Manage blue magic spells simple and easy with some slash commands.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

353 lines
14 KiB

* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s [[email protected]]
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
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* No warranties are given.
-- Variables
local bluemage = {}; -- The overall table this library uses.
bluemage.queue = {}; -- The queue to handle events this library does.
bluemage.delay = 0.65; -- The delay to prevent spamming packets.
bluemage.timer = 0; -- The current time used for delaying packets.
bluemage.mem = {}; -- The table holding memory specific data.
bluemage.mem.offset1 = 0; -- The value for the current set blue spells.
bluemage.mem.offset2 = 0; -- The memory location for the current blue magic point info.
-- func: msg
-- desc: Prints out a message with the addon tag at the front.
function msg(s)
local txt = '\31\200[\31\05' .. .. '\31\200]\31\130 ' .. s;
-- func: err
-- desc: Prints out an error message with the addon tag at the front.
function err(s)
local txt = '\31\200[\31\05' .. .. '\31\200]\31\39 ' .. s;
-- func: initialize
-- desc: Prepares this library for usage.
function bluemage.initialize()
-- Locate the pointers needed for this library..
local pointer1 = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'C1E1032BC8B0018D????????????B9????????F3A55F5E5B', 10, 0);
local pointer2 = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'A1????????33C98A4E5E33D28A565D5F5E8950148948185B83C414C20400', 1, 0);
-- Ensure the patterns were found..
if (pointer1 == 0 or pointer2 == 0) then
err('Failed to locate required pattern(s).');
return false;
-- Read the first pointers value..
local offset1 = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer1);
if (offset1 == 0) then
err('Failed to read required pointer value. (1)');
return false;
-- Read the first pointers value..
local offset2 = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer2);
if (offset2 == 0) then
err('Failed to read required pointer value. (2)');
return false;
-- Store the values..
bluemage.mem.offset1 = offset1;
bluemage.mem.offset2 = offset2;
-- func: is_blue_main
-- desc: Determines if the players main job is blue mage.
function bluemage.is_blue_main()
return (AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetMainJob() == 16);
-- func: is_blue_sub
-- desc: Determines if the players sub job is blue mage.
function bluemage.is_blue_sub()
return (AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetSubJob() == 16);
-- func: get_spent_points
-- desc: Obtains the current spent blue magic points.
function bluemage.get_spent_points()
-- Determine if the blue points offset is valid..
if (bluemage.mem.offset2 == 0) then
err('Cannot read blue spell points; pointer is invalid.');
return -1;
-- Read the pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(bluemage.mem.offset2);
if (pointer == 0) then
return -1;
-- Return the spent count..
return ashita.memory.read_uint8(pointer + 0x14);
-- func: get_max_points
-- desc: Obtains the max available blue magic points.
function bluemage.get_max_points()
-- Determine if the blue points offset is valid..
if (bluemage.mem.offset2 == 0) then
err('Cannot read blue spell points; pointer is invalid.');
return -1;
-- Read the pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(bluemage.mem.offset2);
if (pointer == 0) then
return -1;
-- Return the spent count..
return mem.ashita.memory.read_uint8(pointer + 0x18);
-- func: get_spells
-- desc: Obtains the current blue mage spells that are set.
function bluemage.get_spells()
local spells = {};
local offset = 0x04;
-- Determine if the blue spell offset is valid..
if (bluemage.mem.offset1 == 0) then
err('Cannot read blue spells; pointer is invalid.');
return {};
-- Offset shifts 0xA0 if player is subbed blue..
if (bluemage.is_blue_sub()) then
offset = 0xA0;
-- Read the inventory pointer..
local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(AshitaCore:GetPointerManager():GetPointer('inventory'));
if (pointer == 0) then
return {};
-- Read the inventory pointer..
pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer);
if (pointer == 0) then
return {};
-- Read the spell data..
return ashita.memory.read_array((pointer + bluemage.mem.offset1) + offset, 0x14);
-- func: get_spell_names
-- desc: Obtains the current blue mage spells that are set. (Names)
function bluemage.get_spell_names()
-- Obtain the current spell list..
local spells = bluemage.get_spells();
if (spells == nil or #spells == 0) then
return {};
-- Loop the spells and obtain their names..
local names = {};
for k, v in pairs(spells) do
-- Obtain only valid set spells..
if (v ~= 0) then
-- Obtain the spell..
local spell = AshitaCore:GetResourceManager():GetSpellById(v + 512);
if (spell == nil) then
err(string.format('Failed to obtain spell name for spell id: %d', v + 512));
table.insert(names, spell.Name[0]);
return names;
-- func: reset_all_spells
-- desc: Resets all current set spells to nothing.
function bluemage.reset_all_spells()
-- Obtain the current spells..
local spells = bluemage.get_spells();
if (spells == nil or #spells == 0) then
-- Prepare some packet variables..
local isSubBlu = 0;
if (bluemage.is_blue_sub() == 16) then
isSubBlu = 1;
-- Build the packet..
local packet = string.char(0x02, 0x53, 0x00, 0x00) .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, isSubBlu, 0x00, 0x00);
for x = 1, 20 do
packet = packet .. string.char(spells[x]);
packet = packet .. string.rep(string.char(0x00), 0x84);
packet = packet:totable();
-- Add the packet to our queue..
table.insert(bluemage.queue, { 0x102, packet });
-- func: set_spell
-- desc: Sets a blue mage spell. (Or removes one if the id is 0.)
function bluemage.set_spell(id, index)
-- Determine if the blue spell offset is valid..
if (bluemage.mem.offset1 == 0) then
err('Cannot set blue spell; pointer is invalid.');
return false;
-- Obtain the current spells..
local spells = bluemage.get_spells();
if (spells == nil or #spells == 0) then
return false;
-- If the id is 0, we want to remove the spell in the given slot..
if (id == 0) then
-- Obtain the current spell at the given index..
local spell = spells[index];
if (spell == nil or spell == 0) then
return true;
-- Prepare some packet variables..
local isSubBlu = 0;
if (bluemage.is_blue_sub() == true) then
isSubBlu = 1;
-- Build the packet..
local packet = string.char(0x02, 0x53, 0x00, 0x00) .. string.char(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, isSubBlu, 0x00, 0x00);
packet = packet .. string.rep(string.char(0x00), index - 1) .. string.char(spell);
packet = packet .. string.rep(string.char(0x00), 0x98 - index);
packet = packet:totable();
-- Add the packet to our queue..
table.insert(bluemage.queue, { 0x102, packet });
-- Calculate the spell id..
local spell = id - 512;
if (spell < 0) then
err(string.format('Cannot set blue spell; invalid spell id given. (%d)', spell));
return false;
-- Prepare some packet variables..
local isSubBlu = 0;
if (bluemage.is_blue_sub() == true) then
isSubBlu = 1;
-- Build the packet..
local packet = string.char(0x02, 0x53, 0x00, 0x00) .. string.char(spell, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, isSubBlu, 0x00, 0x00);
packet = packet .. string.rep(string.char(0x00), index - 1) .. string.char(spell);
packet = packet .. string.rep(string.char(0x00), 0x98 - index);
packet = packet:totable();
-- Add the packet to our queue..
table.insert(bluemage.queue, { 0x102, packet });
-- func: set_spell_by_name
-- desc: Sets a blue mage spell by name. (Or removes one if the name is empty.)
function bluemage.set_spell_by_name(name, index)
-- Remove the spell if the name is null or empty..
if (name == nil or name == '') then
return bluemage.set_spell(0, index);
-- Obtain the spells information by its name..
local spell = AshitaCore:GetResourceManager():GetSpellByName(name, 0);
if (spell == nil) then
err('Failed to obtain spell information for spell: ' .. name);
-- Ensure this is a blue mage spell..
if (spell.Index < 512 or spell.Index > 1024) then
err('Failed to set spell: ' .. name .. ' - Spell is invalid or not a blue mage spell.');
-- Set the spell..
bluemage.set_spell(spell.Index, index);
-- func: process_queue
-- desc: Processes the packet queue to be sent.
function bluemage.process_queue()
if (os.clock() >= (bluemage.timer + bluemage.delay)) then
bluemage.timer = os.clock();
-- Ensure the queue has something to process..
if (#bluemage.queue > 0) then
-- Obtain the first queue entry..
local data = table.remove(bluemage.queue, 1);
-- Send the queued object..
AddOutgoingPacket(data[1], data[2]);
-- Returns the blue mage table.
return bluemage;