Allows you to send commands to multiple other characters on the local computer from a single character.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
1.4 KiB

#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
class CommandParser
std::vector<char*> thisList;
uint8_t argC;
uint8_t argIdx;
void InputCommand(const char* szBuffer);
bool GetFirstCommand(std::string*);
bool GetCommandAt(unsigned int,std::string*);
bool GetNextCommand(std::string*);
bool GetRemainingCommands(std::string*);
unsigned int GetArgCount();
void CommandParser::InputCommand(const char* szBuffer)
argIdx = 0;
argC = 0;
uint8_t span = 0;
char* szTemp = const_cast<char*>(szBuffer);
char* tokenBuf;
for(char* substr = strtok_s(szTemp, " ",&tokenBuf);substr; substr = strtok_s(NULL, " ",&tokenBuf))
argC += 1;
bool CommandParser::GetFirstCommand(std::string* sReturn)
argIdx = 0;
return GetNextCommand(&*sReturn);
bool CommandParser::GetCommandAt(unsigned int idx, std::string* sReturn)
argIdx = idx;
return GetNextCommand(&*sReturn);
bool CommandParser::GetNextCommand(std::string* sReturn)
if(argIdx < argC)
*sReturn = thisList[argIdx];
argIdx += 1;
return true;
return false;
bool CommandParser::GetRemainingCommands(std::string* sReturn)
bool retVal = false;
*sReturn = "";
while(argIdx < argC)
argIdx += 1;
retVal = true;
return retVal;
unsigned int CommandParser::GetArgCount()
return argC;