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Bellhop is a plugin to make managing your inventory easier. It operates entirely on typed commands. |
Items can be specified by name("Earth Crystal"), ID(4099), or wildcard match(*Crystal). |
Any item name that includes a space must be encompassed by quotation marks.. for example, "Earth Crystal" versus simply Mercury. |
Names are compared to the item's name as shown in inventory, and are not case sensitive. |
If using a wildcard(*), it will represent any amount of any character in that position. |
For example, *Coffer would match Velkk Coffer, Ig. Gr. Coffer, but not Bdx. Coffer Key. |
Valid locations for commands that accept them are inventory, safe, safe2, storage, locker, satchel, sack, case, wardrobe. |
Commands are as follows: |
/drop [Item] - Drops the smallest stack of an item in your inventory. |
/dropall [Item] - Drops all matching items in your inventory. |
/get [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves an item from any storage you can currently access. |
If location is specified, Bellhop will only look in that location. |
If you are not currently in your mog house, Bellhop will not attempt to check safe/storage/locker. |
If you are at a nomad moogle, Bellhop will still not check them on it's own. You can force it by specifying location. |
Modifications: |
/gets [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves up to a stack of an item instead of a single. |
/get# [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves up to # of an item instead of a single. |
Example: /get10 "Echo Drops" |
/getall [Item] [Optional: Location] - Retrieves as many matching items as you have space for. |
/put [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts an item away in any storage you can currently access. |
If location is specified, Bellhop will only check that location. |
If locations are full, Bellhop will not attempt to place items in them. |
If you cannot place an item due to conditions(furniture can't go in storage, only equippables in wardrobe, etc.) then Bellhop will treat that location as full. |
If you are not currently in your mog house, Bellhop will not attempt to check safe/storage/locker. |
If you are at a nomad moogle, Bellhop will still not check them on it's own. You can force it by specifying location. |
Modifications: |
/puts [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts away up to a stack of an item instead of a single. |
/put# [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts away up to # of an item instead of a single. |
/putall [Item] [Optional: Location] - Puts away as many matching items as you have space to store. |
/sell [Item] - Sells an item from your inventory to NPC. |
You must be at a NPC with the sell menu open. |
Modifications: |
/sells [Item] - Sells up to a stack of an item instead of a single. |
/sell# [Item] - Sells up to # of an item instead of a single. |
/sellall [Item] - Sells all matching items in your inventory. |
/baz [Item] [Price] - Lists an item in your inventory in your bazaar for the specified price. |
Example: /baz "Umbral Marrow" 1500000 |
You must have your bazaar pricing menu open. |
Modifications: |
/bazall [Item] [Price] - Lists all matching items in your inventory in your bazaar for the specified price. |
Note: Setting a price of 0 will take out of bazaar. |
/sort [Location] - Sorts an inventory location. |
/tadd [Item] - Places all copies of an item in your inventory into trade and clicks ok. |
Example: /tadd Alexandrite |
You must currently be in a trade with another player, this does not trade to NPCs. |
The confirmation will not display in the window, but it has still been sent. Do not press OK again. |
Sample usage with mule: Open trade with mule. Type /tadd alexandrite on character trading. Click ok on character receiving. |
If you have more than 8 potential slots to trade, the 8 highest quantity ones will be used. |
/autotrade - Toggles automatic trade acceptance. |
While enabled, you'll automatically accept both trade offers and trade confirmations. |
This should be used with caution, if you put an item into trade then the other person clicks OK you could lose that item. |
When paired with /tadd, makes for very fast item transfers to a mule. |
Notes: |
-Bellhop will never try to bazaar an item that can't be bazaared. |
-Bellhop will never try to NPC an item that can't be NPCed. |
-Bellhop will never try to perform an action on an equipped item or linkshell. |
-Bellhop will never try any action besides changing price on bazaared items. |
-Wildcards are dangerous if not used properly. If you type '/dropall *' for instance, it will honor the request and drop ALL items. |
-Maintenance can be dangerous as well. Please do not use Bellhop after a maintenance until it's confirmed that item structure is repaired. |
-I am not responsible for any loss of items that results from not following these suggestions, please take care. |
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