WatchEXP allows you to watch how much EXP or Merit Points you're gaining, as well as shows other information such as time left in abyssea, lights accrued and dynamis time extensions.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

966 lines
29 KiB

#include "WatchEXP.h"
#include "CommandParse.h"
: m_AshitaCore(nullptr)
, m_PluginId(0)
, m_Direct3DDevice(nullptr)
, m_ExpObj(nullptr)
, m_AbyTimeStart(0)
, m_DynTimeStart(0)
, m_BaseTimeEXP(0)
, m_BaseTimeCR(0)
, m_resetTime(NULL)
, font_size(0)
, m_reset_min(0)
, m_CurrentZoneID(0)
, m_LastZoneRecorded(0)
, m_Dyna_Crm('X')
, m_Dyna_Azr('X')
, m_Dyna_Amb('X')
, m_Dyna_Alab('X')
, m_Dyna_Obs('X')
, m_vTime(0)
, m_DynaTime(0)
, m_xpKill(0)
, m_xpTotal(0)
, m_xpTest(0)
, m_crKill(0)
, m_crTotal(0)
, m_prl(0)
, m_gld(0)
, m_slv(0)
, m_ebn(0)
, m_azr(0)
, m_rby(0)
, m_amb(0)
, backTrans(0)
, m_IsInAbyssea(false)
, m_IsInDynamis(false)
, show_XP_M_always(false)
, m_autoreset(false)
{ }
{ }
plugininfo_t WatchEXP::GetPluginInfo(void)
return *g_PluginInformation;
bool WatchEXP::Initialize(IAshitaCore* core, ILogManager* log, uint32_t id)
// Store the variables we are passed..
this->m_AshitaCore = core;
this->m_PluginId = id;
return true;
void WatchEXP::Release(void)
bool WatchEXP::HandleCommand(const char* pszCommand, int nCommandType)
if (pszCommand == nullptr)
return false;
if (_strnicmp(pszCommand, "/wexp", 4) == 0)
std::vector<std::string> args;
Ashita::Commands::GetCommandArgs(pszCommand, &args);
if (args[1] == "reset")
m_crTotal = 0, m_xpTotal = 0, m_xpKill = 0, m_crKill = 0;
m_BaseTimeEXP = time(nullptr), m_BaseTimeCR = time(nullptr);
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("WatchEXP was reset!");
return true;
if (args[1] == "config")
return true;
return false;
//bool WatchEXP::HandleNewChatLine(short sMode, char* pszChatLine)
bool WatchEXP::HandleIncomingText(int16_t sMode, const char* pszChatLine, int16_t* modifiedMode, char* modifiedMessage, bool blocked)
std::string data;
std::vector< std::string > temp;
data = ScrubChat(pszChatLine);
//Holds matches
std::smatch m;
#pragma region Search Pattern
//Regex Searches
std::regex xp_inc("gains\\s\\d+\\s(experience|limit)\\spoints");
std::regex xp_chain("EXP\\schain\\s\\d+\\s\\w+\\sgains\\s\\d+\\sexperience\\spoints");
std::regex cru_inc("obtained\\s\\d+\\scruor", std::regex_constants::icase);
std::regex vis_wear("Your\\svisitant\\sstatus\\swill\\swear\\soff\\sin\\s\\d+\\sminutes");
std::regex vis_inc("Your\\svisitant\\sstatus\\shas\\sbeen\\sextended\\sby\\s\\d+\\sminutes");
std::regex vis_exit("Exiting\\sin\\s\\d+\\sminutes");
std::regex vis_pegs("Visitant\\sLight\\sIntensity\\sPearlescent\\s\\d+\\sEbon\\s\\d+\\sGolden\\s\\d+\\sSilvery\\s\\d+");
std::regex vis_azram("Azure\\s\\d+\\sRuby\\s\\d+\\sAmber\\s\\d+");
std::regex light_pearl("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\spearlescent\\slight");
std::regex light_azure("body\\semits\\sa\\sfeeble\\sazure\\slight");
std::regex light_ruby("body\\semits\\sa\\sfeeble\\sruby\\slight");
std::regex light_amber("body\\semits\\sa\\sfeeble\\samber\\slight");
std::regex light_gold("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\sgolden\\slight");
std::regex light_silver("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\ssilvery\\slight");
std::regex light_ebon("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\sebon\\slight");
std::regex dyn_start("sands");
std::regex dyn_start2("hourglass");
std::regex dyn_extend("Dynamis");
std::regex dyn_extend2("extended");
std::regex dyn_expelled("expelled");
//Used to get all the numbers
std::regex get_number("\\d+");
if (sMode == 121)
if (std::regex_search(data, xp_chain))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
if (temp.size() >= 1)
m_xpKill = std::stoi(temp[temp.size() - 1]);
m_xpKill = 0;
m_xpTotal += m_xpKill;
if (sMode == 131)
if (std::regex_search(data, xp_inc))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
if (temp.size() >= 1)
m_xpKill = std::stoi(temp[temp.size() - 1]);
m_xpKill = 0;
m_xpTotal += m_xpKill;
else if (sMode == 633)
if (std::regex_search(data, cru_inc))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
if (temp.size() >= 1)
m_crKill = std::stoi(temp[temp.size() - 1]);
m_crKill = 0;
m_crTotal += m_crKill;
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_inc))
m_vTime += 10;
else if (sMode == 653)
if ((std::regex_search(data, dyn_expelled)) && (std::regex_search(data, dyn_extend)))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_DynaTime = std::stoi(m.str());
m_DynTimeStart = time(nullptr);
else if (sMode == 658)
if ((std::regex_search(data, dyn_extend)) && (std::regex_search(data, dyn_extend2)))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_DynaTime += std::stoi(m.str());
m_DynTimeStart = time(nullptr);
else if (sMode == 660)
if ((std::regex_search(data, dyn_start)) && (std::regex_search(data, dyn_start2)))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_DynaTime = std::stoi(m.str());
if (std::regex_search(data, vis_exit))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_vTime = std::stoi(m.str());
else if (std::regex_search(data, cru_inc))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_crKill = std::stoi(m.str());
m_crTotal += m_crKill;
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_wear))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_vTime = std::stoi(m.str());
m_AbyTimeStart = time(nullptr);
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_pegs))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
//Corrects Pearlescent Values
m_prl = std::stoi(temp[0]);
//Corrects Ebon Values
m_ebn = std::stoi(temp[1]);
//Corrects Gold Values
m_gld = std::stoi(temp[2]);
//Corrects Silvery Values
m_slv = std::stoi(temp[3]);
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_azram))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
//Corrects Azure Values
m_azr = std::stoi(temp[0]);
//Corrects Ruby Values
m_rby = std::stoi(temp[1]);
//Corrects Amber Values
m_amb = std::stoi(temp[2]);
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_pearl))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 230
if (m_prl + 5 > 230)
m_prl = 230;
m_prl += 5;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_gold))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 200
if (m_gld + 5 > 200)
m_gld = 200;
m_gld += 5;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_silver))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 200
if (m_slv + 5 > 200)
m_slv = 200;
m_slv += 5;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_ebon))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 200
if (m_ebn + 1 > 200)
m_ebn = 200;
m_ebn += 1;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_azure))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 255
if (m_azr + 8 > 255)
m_azr = 255;
m_azr += 8;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_ruby))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 255
if (m_rby + 8 > 255)
m_rby = 255;
m_rby += 8;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_amber))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 255
if (m_amb + 8 > 255)
m_amb = 255;
m_amb += 8;
#pragma endregion
return false;
bool WatchEXP::Direct3DInitialize(IDirect3DDevice8* lpDevice)
this->m_Direct3DDevice = lpDevice;
m_ExpObj = m_AshitaCore->GetFontManager()->Create("EXP_ID");
m_BaseTimeEXP = time(nullptr);
m_BaseTimeCR = time(nullptr);
return true;
void WatchEXP::Direct3DRelease(void)
void WatchEXP::Direct3DRender(void)
__declspec(dllexport) double __stdcall GetInterfaceVersion(void)
__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall CreatePluginInfo(plugininfo_t* info)
g_PluginInformation = info;
strcpy_s(info->Author, sizeof(info->Author), "Praenuntiae (ported by Vicrelant)");
strcpy_s(info->Name, sizeof(info->Name), "WatchEXP");
info->InterfaceVersion = ASHITA_INTERFACE_VERSION;
info->PluginVersion = 3.0f;
info->Priority = 0;
__declspec(dllexport) IPlugin* __stdcall CreatePlugin(void)
return (IPlugin*)new WatchEXP();
#pragma region GetConfig
void WatchEXP::GetConfig()
auto iConfigResult = false;
auto iTemp = 0;
iConfigResult = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->Load("WatchEXP", "WatchEXP");
if (iConfigResult != 0)
auto szBuffer = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_string("WatchEXP", "font_name");
strcpy_s(font_name, szBuffer);
font_size = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_int32("WatchEXP", "font_size", 11);
show_XP_M_always = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_bool("WatchEXP", "show_both_xp_and_merits_when_capped", false);
m_reset_min = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_int32("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_time", 45);
m_autoreset = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_bool("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_enabled", false);
else if (iConfigResult == 0)
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "font_name", "Arial");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "font_size", "11");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "show_both_xp_and_merits_when_capped", "true");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_time", "45");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_enabled", "false");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->Save("WatchEXP", "WatchEXP");
strcpy_s(font_name, "Arial");
font_size = 11;
show_XP_M_always = false;
m_reset_min = 45;
m_autoreset = false;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doEXPCalculations
void WatchEXP::doEXPCalculations()
char *p;
char expIntoLVL[10] = "", expForLVL[10] = "", expTillLVL[10] = "", lmtIntoLVL[10] = "", lmtTillLVL[10] = "", xpTotal[40] = "", crTotal[40] = "";
m_IsInAbyssea = isInAbyssea(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
m_IsInDynamis = isInDynamis(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
// get the EXP info
unsigned short expIN = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetExpCurrent();
unsigned short expMAX = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetExpNeeded();
unsigned short expLEFT = expMAX - expIN;
// get the Merit info
unsigned short lmtIN = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetLimitPoints();
unsigned short lmtMAX = 10000;
unsigned short lmtLEFT = lmtMAX - lmtIN;
p = expIntoLVL;
makeComma(expIN, p, 0);
p = expForLVL;
makeComma(expMAX, p, 0);
p = expTillLVL;
makeComma(expLEFT, p, 0);
p = lmtIntoLVL;
makeComma(lmtIN, p, 0);
p = lmtTillLVL;
makeComma(lmtLEFT, p, 0);
p = xpTotal;
makeComma(m_xpTotal, p, 0);
p = crTotal;
makeComma(m_crTotal, p, 0);
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMainJobLevel() < 75)
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb, m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm, m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ",
expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal),
m_prl, m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
if ((!show_XP_M_always) && (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMainJobLevel() >= 75))
unsigned char isMeritMode = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetLimitMode();
if ((expLEFT == 1) || (isMeritMode == 224))
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL,
(int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb, m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm,
m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ", lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL,
(int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal),
m_prl, m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ",
lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal,
m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb, m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm, m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ",
expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal), m_prl,
m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
if ((show_XP_M_always) && (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMainJobLevel() >= 75))
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb,
m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm, m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ",
expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal),
crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal), m_prl, m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
// double check the size of the text
if ( == 0)
int window_y = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_int32("boot_config", "window_y", 600);
m_ExpObj->SetPositionY((float)(window_y -;
// set the object information
#pragma endregion
#pragma region returnProjectedEXPperHour
float WatchEXP::returnProjectedEXPperHour(unsigned int expIntoLevel)
float changeInTime = (float(time(nullptr) - m_BaseTimeEXP));
float changeInTimeHR = ((changeInTime / 60) / 60);
if (expIntoLevel == 0)
m_BaseTimeEXP = time(nullptr);
// just in case we don't do a divide by zero
if (changeInTime == 0.0f)
return 0;
return ((((float)expIntoLevel) / changeInTimeHR) / 1000);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region returnProjectedCRUORperHour
float WatchEXP::returnProjectedCRUORperHour(unsigned int cruorLVL)
float changeInTime = (float(time(nullptr) - m_BaseTimeCR));
float changeInTimeHR = ((changeInTime / 60) / 60);
if (cruorLVL == 0)
m_BaseTimeCR = time(nullptr);
// just in case we don't do a divide by zero
if (changeInTime == 0.0f)
return 0;
return ((((float)cruorLVL) / changeInTimeHR) / 1000);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region isInAbyssea
bool WatchEXP::isInAbyssea(int zoneID)
// look for it
for (auto& x : AbysseaZoneIDs)
// Yes!
if (x == zoneID)
return true;
m_prl = 0, m_gld = 0, m_amb = 0, m_slv = 0, m_azr = 0, m_ebn = 0, m_rby = 0, m_vTime = 0;
return false;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region isInDynamis
bool WatchEXP::isInDynamis(int zoneID)
// look for it
for (auto& x : DynamisZoneIDs)
// Yes!
if (x == zoneID)
return true;
m_Dyna_Crm = 'X', m_Dyna_Azr = 'X', m_Dyna_Alab = 'X', m_Dyna_Amb = 'X', m_Dyna_Obs = 'X';
// Nope
return false;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doAbysseaZoneTimings
void WatchEXP::doAbysseaZoneTimings()
// check to see if we are in Abyssea
m_IsInAbyssea = isInAbyssea(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
if (m_IsInAbyssea && (time(nullptr) - m_AbyTimeStart) > 60)
m_AbyTimeStart = time(nullptr);
if (m_vTime != 0)
m_vTime -= 1;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doDynamisZoneTimings
void WatchEXP::doDynamisZoneTimings()
// check to see if we are in Abyssea
m_IsInDynamis = isInDynamis(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
if (m_IsInDynamis && (time(nullptr) - m_DynTimeStart) > 60)
m_DynTimeStart = time(nullptr);
if (m_DynaTime != 0)
m_DynaTime -= 1;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doDynamisKItemCheck
void WatchEXP::doDynamisKItemCheck()
//Checks for Crimson Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1545))
m_Dyna_Crm = 'O';
//Checks for Azure Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1546))
m_Dyna_Azr = 'O';
//Checks for Amber Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1547))
m_Dyna_Amb = 'O';
//Checks for Alabaster Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1548))
m_Dyna_Alab = 'O';
//Checks for Obsidian Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1549))
m_Dyna_Obs = 'O';
#pragma endregion
#pragma region makeComma
void WatchEXP::makeComma(int n, char *p, int count)
int d;
// Get least significant digit
d = n % 10;
// Convert to ascii character and store
*p++ = d + '0';
// Remove least significant digit
// Test for finished
if (n /= 10)
// Not finished, increase digit count,
// test for comma position
if (count >= 3)
// Add the comma and reset the count
*p++ = ',';
count = 0;
// Call this procedure to work on
// remaining part of number
makeComma(n, p, count);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region convertFromHex
int WatchEXP::convertFromHex(std::string hex)
int value = 0;
int a = 0;
int b = hex.length() - 1;
for (; b >= 0; a++, b--)
if (hex[b] >= '0' && hex[b] <= '9')
value += (hex[b] - '0') * (1 << (a * 4));
switch (hex[b])
case 'A':
case 'a':
value += 10 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'B':
case 'b':
value += 11 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'C':
case 'c':
value += 12 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'D':
case 'd':
value += 13 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'E':
case 'e':
value += 14 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'F':
case 'f':
value += 15 * (1 << (a * 4));
return value;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region hextodec
void WatchEXP::hextodec(std::string hex, std::vector<unsigned char>& rgb)
std::string redString, greenString, blueString;
if (, 1, "#") == 0)
//If the prefix # was attached to hex, use the following code
redString = hex.substr(1, 2);
greenString = hex.substr(3, 2);
blueString = hex.substr(5, 2);
else if (, 2, "0x") == 0)
//If the prefix 0x was attached to hex, use the following code
redString = hex.substr(2, 2);
greenString = hex.substr(4, 2);
blueString = hex.substr(6, 2);
//If there is no prefix attached to hex, use this code
redString = hex.substr(0, 2);
greenString = hex.substr(2, 2);
blueString = hex.substr(4, 2);
unsigned char red = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(redString));
unsigned char green = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(greenString));
unsigned char blue = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(blueString));
rgb[0] = red;
rgb[1] = green;
rgb[2] = blue;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region convertTrans
void WatchEXP::convertTrans(unsigned char& trans)
float temp1, temp2;
temp1 = (float)trans;
temp2 = temp1 * (float)2.55;
if (temp2 > 255)
trans = (unsigned char)255;
trans = (unsigned char)temp2;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region checkResetTime
void WatchEXP::checkResetTime()
if (time(nullptr) - m_resetTime > 60)
if (m_xpTest != m_xpTotal)
m_xpTest = m_xpTotal;
m_resetTime = time(nullptr);
else if ((m_xpTest == m_xpTotal) && (m_autoreset))
if (((time(nullptr) - m_resetTime) / 60) >= m_reset_min)
m_resetTime = time(nullptr);
m_crTotal = 0, m_xpTotal = 0, m_xpKill = 0, m_crKill = 0;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region ScrubChat
std::string WatchEXP::ScrubChat(const char* chat_line)
//strings to hold the chat data through the various scrubbing stages
std::string chat_raw;
std::string clean_chat_pass1;
std::string clean_chat_pass2;
std::string clean_chat_pass3;
std::string clean_chat_final;
char szClean[1024];
//regex expressions for parsing the raw chat until it's clean
std::regex parse1("\\x1E\\x05|\\x1E(\\x03|\\x02|\\x01)|\\x7F\\x31|\\x1F(\\x79|\\x7F|\\x7B|\\W)");
std::regex parse2("[[:cntrl:]]|\\W\\W");
std::regex time_stamp("\\x1E\\x03((\\[\\d+(:|/)\\d+(:|/)\\d+(\\]| [AMP]+\\]))|\\[\\d+(:|/)\\d+(:|/)\\d+ - \\d+:\\d+:\\d+(\\]| [AMP]+\\]))\\x1E\\x01\\s+");
std::regex multi_space("\\s+");
memset(szClean, 0, 1024);
//Cleans up any auto translate data so it can be properly parsed
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->ParseAutoTranslate(chat_line, szClean, 1024, false);
chat_raw = chat_line;
//Removes TimeStamp data from beginning of line
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_pass1), chat_raw.begin(), chat_raw.end(), time_stamp, "");
//Removes some control characters from the beginning and end of the string that print as garbage
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_pass2), clean_chat_pass1.begin(), clean_chat_pass1.end(), parse1, "");
//Removes any remaining control characters and replaces them with spaces
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_pass3), clean_chat_pass2.begin(), clean_chat_pass2.end(), parse2, " ");
//Changes any multi space areas to single spaces
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_final), clean_chat_pass3.begin(), clean_chat_pass3.end(), multi_space, " ");
return clean_chat_final;
#pragma endregion