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966 lines
29 KiB
966 lines
29 KiB
8 years ago
#include "WatchEXP.h"
#include "CommandParse.h"
: m_AshitaCore(nullptr)
, m_PluginId(0)
, m_Direct3DDevice(nullptr)
, m_ExpObj(nullptr)
, m_AbyTimeStart(0)
, m_DynTimeStart(0)
, m_BaseTimeEXP(0)
, m_BaseTimeCR(0)
, m_resetTime(NULL)
, font_size(0)
, m_reset_min(0)
, m_CurrentZoneID(0)
, m_LastZoneRecorded(0)
, m_Dyna_Crm('X')
, m_Dyna_Azr('X')
, m_Dyna_Amb('X')
, m_Dyna_Alab('X')
, m_Dyna_Obs('X')
, m_vTime(0)
, m_DynaTime(0)
, m_xpKill(0)
, m_xpTotal(0)
, m_xpTest(0)
, m_crKill(0)
, m_crTotal(0)
, m_prl(0)
, m_gld(0)
, m_slv(0)
, m_ebn(0)
, m_azr(0)
, m_rby(0)
, m_amb(0)
, backTrans(0)
, m_IsInAbyssea(false)
, m_IsInDynamis(false)
, show_XP_M_always(false)
, m_autoreset(false)
{ }
{ }
plugininfo_t WatchEXP::GetPluginInfo(void)
return *g_PluginInformation;
bool WatchEXP::Initialize(IAshitaCore* core, ILogManager* log, uint32_t id)
// Store the variables we are passed..
this->m_AshitaCore = core;
this->m_PluginId = id;
return true;
void WatchEXP::Release(void)
bool WatchEXP::HandleCommand(const char* pszCommand, int nCommandType)
if (pszCommand == nullptr)
return false;
if (_strnicmp(pszCommand, "/wexp", 4) == 0)
std::vector<std::string> args;
Ashita::Commands::GetCommandArgs(pszCommand, &args);
if (args[1] == "reset")
m_crTotal = 0, m_xpTotal = 0, m_xpKill = 0, m_crKill = 0;
m_BaseTimeEXP = time(nullptr), m_BaseTimeCR = time(nullptr);
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("WatchEXP was reset!");
return true;
if (args[1] == "config")
return true;
return false;
//bool WatchEXP::HandleNewChatLine(short sMode, char* pszChatLine)
bool WatchEXP::HandleIncomingText(int16_t sMode, const char* pszChatLine, int16_t* modifiedMode, char* modifiedMessage, bool blocked)
std::string data;
std::vector< std::string > temp;
data = ScrubChat(pszChatLine);
//Holds matches
std::smatch m;
#pragma region Search Pattern
//Regex Searches
std::regex xp_inc("gains\\s\\d+\\s(experience|limit)\\spoints");
std::regex xp_chain("EXP\\schain\\s\\d+\\s\\w+\\sgains\\s\\d+\\sexperience\\spoints");
std::regex cru_inc("obtained\\s\\d+\\scruor", std::regex_constants::icase);
std::regex vis_wear("Your\\svisitant\\sstatus\\swill\\swear\\soff\\sin\\s\\d+\\sminutes");
std::regex vis_inc("Your\\svisitant\\sstatus\\shas\\sbeen\\sextended\\sby\\s\\d+\\sminutes");
std::regex vis_exit("Exiting\\sin\\s\\d+\\sminutes");
std::regex vis_pegs("Visitant\\sLight\\sIntensity\\sPearlescent\\s\\d+\\sEbon\\s\\d+\\sGolden\\s\\d+\\sSilvery\\s\\d+");
std::regex vis_azram("Azure\\s\\d+\\sRuby\\s\\d+\\sAmber\\s\\d+");
std::regex light_pearl("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\spearlescent\\slight");
std::regex light_azure("body\\semits\\sa\\sfeeble\\sazure\\slight");
std::regex light_ruby("body\\semits\\sa\\sfeeble\\sruby\\slight");
std::regex light_amber("body\\semits\\sa\\sfeeble\\samber\\slight");
std::regex light_gold("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\sgolden\\slight");
std::regex light_silver("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\ssilvery\\slight");
std::regex light_ebon("body\\semits\\sa\\sfaint\\sebon\\slight");
std::regex dyn_start("sands");
std::regex dyn_start2("hourglass");
std::regex dyn_extend("Dynamis");
std::regex dyn_extend2("extended");
std::regex dyn_expelled("expelled");
//Used to get all the numbers
std::regex get_number("\\d+");
if (sMode == 121)
if (std::regex_search(data, xp_chain))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
if (temp.size() >= 1)
m_xpKill = std::stoi(temp[temp.size() - 1]);
m_xpKill = 0;
m_xpTotal += m_xpKill;
if (sMode == 131)
if (std::regex_search(data, xp_inc))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
if (temp.size() >= 1)
m_xpKill = std::stoi(temp[temp.size() - 1]);
m_xpKill = 0;
m_xpTotal += m_xpKill;
else if (sMode == 633)
if (std::regex_search(data, cru_inc))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
if (temp.size() >= 1)
m_crKill = std::stoi(temp[temp.size() - 1]);
m_crKill = 0;
m_crTotal += m_crKill;
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_inc))
m_vTime += 10;
else if (sMode == 653)
if ((std::regex_search(data, dyn_expelled)) && (std::regex_search(data, dyn_extend)))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_DynaTime = std::stoi(m.str());
m_DynTimeStart = time(nullptr);
else if (sMode == 658)
if ((std::regex_search(data, dyn_extend)) && (std::regex_search(data, dyn_extend2)))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_DynaTime += std::stoi(m.str());
m_DynTimeStart = time(nullptr);
else if (sMode == 660)
if ((std::regex_search(data, dyn_start)) && (std::regex_search(data, dyn_start2)))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_DynaTime = std::stoi(m.str());
if (std::regex_search(data, vis_exit))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_vTime = std::stoi(m.str());
else if (std::regex_search(data, cru_inc))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_crKill = std::stoi(m.str());
m_crTotal += m_crKill;
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_wear))
std::regex_search(data, m, get_number);
m_vTime = std::stoi(m.str());
m_AbyTimeStart = time(nullptr);
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_pegs))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
//Corrects Pearlescent Values
m_prl = std::stoi(temp[0]);
//Corrects Ebon Values
m_ebn = std::stoi(temp[1]);
//Corrects Gold Values
m_gld = std::stoi(temp[2]);
//Corrects Silvery Values
m_slv = std::stoi(temp[3]);
else if (std::regex_search(data, vis_azram))
std::sregex_token_iterator start(data.begin(), data.end(), get_number, 0), end;
while (start != end)
//Corrects Azure Values
m_azr = std::stoi(temp[0]);
//Corrects Ruby Values
m_rby = std::stoi(temp[1]);
//Corrects Amber Values
m_amb = std::stoi(temp[2]);
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_pearl))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 230
if (m_prl + 5 > 230)
m_prl = 230;
m_prl += 5;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_gold))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 200
if (m_gld + 5 > 200)
m_gld = 200;
m_gld += 5;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_silver))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 200
if (m_slv + 5 > 200)
m_slv = 200;
m_slv += 5;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_ebon))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 200
if (m_ebn + 1 > 200)
m_ebn = 200;
m_ebn += 1;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_azure))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 255
if (m_azr + 8 > 255)
m_azr = 255;
m_azr += 8;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_ruby))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 255
if (m_rby + 8 > 255)
m_rby = 255;
m_rby += 8;
else if (std::regex_search(data, light_amber))
//checks to ensure value does not exceed 255
if (m_amb + 8 > 255)
m_amb = 255;
m_amb += 8;
#pragma endregion
return false;
bool WatchEXP::Direct3DInitialize(IDirect3DDevice8* lpDevice)
this->m_Direct3DDevice = lpDevice;
m_ExpObj = m_AshitaCore->GetFontManager()->Create("EXP_ID");
m_BaseTimeEXP = time(nullptr);
m_BaseTimeCR = time(nullptr);
return true;
void WatchEXP::Direct3DRelease(void)
void WatchEXP::Direct3DRender(void)
__declspec(dllexport) double __stdcall GetInterfaceVersion(void)
__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall CreatePluginInfo(plugininfo_t* info)
g_PluginInformation = info;
strcpy_s(info->Author, sizeof(info->Author), "Praenuntiae (ported by Vicrelant)");
strcpy_s(info->Name, sizeof(info->Name), "WatchEXP");
info->InterfaceVersion = ASHITA_INTERFACE_VERSION;
info->PluginVersion = 3.0f;
info->Priority = 0;
__declspec(dllexport) IPlugin* __stdcall CreatePlugin(void)
return (IPlugin*)new WatchEXP();
#pragma region GetConfig
void WatchEXP::GetConfig()
auto iConfigResult = false;
auto iTemp = 0;
iConfigResult = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->Load("WatchEXP", "WatchEXP");
if (iConfigResult != 0)
auto szBuffer = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_string("WatchEXP", "font_name");
strcpy_s(font_name, szBuffer);
font_size = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_int32("WatchEXP", "font_size", 11);
show_XP_M_always = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_bool("WatchEXP", "show_both_xp_and_merits_when_capped", false);
m_reset_min = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_int32("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_time", 45);
m_autoreset = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_bool("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_enabled", false);
else if (iConfigResult == 0)
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "font_name", "Arial");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "font_size", "11");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "show_both_xp_and_merits_when_capped", "true");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_time", "45");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->set_value("WatchEXP", "auto_reset_enabled", "false");
m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->Save("WatchEXP", "WatchEXP");
strcpy_s(font_name, "Arial");
font_size = 11;
show_XP_M_always = false;
m_reset_min = 45;
m_autoreset = false;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doEXPCalculations
void WatchEXP::doEXPCalculations()
char *p;
char expIntoLVL[10] = "", expForLVL[10] = "", expTillLVL[10] = "", lmtIntoLVL[10] = "", lmtTillLVL[10] = "", xpTotal[40] = "", crTotal[40] = "";
m_IsInAbyssea = isInAbyssea(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
m_IsInDynamis = isInDynamis(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
// get the EXP info
unsigned short expIN = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetExpCurrent();
unsigned short expMAX = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetExpNeeded();
unsigned short expLEFT = expMAX - expIN;
// get the Merit info
unsigned short lmtIN = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetLimitPoints();
unsigned short lmtMAX = 10000;
unsigned short lmtLEFT = lmtMAX - lmtIN;
p = expIntoLVL;
makeComma(expIN, p, 0);
p = expForLVL;
makeComma(expMAX, p, 0);
p = expTillLVL;
makeComma(expLEFT, p, 0);
p = lmtIntoLVL;
makeComma(lmtIN, p, 0);
p = lmtTillLVL;
makeComma(lmtLEFT, p, 0);
p = xpTotal;
makeComma(m_xpTotal, p, 0);
p = crTotal;
makeComma(m_crTotal, p, 0);
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMainJobLevel() < 75)
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb, m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm, m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ",
expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal),
m_prl, m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
if ((!show_XP_M_always) && (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMainJobLevel() >= 75))
unsigned char isMeritMode = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetLimitMode();
if ((expLEFT == 1) || (isMeritMode == 224))
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL,
(int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb, m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm,
m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ", lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL,
(int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal),
m_prl, m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ",
lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal,
m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb, m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm, m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ",
expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal), m_prl,
m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
if ((show_XP_M_always) && (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMainJobLevel() >= 75))
if (m_IsInDynamis)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Alb:%c Amb:%c Azr:%c Crm:%c Obn:%c Time Remaining: %d ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal), m_Dyna_Alab, m_Dyna_Amb,
m_Dyna_Azr, m_Dyna_Crm, m_Dyna_Obs, m_DynaTime);
else if (m_IsInAbyssea)
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Cruor:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr Prl:%u Gld:%u Slv:%u Ebn:%u Azr:%u Rby:%u Amb:%u V.Time: %d ",
expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL, lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal),
crTotal, m_crKill, returnProjectedCRUORperHour(m_crTotal), m_prl, m_gld, m_slv, m_ebn, m_azr, m_rby, m_amb, m_vTime);
sprintf_s(TextObjectBuffer, MAX_PATH, " %s/%s(%s) %s/10,000(%s)[%i] XP:%s(%u) %.1fk/hr ", expIntoLVL, expForLVL, expTillLVL,
lmtIntoLVL, lmtTillLVL, (int)m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->GetMeritPoints(), xpTotal, m_xpKill, returnProjectedEXPperHour(m_xpTotal));
// double check the size of the text
if ( == 0)
int window_y = m_AshitaCore->GetConfigurationManager()->get_int32("boot_config", "window_y", 600);
m_ExpObj->SetPositionY((float)(window_y -;
// set the object information
#pragma endregion
#pragma region returnProjectedEXPperHour
float WatchEXP::returnProjectedEXPperHour(unsigned int expIntoLevel)
float changeInTime = (float(time(nullptr) - m_BaseTimeEXP));
float changeInTimeHR = ((changeInTime / 60) / 60);
if (expIntoLevel == 0)
m_BaseTimeEXP = time(nullptr);
// just in case we don't do a divide by zero
if (changeInTime == 0.0f)
return 0;
return ((((float)expIntoLevel) / changeInTimeHR) / 1000);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region returnProjectedCRUORperHour
float WatchEXP::returnProjectedCRUORperHour(unsigned int cruorLVL)
float changeInTime = (float(time(nullptr) - m_BaseTimeCR));
float changeInTimeHR = ((changeInTime / 60) / 60);
if (cruorLVL == 0)
m_BaseTimeCR = time(nullptr);
// just in case we don't do a divide by zero
if (changeInTime == 0.0f)
return 0;
return ((((float)cruorLVL) / changeInTimeHR) / 1000);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region isInAbyssea
bool WatchEXP::isInAbyssea(int zoneID)
// look for it
for (auto& x : AbysseaZoneIDs)
// Yes!
if (x == zoneID)
return true;
m_prl = 0, m_gld = 0, m_amb = 0, m_slv = 0, m_azr = 0, m_ebn = 0, m_rby = 0, m_vTime = 0;
return false;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region isInDynamis
bool WatchEXP::isInDynamis(int zoneID)
// look for it
for (auto& x : DynamisZoneIDs)
// Yes!
if (x == zoneID)
return true;
m_Dyna_Crm = 'X', m_Dyna_Azr = 'X', m_Dyna_Alab = 'X', m_Dyna_Amb = 'X', m_Dyna_Obs = 'X';
// Nope
return false;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doAbysseaZoneTimings
void WatchEXP::doAbysseaZoneTimings()
// check to see if we are in Abyssea
m_IsInAbyssea = isInAbyssea(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
if (m_IsInAbyssea && (time(nullptr) - m_AbyTimeStart) > 60)
m_AbyTimeStart = time(nullptr);
if (m_vTime != 0)
m_vTime -= 1;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doDynamisZoneTimings
void WatchEXP::doDynamisZoneTimings()
// check to see if we are in Abyssea
m_IsInDynamis = isInDynamis(m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0));
if (m_IsInDynamis && (time(nullptr) - m_DynTimeStart) > 60)
m_DynTimeStart = time(nullptr);
if (m_DynaTime != 0)
m_DynaTime -= 1;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region doDynamisKItemCheck
void WatchEXP::doDynamisKItemCheck()
//Checks for Crimson Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1545))
m_Dyna_Crm = 'O';
//Checks for Azure Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1546))
m_Dyna_Azr = 'O';
//Checks for Amber Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1547))
m_Dyna_Amb = 'O';
//Checks for Alabaster Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1548))
m_Dyna_Alab = 'O';
//Checks for Obsidian Granule of Time
if (m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetPlayer()->HasKeyItem(1549))
m_Dyna_Obs = 'O';
#pragma endregion
#pragma region makeComma
void WatchEXP::makeComma(int n, char *p, int count)
int d;
// Get least significant digit
d = n % 10;
// Convert to ascii character and store
*p++ = d + '0';
// Remove least significant digit
// Test for finished
if (n /= 10)
// Not finished, increase digit count,
// test for comma position
if (count >= 3)
// Add the comma and reset the count
*p++ = ',';
count = 0;
// Call this procedure to work on
// remaining part of number
makeComma(n, p, count);
#pragma endregion
#pragma region convertFromHex
int WatchEXP::convertFromHex(std::string hex)
int value = 0;
int a = 0;
int b = hex.length() - 1;
for (; b >= 0; a++, b--)
if (hex[b] >= '0' && hex[b] <= '9')
value += (hex[b] - '0') * (1 << (a * 4));
switch (hex[b])
case 'A':
case 'a':
value += 10 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'B':
case 'b':
value += 11 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'C':
case 'c':
value += 12 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'D':
case 'd':
value += 13 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'E':
case 'e':
value += 14 * (1 << (a * 4));
case 'F':
case 'f':
value += 15 * (1 << (a * 4));
return value;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region hextodec
void WatchEXP::hextodec(std::string hex, std::vector<unsigned char>& rgb)
std::string redString, greenString, blueString;
if (, 1, "#") == 0)
//If the prefix # was attached to hex, use the following code
redString = hex.substr(1, 2);
greenString = hex.substr(3, 2);
blueString = hex.substr(5, 2);
else if (, 2, "0x") == 0)
//If the prefix 0x was attached to hex, use the following code
redString = hex.substr(2, 2);
greenString = hex.substr(4, 2);
blueString = hex.substr(6, 2);
//If there is no prefix attached to hex, use this code
redString = hex.substr(0, 2);
greenString = hex.substr(2, 2);
blueString = hex.substr(4, 2);
unsigned char red = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(redString));
unsigned char green = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(greenString));
unsigned char blue = (unsigned char)(convertFromHex(blueString));
rgb[0] = red;
rgb[1] = green;
rgb[2] = blue;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region convertTrans
void WatchEXP::convertTrans(unsigned char& trans)
float temp1, temp2;
temp1 = (float)trans;
temp2 = temp1 * (float)2.55;
if (temp2 > 255)
trans = (unsigned char)255;
trans = (unsigned char)temp2;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region checkResetTime
void WatchEXP::checkResetTime()
if (time(nullptr) - m_resetTime > 60)
if (m_xpTest != m_xpTotal)
m_xpTest = m_xpTotal;
m_resetTime = time(nullptr);
else if ((m_xpTest == m_xpTotal) && (m_autoreset))
if (((time(nullptr) - m_resetTime) / 60) >= m_reset_min)
m_resetTime = time(nullptr);
m_crTotal = 0, m_xpTotal = 0, m_xpKill = 0, m_crKill = 0;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region ScrubChat
std::string WatchEXP::ScrubChat(const char* chat_line)
//strings to hold the chat data through the various scrubbing stages
std::string chat_raw;
std::string clean_chat_pass1;
std::string clean_chat_pass2;
std::string clean_chat_pass3;
std::string clean_chat_final;
char szClean[1024];
//regex expressions for parsing the raw chat until it's clean
std::regex parse1("\\x1E\\x05|\\x1E(\\x03|\\x02|\\x01)|\\x7F\\x31|\\x1F(\\x79|\\x7F|\\x7B|\\W)");
std::regex parse2("[[:cntrl:]]|\\W\\W");
std::regex time_stamp("\\x1E\\x03((\\[\\d+(:|/)\\d+(:|/)\\d+(\\]| [AMP]+\\]))|\\[\\d+(:|/)\\d+(:|/)\\d+ - \\d+:\\d+:\\d+(\\]| [AMP]+\\]))\\x1E\\x01\\s+");
std::regex multi_space("\\s+");
memset(szClean, 0, 1024);
//Cleans up any auto translate data so it can be properly parsed
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->ParseAutoTranslate(chat_line, szClean, 1024, false);
chat_raw = chat_line;
//Removes TimeStamp data from beginning of line
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_pass1), chat_raw.begin(), chat_raw.end(), time_stamp, "");
//Removes some control characters from the beginning and end of the string that print as garbage
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_pass2), clean_chat_pass1.begin(), clean_chat_pass1.end(), parse1, "");
//Removes any remaining control characters and replaces them with spaces
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_pass3), clean_chat_pass2.begin(), clean_chat_pass2.end(), parse2, " ");
//Changes any multi space areas to single spaces
std::regex_replace(std::back_inserter(clean_chat_final), clean_chat_pass3.begin(), clean_chat_pass3.end(), multi_space, " ");
return clean_chat_final;
#pragma endregion