Packer is a full rewrite and replacement of the DressMe plugin with extended features. Packer makes full use of the new packet system for the maximum possible speed.
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<priority> <!--Set the order in which your containers are filled. Simply omit a container to remove it from the order.-->
<safe equip="true" /> <!--If equip is set to true, packer will be allowed to put equippable items in that container.-->
<storage />
<locker />
<satchel />
<sack usable="true" /> <!--If usable is set to true, packer will be allowed to put usable items in that container.-->
<case other="true" /> <!--If other is set to true, packer will be allowed to put non-equippable and non-usable items in that container.-->
<wardrobe />
<safe2 equip="true" usable="true" other="true" /> <!--You can allow multiple kinds of items to be stored in the same container. All 3 tags will allow all items to be stored there that the game allows.-->
<wardrobe2 />
<wardrobe3 />
<wardrobe4 />
<inventory> <!--Define items that should never be stored.-->
<safe> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in mog safe.-->
<item augment="S176231485494" quantity="1">Otronif Gloves +1</item>
<!--Both tags are optional. Quantity can be set to 'all', and will default to 1 if the tag isn't there.-->
<safe2> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in second mog safe.-->
<storage> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in storage.-->
<locker> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in locker.-->
<satchel> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in satchel.-->
<sack> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in sack.-->
<case> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in case.-->
<wardrobe> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->
<item>Dim. Ring (Holla)</item>
<item>Dim. Ring (Dem)</item>
<item>Dim. Ring (Mea)</item>
<item>Trizek Ring</item>
<item>Echad Ring</item>
<item>Warp Ring</item>
<item>Mecisto. Mantle</item>
<item>Nexus Cape</item>
<wardrobe2> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->
<wardrobe3> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->
<wardrobe4> <!--Define items you want to always be stored in wardrobe.-->