60.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x003E] = "\\ROM4\\1\\61.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x003F] = "\\ROM4\\1\\62.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0040] = "\\ROM4\\1\\63.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0041] = "\\ROM4\\1\\64.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0042] = "\\ROM4\\1\\65.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0043] = "\\ROM4\\1\\66.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0044] = "\\ROM4\\1\\67.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0045] = "\\ROM4\\1\\68.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0046] = "\\ROM4\\1\\69.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0047] = "\\ROM4\\1\\70.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0048] = "\\ROM4\\1\\71.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0049] = "\\ROM4\\1\\72.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x004A] = "\\ROM4\\1\\73.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x004B] = "\\ROM4\\1\\74.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x004C] = "\\ROM4\\1\\75.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x004D] = "\\ROM4\\1\\76.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x004E] = "\\ROM4\\1\\77.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x004F] = "\\ROM4\\1\\78.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0050] = "\\ROM\\26\\17.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0051] = "\\ROM\\26\\18.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0052] = "\\ROM\\26\\19.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0053] = "\\ROM\\26\\20.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0054] = "\\ROM\\26\\21.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0055] = "\\ROM\\26\\22.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0056] = "\\ROM\\26\\23.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0057] = "\\ROM\\26\\24.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0058] = "\\ROM\\26\\25.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0059] = "\\ROM\\26\\26.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x005A] = "\\ROM\\26\\27.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x005B] = "\\ROM\\26\\28.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x005C] = "\\ROM\\26\\29.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x005D] = "\\ROM\\26\\30.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x005E] = "\\ROM\\26\\31.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x005F] = "\\ROM\\26\\32.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0060] = "\\ROM\\26\\33.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0061] = "\\ROM\\26\\34.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0062] = "\\ROM\\26\\35.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0063] = "\\ROM\\26\\36.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0064] = "\\ROM\\26\\37.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0065] = "\\ROM\\26\\38.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0066] = "\\ROM\\26\\39.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0067] = "\\ROM\\26\\40.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0068] = "\\ROM\\26\\41.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0069] = "\\ROM\\26\\42.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x006A] = "\\ROM\\26\\43.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x006B] = "\\ROM\\26\\44.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x006C] = "\\ROM\\26\\45.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x006D] = "\\ROM\\26\\46.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x006E] = "\\ROM\\26\\47.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x006F] = "\\ROM\\26\\48.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0070] = "\\ROM\\26\\49.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0071] = "\\ROM2\\13\\95.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0072] = "\\ROM2\\13\\96.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0073] = "\\ROM\\26\\52.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0074] = "\\ROM\\26\\53.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0075] = "\\ROM\\26\\54.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0076] = "\\ROM\\26\\55.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0077] = "\\ROM\\26\\56.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0078] = "\\ROM\\26\\57.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0079] = "\\ROM2\\13\\97.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x007A] = "\\ROM2\\13\\98.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x007B] = "\\ROM2\\13\\99.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x007C] = "\\ROM2\\13\\100.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x007D] = "\\ROM2\\13\\101.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x007E] = "\\ROM\\26\\63.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x007F] = "\\ROM\\26\\64.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0080] = "\\ROM2\\13\\102.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0081] = "\\ROM\\26\\66.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0082] = "\\ROM2\\13\\103.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0083] = "\\ROM\\26\\68.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0084] = "\\ROM\\26\\69.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0086] = "\\ROM2\\13\\104.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0087] = "\\ROM2\\13\\105.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0088] = "\\ROM\\26\\73.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0089] = "\\ROM\\26\\74.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x008A] = "\\ROM\\26\\75.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x008B] = "\\ROM\\26\\76.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x008C] = "\\ROM\\26\\77.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x008D] = "\\ROM\\26\\78.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x008E] = "\\ROM\\26\\79.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x008F] = "\\ROM\\26\\80.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0090] = "\\ROM\\26\\81.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0091] = "\\ROM\\26\\82.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0092] = "\\ROM\\26\\83.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0093] = "\\ROM\\26\\84.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0094] = "\\ROM\\26\\85.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0095] = "\\ROM\\26\\86.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0096] = "\\ROM\\26\\87.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0097] = "\\ROM\\26\\88.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0098] = "\\ROM\\26\\89.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0099] = "\\ROM2\\13\\106.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x009A] = "\\ROM2\\13\\107.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x009B] = "\\ROM\\26\\92.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x009C] = "\\ROM\\26\\93.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x009D] = "\\ROM\\26\\94.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x009E] = "\\ROM\\26\\95.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x009F] = "\\ROM2\\13\\108.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A0] = "\\ROM2\\13\\109.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A1] = "\\ROM\\26\\98.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A2] = "\\ROM\\26\\99.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A3] = "\\ROM2\\13\\110.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A3] = "\\ROM2\\13\\110.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A4] = "\\ROM\\26\\101.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A5] = "\\ROM\\26\\102.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A6] = "\\ROM\\26\\103.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A7] = "\\ROM\\26\\104.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A8] = "\\ROM2\\13\\111.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00A9] = "\\ROM\\26\\106.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00AA] = "\\ROM2\\13\\112.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00AB] = "\\ROM\\26\\108.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00AC] = "\\ROM\\26\\109.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00AD] = "\\ROM2\\13\\113.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00AE] = "\\ROM2\\13\\114.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00AF] = "\\ROM\\26\\112.dat";
ZoneDatList[0x00B0] = "\\ROM2\\13\\115.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B1] = "\\ROM2\\13\\116.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B2] = "\\ROM2\\13\\117.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B3] = "\\ROM2\\13\\118.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B4] = "\\ROM2\\13\\119.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B5] = "\\ROM2\\13\\120.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B6] = "\\ROM\\26\\119.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B7] = "\\ROM\\26\\120.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B8] = "\\ROM\\26\\121.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00B9] = "\\ROM2\\13\\121.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00BA] = "\\ROM2\\13\\122.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00BB] = "\\ROM2\\13\\123.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00BC] = "\\ROM2\\13\\124.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00BE] = "\\ROM\\26\\127.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00BF] = "\\ROM\\27\\0.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C0] = "\\ROM\\27\\1.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C1] = "\\ROM\\27\\2.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C2] = "\\ROM\\27\\3.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C3] = "\\ROM\\27\\4.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C4] = "\\ROM\\27\\5.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C5] = "\\ROM\\27\\6.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C6] = "\\ROM\\27\\7.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C8] = "\\ROM\\27\\9.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00C9] = "\\ROM2\\13\\125.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00CA] = "\\ROM2\\13\\126.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00CB] = "\\ROM2\\13\\127.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00CC] = "\\ROM\\27\\13.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00CD] = "\\ROM2\\14\\0.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00CE] = "\\ROM\\27\\13.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00CF] = "\\ROM2\\14\\1.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D0] = "\\ROM2\\14\\2.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D1] = "\\ROM2\\14\\3.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D3] = "\\ROM2\\14\\4.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D4] = "\\ROM2\\14\\5.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D5] = "\\ROM2\\14\\6.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D6] = "\\ROM\\27\\15.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D7] = "\\ROM\\27\\24.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D8] = "\\ROM\\27\\25.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00D9] = "\\ROM\\27\\26.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00DA] = "\\ROM\\27\\27.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00DC] = "\\ROM\\27\\29.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00DD] = "\\ROM\\27\\30.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00DF] = "\\ROM\\27\\32.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E0] = "\\ROM\\27\\33.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E1] = "\\ROM\\27\\34.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E2] = "\\ROM2\\14\\7.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E3] = "\\ROM\\27\\36.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E4] = "\\ROM\\27\\37.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E6] = "\\ROM\\27\\39.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E7] = "\\ROM\\27\\40.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E8] = "\\ROM\\27\\41.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00E9] = "\\ROM\\27\\42.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00EA] = "\\ROM\\27\\43.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00EB] = "\\ROM\\27\\44.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00EC] = "\\ROM\\27\\45.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00ED] = "\\ROM\\27\\46.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00EE] = "\\ROM\\27\\47.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00EF] = "\\ROM\\27\\48.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F0] = "\\ROM\\27\\49.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F1] = "\\ROM\\27\\50.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F2] = "\\ROM\\27\\51.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F3] = "\\ROM\\27\\52.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F4] = "\\ROM\\27\\53.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F5] = "\\ROM\\27\\54.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F6] = "\\ROM\\27\\55.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F7] = "\\ROM2\\14\\8.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F8] = "\\ROM\\27\\57.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00F9] = "\\ROM\\27\\58.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00FA] = "\\ROM2\\14\\9.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00FB] = "\\ROM2\\14\\10.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00FC] = "\\ROM2\\14\\11.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00FD] = "\\ROM\\27\\62.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00FE] = "\\ROM\\27\\63.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x00FF] = "\\ROM\\27\\64.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0100] = "\\ROM9\\6\\45.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0101] = "\\ROM9\\6\\46.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0102] = "\\ROM9\\6\\47.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0103] = "\\ROM9\\6\\48.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0104] = "\\ROM9\\6\\49.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0105] = "\\ROM9\\6\\50.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0106] = "\\ROM9\\6\\51.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0107] = "\\ROM9\\6\\52.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0108] = "\\ROM9\\6\\53.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0109] = "\\ROM9\\6\\54.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x010A] = "\\ROM9\\6\\55.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x010B] = "\\ROM9\\6\\56.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x010C] = "\\ROM9\\6\\57.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x010D] = "\\ROM9\\6\\58.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x010E] = "\\ROM9\\6\\59.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x010F] = "\\ROM9\\6\\60.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x0110] = "\\ROM9\\6\\61.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x011B] = "\\ROM9\\6\\72.DAT";
ZoneDatList[0x011C] = "\\ROM9\\6\\73.DAT";
return ZoneDatList;