Bellhop is a plugin to make managing your inventory easier. It operates entirely on typed commands. Items can be specified by name("Earth Crystal"), ID(4099), or wildcard match(*Crystal). Any item name that includes a space must be encompassed by quotation marks.. for example, "Earth Crystal" versus simply Mercury. Names are compared to the item's name as shown in inventory, and are not case sensitive. If using a wildcard(*), it will represent any amount of any character in that position. For example, *Coffer would match Velkk Coffer, Ig. Gr. Coffer, but not Bdx. Coffer Key. Valid locations for commands that accept them are inventory, safe, safe2, storage, locker, satchel, sack, case, wardrobe. Commands are as follows: /drop [Item] - Drops the smallest stack of an item in your inventory. /dropall [Item] - Drops all matching items in your inventory. /get [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves an item from any storage you can currently access. If location is specified, Bellhop will only look in that location. If you are not currently in your mog house, Bellhop will not attempt to check safe/storage/locker. If you are at a nomad moogle, Bellhop will still not check them on it's own. You can force it by specifying location. Modifications: /gets [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves up to a stack of an item instead of a single. /get# [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves up to # of an item instead of a single. Example: /get10 "Echo Drops" /getall [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves as many matching items as you have space for. /put [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts an item away in any storage you can currently access. If location is specified, Bellhop will only check that location. If locations are full, Bellhop will not attempt to place items in them. If you cannot place an item due to conditions(furniture can't go in storage, only equippables in wardrobe, etc.) then Bellhop will treat that location as full. If you are not currently in your mog house, Bellhop will not attempt to check safe/storage/locker. If you are at a nomad moogle, Bellhop will still not check them on it's own. You can force it by specifying location. Modifications: /puts [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts away up to a stack of an item instead of a single. /put# [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts away up to # of an item instead of a single. /putall [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts away as many matching items as you have space to store. /buy [Item Name] [Optional: Quantity] - Buys an item from a standard vendor npc. You must be at the npc with the buy menu open. If quantity is not specified, buys one. /sell [Item] - Sells an item from your inventory to NPC. You must be at a NPC with the sell menu open. Modifications: /sells [Item] - Sells up to a stack of an item instead of a single. /sell# [Item] - Sells up to # of an item instead of a single. /sellall [Item] - Sells all matching items in your inventory. /baz [Item] [Price] - Lists an item in your inventory in your bazaar for the specified price. Example: /baz "Umbral Marrow" 1500000 You must have your bazaar pricing menu open. Modifications: /bazall [Item] [Price] - Lists all matching items in your inventory in your bazaar for the specified price. Note: Setting a price of 0 will take out of bazaar. /sort [Location] - Sorts an inventory location. /tadd [Item] - Places all copies of an item in your inventory into trade and clicks ok. Example: /tadd Alexandrite You must currently be in a trade with another player, this does not trade to NPCs. The confirmation will not display in the window, but it has still been sent. Do not press OK again. Sample usage with mule: Open trade with mule. Type /tadd alexandrite on character trading. Click ok on character receiving. If you have more than 8 potential slots to trade, the 8 highest quantity ones will be used. /autotrade [optional: on/off] - Sets automatic trade acceptance. If on/off is not specified, will toggle. While enabled, you'll automatically accept both trade offers and trade confirmations. This should be used with caution, if you put an item into trade then the other person clicks OK you could lose that item. When paired with /tadd, makes for very fast item transfers to a mule. /trade "Item Name" # - Trades # of item to the currently targeted npc. To trade multiple items, you can extend the command (/trade "H.Q. Marid Hide" 1 "Sisyphus Fragment" 1 "Snow God Core" 1). Exact spelling must be used, but it is not case sensitive. This is a direct port from itemtools in ashita2, credit goes to atomos. /tradeall [Item] - Trades all(up to 8 slots worth) of the specified item(s) to currently targeted npc. Unlike /trade, wildcard commands are allowed. For example, if you were trading in both Sapara and Sapara +1 for guild points, you could type '/tradeall Sapara*' with your guild npc targeted. Notes: -Bellhop will never try to bazaar an item that can't be bazaared. -Bellhop will never try to NPC an item that can't be NPCed. -Bellhop will never try to perform an action on an equipped item or linkshell. -Bellhop will never try any action besides changing price on bazaared items. -Wildcards are dangerous if not used properly. If you type '/dropall *' for instance, it will honor the request and drop ALL items. -Maintenance can be dangerous as well. Please do not use Bellhop after a maintenance until it's confirmed that item structure is repaired. -I am not responsible for any loss of items that results from not following these suggestions, please take care.