Browse Source

2.22 - Added dispelga functionality, works identically to honor march and impact.

Thorny 6 years ago
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      release/docs/Shorthand/Settings XML Structure.xml
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  3. BIN

release/docs/Shorthand/Settings XML Structure.xml

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@


@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Shorthand provides the input adjustment portion of Ashitacast1. To be specific: @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Shorthand provides the input adjustment portion of Ashitacast1. To be specific:
-If you need to specify between a pet command and spell, use /ja or /ma.
-While PacketWS is enabled, you will be able to weaponskill disengaged.
-Please note that the impact and honor march commands do NOT allow you to cast the spells without a marsyas or twilight cloak.
-Please note that the impact, dispelga, and honor march commands do NOT allow you to cast the spells without the appropriate gear.
They will show the spell in your spell list, you must use ashitacast to ensure the associated item is on for precast.
If you try to cast them without the appropriate item in inventory or a wardrobe, shorthand will block the packet before it is sent to server.
If you have the item in inventory or wardrobe, but do not have ashitacast configured to equip it precast, the packet will be sent but the server won't allow the cast.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Commands @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Commands
/shh reload - Reload reference lists from your config XML.
/shh packetws [on/off] - When enabled, forces shorthand to generate packets for all weaponskills.
/shh impact [on/off] - When enabled, spell packets will be changed so that you always know impact.
/shh dispelga [on/off] - When enabled, spell packets will be changed so that you always know dispelga.
/shh honor [on/off] - When enabled, spell packets will be changed so that you always know honor march.
/raw [Command] - Sends a command that will be ignored by shorthand.
Example: /raw /ma "Blizzard III" <t>


Binary file not shown.