1.04 - Adding safemode feature to prevent accidental chatlog spam. #1

Thorny sapludināja 1 revīzijas no :master uz master pirms 6 gadiem
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1.04 - Adding safemode feature to prevent accidental chatlog spam.

This PR adds /ms safemode on/offand when enabled will prepend "/echo" to commands sent to running FFXI instances. This has the effect of preventing accidental chatlog spam when the leading "/" is missing from a command.

1.04 - Adding safemode feature to prevent accidental chatlog spam. This PR adds `/ms safemode on/off`and when enabled will prepend "/echo" to commands sent to running FFXI instances. This has the effect of preventing accidental chatlog spam when the leading "/" is missing from a command.
Thorny aizvēra šo izmaiņu pieprasījumu pirms 6 gadiem
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