Multisend is a replacement for servo. No synchronization is needed, just load and go.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

324 lines
9.1 KiB

#include "MultiSend.h"
bool MultiSend::HandleCommand(const char* command, int32_t type)
std::string arg;
const char* com = command + GetArg(command, &arg);
if ((_strnicmp(command, "/ms", 3))
&& (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/multisend")))
return false;
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/ms") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/multisend")) == 0)
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "send") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/mss") == 0))
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
SendCommand(multisend_type::all, 0, com + 1);
return true;
else if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "sendto") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/mst") == 0))
if (strlen(com) < 2)
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("MultiSend: Invalid command.");
return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
arg = SubValues(arg);
Claim(&(p_MMF->Name.ProcessID), 0);
for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
if (p_MMF->Name.Names[x].Active)
if (_stricmp((const char*)&(p_MMF->Name.Names[x].Name), arg.c_str()) == 0)
SendCommand(multisend_type::single, p_MMF->Name.Names[x].Process, com + 1);
InterlockedExchange(&(p_MMF->Name.ProcessID), 0);
return true;
InterlockedExchange(&(p_MMF->Name.ProcessID), 0);
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("MultiSend: Character not found.");
return true;
else if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "sendothers") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/mso") == 0))
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
SendCommand(multisend_type::others, ::GetCurrentProcessId(), com + 1);
return true;
else if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "sendparty") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/msp") == 0))
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
SendCommand(multisend_type::party, m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberServerId(0), com + 1);
return true;
else if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "sendally") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/msa") == 0))
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
SendCommand(multisend_type::alliance, m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberServerId(0), com + 1);
return true;
else if ((_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "sendgroup") == 0)
|| (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "/msg") == 0))
if (strlen(com) < 3)
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("MultiSend: Invalid command.");
return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
for (std::map<uint16_t, string>::iterator it = s_group.Map.begin(); it != s_group.Map.end(); it++)
if (_stricmp((*it).second.c_str(), arg.c_str()) == 0)
SendCommand(multisend_type::group, (*it).first, com + 1);
return true;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("MultiSend: Group not found.");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "followme") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
bool toggle = !(p_MMF->Follow.target_process_id == GetCurrentProcessId());
if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "on") == 0) toggle = true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "off") == 0) toggle = false;
if (toggle)
InterlockedExchange(&(p_MMF->Follow.target_process_id), GetCurrentProcessId());
uint16_t zone = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberZone(0);
uint16_t myindex = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetParty()->GetMemberTargetIndex(0);
if ((zone != 0) && (myindex != 0))
p_MMF-> = zone;
p_MMF->Follow.position_x = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetEntity()->GetLocalX(myindex);
p_MMF->Follow.position_z = m_AshitaCore->GetDataManager()->GetEntity()->GetLocalZ(myindex);
p_MMF->Follow.idle_count = 0;
p_MMF-> = 0;
p_MMF-> = 0;
InterlockedExchange(&(p_MMF->Follow.target_process_id), 0);
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Followme is currently %s.", (p_MMF->Follow.target_process_id == GetCurrentProcessId()) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "followmax") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
float dist = atof(arg.c_str());
if (dist < 1.0f) dist = 1.0f;
else if (dist > 5000.0f) dist = 5000.0f;
c_maxdist = dist;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Maximum follow distance is currently %f.", c_maxdist);
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "follow") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "on") == 0)
c_follow = true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "off") == 0)
c_follow = false;
c_follow = !c_follow;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Follow is currently %s.", c_follow ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "attemptzone") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "on") == 0)
c_attemptzone = true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "off") == 0)
c_attemptzone = false;
c_attemptzone = !c_attemptzone;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Attempted zoning currently %s.", c_attemptzone ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "ignoreself") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "on") == 0)
c_ignoreself = true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "off") == 0)
c_ignoreself = false;
c_ignoreself = !c_ignoreself;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Ignore self is currently %s.", c_ignoreself ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "debug") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "on") == 0)
c_debug = true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "off") == 0)
c_debug = false;
c_debug = !c_debug;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Debug prints currently %s.", c_debug ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "safemode") == 0)
if (strlen(com) < 2) return true;
com += GetArg(com, &arg);
if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "on") == 0)
c_safemode = true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "off") == 0)
c_safemode = false;
c_safemode = !c_safemode;
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Writef("MultiSend: Safe mode currently %s.", c_safemode ? "enabled" : "disabled");
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "reload") == 0)
return true;
else if (_stricmp(arg.c_str(), "help") == 0)
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("Multisend Command Listing");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms send [command] - Sends [command] to all characters with multisend loaded.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms sendto [char name] [command] - Sends [command] to all characters with multisend loaded named [char name].");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms sendgroup [group name] [command] - Sends [command] to all characters with multisend loaded that are defined within the group [group name].");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms follow on/off - When enabled, the current character will obey followme.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms followme on/off - When enabled, all characters with follow enabled will follow this character. Only one character can have this active at a time, if you activate it on a second the first will deactivate automatically.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms reload - Reloads group file without reloading MultiSend.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms ignoreself on/off - When enabled, send and sendgroup commands sent by this character will not execute on this character.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms attemptzone on/off - When enabled, multisend will continue running in the direction you were running when follow leader zones.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms debug on/off - When enabled, debug prints will be visible.");
m_AshitaCore->GetChatManager()->Write("/ms safemode on/off - When enabled, '/echo' will be inserted for commands missing the leading '/' to prevent chatlog spam.");
return true;
return (_strnicmp(command, "/ms ", 4) == 0);
uint32_t MultiSend::GetArg(const char* text, std::string* buffer)
std::string working(text);
if (working[0] == '"')
size_t second = working.substr(1).find_first_of('"');
if (second != string::npos)
*buffer = working.substr(1, second);
return second + 1;
size_t space = working.find_first_of(' ');
if (space != string::npos)
*buffer = working.substr(0, space);
return space;
*buffer = string(text);
return strlen(text);