A plugin that manages gear swaps.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<!-- Rule checks, equipment, and set names ARE NOT case sensitive.
XML tag names and attribute names ARE case sensitive.
In simpler terms, you can do <if p_status="idle"> or <if p_status="IDLe">
but you can't use <If> or <if P_status>.-->
<settings> <!--Contains settings specific to this xml, must be set to true/false to override default-->
<predictivepet>true</predictivepet> <!--If enabled, will automatically trigger petskill when using an ability that correlates to a pet skill such as a blood pact or ready move.-->
<buffupdate>true</buffupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you gain/lose a buff. Default: TRUE -->
<statusupdate>true</statuspdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when you change status(stand/rest/engage/etc). Default: TRUE -->
<hpupdate>true</hpupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed when your HP % changes. Default: TRUE -->
<autoupdate>true</autoupdate> <!--Determines if your idlegear will be parsed on outgoing status updates(roughly every 350ms). Default: TRUE -->
<sets> <!-- Contains all of your sets.-->
<set name="Stand" baseset="Idle" lock="true" priority="99"> <!--Set Entry, baseset is optional and will copy that set
then change anything specified. Lock will not allow that slot to be overwritten, except by another lock.
Priority changes the order in which a piece of equipment will be put on, default is 0 but can go from -100 to +100, higher is equipped first-->
<main priority="1" lock="true">Burtgang</main> <!--Equip tags make up the set, priority and lock can be done on a per slot basis-->
<ammo>Angha Gem</ammo>
<head>Laeradr Helm</head>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<lear>Merman's Earring</lear> <!--Ear1, Ear2, Ring1, Ring2 also work-->
<rear>Merman's Earring</rear>
<body>Mekira Meikogai</body>
<hands>Cizin Mufflers</hands>
<lring>Shadow Ring</lring>
<rring>Defending Ring</rring>
<back>Repulse Mantle</back>
<legs>Blood Cuisses</legs>
<feet>Phorcys Schuhs</feet>
<include> <!--This is used by DressMe, if you use the same files.-->
<item>Aegis</item> <!--Quantity is assumed to be 1 if unspecified.-->
<item quantity="12">Echo Drops</item>
<item quantity="all">Tavnazian Taco</item> <!--You can specify all for the gear function to retrieve all of an item.-->
<event name="Voidwatch">
<item>Adamas</item> <!--Any entries inside a voidwatch tag will be collected if gear was initiated with that
as an argument. For example, in this case, Adamas would be retrieved if you'd originally typed '/ac gear voidwatch'
or '/dm gear "XML Structure.xml" voidwatch'-->
<init> <!--Used for startup commands, parsed once when XML is loaded.. use for keybinds, macro book changes, variable setup, whatever-->
<!--Equip tags will not do anything here. Rules and all other tags will.-->
<command>/macro book 1</command>
<command delay="1000">/macro set 1</command> <!--I recommend a delay when using macro book and set changes, seems the client doesn't always like both changed at once?-->
<variables> <!--You can reference variables that aren't defined here, this is just for initializing-->
<var name="Shield">Ochain</var> <!--All variables are stored as strings, and turned into numbers if used in a numerical comparison-->
<inputcommands> <!--This allows you to set up commands to do specific things. Whenever the typed command is input, it's section is parsed.-->
<cmd input="/Trigger1"> <!--Reads through this node when the command is input. -->
<!--If, Elseif, and Else statements can be used to control flow. If the statement evaluates true, everything inside it will be read.-->
<if e_area="Eastern Adoulin"> <!--If statements can contain any amount of attributes from the variables.txt file.-->
<elseif> <!--Elseif must always be placed after an if and can use the same type of rules.-->
<else> <!--Else must follow an if or elseif. No attributes.-->
<command delay="1500">/ma "Flash" &lt;t&gt;</command> <!--Pass a command to the game client. Use &lt; and &gt; to avoid creating an XML node.-->
<!--delay is optional, if specified will wait that many milliseconds to send the command.-->
<clearvars /> <!--Clear all user-defined variables.-->
<setvar name="Shield" value="Aegis" /> <!--Set a variable to a specific value.-->
<incvar name="Count" value="3" /> <!--Increase a variable, if value isn't specified will use 1.-->
<decvar name="Count" value="3" /> <!--Decrease a variable. if value isn't specified will use 1.-->
<change id="333" /> <!--Change the ID of an outgoing spell/ability/etc(ie: downgrade a cure if your rules
determine that it's not needed. Doesn't work in input commands, obviously.-->
<addtochat color="35">Printing Text</addtochat> <!--Print text to chat log. If color isn't specified, will use white.-->
<gearlock length="5" /> <!--Stop all gear changes for length seconds, not optional.-->
<cancel /> <!--Stop the spell in process from occuring-->
<return /> <!--Stop reading flow, any gearswaps currently pending will still be applied and the ability will go through if cancel wasn't called.-->
<doidlegear /> <!--Process idle gear section-->
<registerbuff id="409" active="false" /> <!--This adds a buff to an internal registry for 3 seconds. It will take priority over status
effects on your character. This is useful for Sneak Attack->WS or Perpetuance->Spell or anything else where your buff icon
wouldn't have loaded. Put it in the perpetuance precast event, and it'll be registered when you hit your spell. If active isn't
specified, it's assumed to be true. status="false" forces the game to think your buff isn't active even if it is -->
<clearbuff id="409" /> <!--This removes the buff ID from the registry, allowing the game to use it's actual buffs again before
the 3 second wait has passed.-->
<equip lock="true" set="setname" priority="15"> <!--All tags are optional.
All equips are parsed and then when the section ends, the last setting for each slot is equipped.-->
<main lock="true" priority="-1">Burtgang</main> <!--Single slot equip tags can be used inside an equip node, you can also specify lock and priority on a per slot basis.-->
<!--If a set was specified, these will overwrite it.-->
<ammo>Angha Gem</ammo>
<head>Laeradr Helm</head>
<neck>Twilight Torque</neck>
<lear>Merman's Earring</lear> <!--Ear1, Ear2, Ring1, Ring2 also work-->
<rear>Merman's Earring</rear>
<body>Mekira Meikogai</body>
<hands>Cizin Mufflers</hands>
<lring>Shadow Ring</lring>
<rring>Defending Ring</rring>
<back>Repulse Mantle</back>
<legs>Blood Cuisses</legs>
<feet>Phorcys Schuhs</feet>
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, is processed whenever an action ends, your status changes, and once every 3 seconds if no actions done.-->
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, is processed when a shot starts. Equip tags will be on when the shot starts.-->
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, is processed before shot ends. Equip tags will be on when the shot finishes.-->
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, is processed when a spell starts. Equip tags will be on when the spell starts.-->
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, is processed before a spell ends. Equip tags will be on when the spell finishes.-->
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, processed when you use a JA. Equip tags will be on when the JA processes.-->
<!--Same subnodes as command triggers, processed when you use a WS. Equip tags will be on when the WS processes.-->
<!--Most of same nodes as command triggers, processed when your pet uses a weaponskill. Equip tags will be on when pet WS damage is calculated.
A cancel tag indicates that idlegear should be used as normal(no swap for this pet ws). If this section doesn't exist, idlegear will be used for petws.
<change> and <doidlegear> do NOT work here.-->
<!--Most of same nodes as command triggers, processed when your pet casts a spell. Equip tags will be on when pet spell damage is calculated.
A cancel tag indicates that idlegear should be used as normal(no swap for this pet spell). If this section doesn't exist, idlegear will be used for pet spell.
<change> and <doidlegear> do NOT work here.-->
<!--Each of the base nodes is optional, if you don't need it then you don't need to add it.-->