# VNM This is a plug-in for Ashita v3. Renders a line in game from Player to VNM position, when /heal command is used. ## Commands commands are not case-sensitive. ###### /load VNM This loads the plug-in. ###### /vnm SetLineHeight value e.g /vnm SetLineHeight 1 ###### /vnm SetLineColour value e.g /vnm SetLineColour 255 ## Some example colour options - black = 0, - white = 16777215, - red = 16711680, - lime = 65280, - blue = 255, - yellow = 16776960, - Cyan = 65535, - magenta = 16711935, - silver = 12632256, - gray = 8421504, - maroon = 8388608, - olive = 8421376, - green = 32768, - purple = 8388736, - teal = 32896, - navy = 128, ## Extra Commands You don't need to use these commands for the plug-in to work. # Warning this can get you banned!. /vnm PacketBlockOn This will block the player update packet when you /heal in game. /vnm PacketBlockOff This stops the plugin from blocking the player update packet. # DISCLAIMER ## I take no responsibility if you choose to use the Extra Commands. If you use them, you do so at your OWN RISK.