The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.
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* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 atom0s [[email protected]]
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
-- Holds various definitions, enumerations, etc. specific to FFXI data.
AbilityType =
General = 0,
Job = 1,
Pet = 2,
Weapon = 3,
Trait = 4,
BloodPactRage = 5,
Corsair = 6,
CorsairShot = 7,
BloodPactWard = 8,
Samba = 9,
Waltz = 10,
Step = 11,
Florish1 = 12,
Scholar = 13,
Jig = 14,
Flourish2 = 15,
Monster = 16,
Flourish3 = 17,
Weaponskill = 18,
Rune = 19,
Ward = 20,
Effusion = 21
CraftRank =
Amateur = 0,
Recruit = 1,
Initiate = 2,
Novice = 3,
Apprentice = 4,
Journeyman = 5,
Craftsman = 6,
Artisan = 7,
Adept = 8,
Veteran = 9
CombatType =
Magic = 0x1000,
Combat = 0x2000
Containers =
Inventory = 0,
Safe = 1,
Storage = 2,
Temporary = 3,
Locker = 4,
Satchel = 5,
Sack = 6,
Case = 7,
Wardrobe = 8,
Safe2 = 9,
Wardrobe2 = 10,
Wardrobe3 = 11,
Wardrobe4 = 12,
EquipmentSlotMask =
None = 0x0000,
Main = 0x0001,
Sub = 0x0002,
Range = 0x0004,
Ammo = 0x0008,
Head = 0x0010,
Body = 0x0020,
Hands = 0x0040,
Legs = 0x0080,
Feet = 0x0100,
Neck = 0x0200,
Waist = 0x0400,
LEar = 0x0800,
REar = 0x1000,
LRing = 0x2000,
RRing = 0x4000,
Back = 0x8000,
-- Slot Groups
Ears = 0x1800,
Rings = 0x6000,
-- All Slots
All = 0xFFFF
EquipmentSlots =
Main = 0,
Sub = 1,
Range = 2,
Ammo = 3,
Head = 4,
Body = 5,
Hands = 6,
Legs = 7,
Feet = 8,
Neck = 9,
Waist = 10,
Ear1 = 11,
Ear2 = 12,
Ring1 = 13,
Ring2 = 14,
Back = 15,
ElementColor =
Red = 0,
Clear = 1,
Green = 2,
Yellow = 3,
Purple = 4,
Blue = 5,
White = 6,
Black = 7
ElementType =
Fire = 0,
Ice = 1,
Air = 2,
Earth = 3,
Thunder = 4,
Water = 5,
Light = 6,
Dark = 7,
Special = 0x0F,
Unknown = 0xFF
EntityHair =
Hair1A = 0,
Hair1B = 1,
Hair2A = 2,
Hair2B = 3,
Hair3A = 4,
Hair3B = 5,
Hair4A = 6,
Hair4B = 7,
Hair5A = 8,
Hair5B = 9,
Hair6A = 10,
Hair6B = 11,
Hair7A = 12,
Hair7B = 13,
Hair8A = 14,
Hair8B = 15,
-- Non-Player Hair Styles
Fomar = 29,
Mannequin = 30,
EntityRace =
Invalid = 0,
HumeMale = 1,
HumeFemale = 2,
ElvaanMale = 3,
ElvaanFemale = 4,
TarutaruMale = 5,
TarutaruFemale = 6,
Mithra = 7,
Galka = 8,
-- Non-PC Races
MithraChild = 29,
HumeChildFemale = 30,
HumeChildMale = 31,
GoldChocobo = 32,
BlackChocobo = 33,
BlueChocobo = 34,
RedChocobo = 35,
GreenChocobo = 36
EntitySpawnFlags =
Player = 0x0001,
Npc = 0x0002,
PartyMember = 0x0004,
AllianceMember = 0x0008,
Monster = 0x0010,
Object = 0x0020,
LocalPlayer = 0x0200,
EntityType =
Player = 0,
Npc1 = 1,
Npc2 = 2,
Npc3 = 3,
Elevator = 4,
Airship = 5,
ItemFlags =
None = 0x0000,
WallHanging = 0x0001,
Flag1 = 0x0002,
Flag2 = 0x0004,
Flag3 = 0x0008,
DeliveryInner = 0x0010,
Inscribable = 0x0020,
NoAuction = 0x0040,
Scroll = 0x0080,
Linkshell = 0x0100,
CanUse = 0x0200,
CanTradeNpc = 0x0400,
CanEquip = 0x0800,
NoSale = 0x1000,
NoDelivery = 0x2000,
NoTrade = 0x4000,
Rare = 0x8000,
Exclusive = 0x6040,
Nothing = 0xF140
ItemType =
None = 0x0000,
Item = 0x0001,
QuestItem = 0x0002,
Fish = 0x0003,
Weapon = 0x0004,
Armor = 0x0005,
Linkshell = 0x0006,
UsableItem = 0x0007,
Crystal = 0x0008,
Currency = 0x0009,
Furnishing = 0x000A,
Plant = 0x000B,
Flowerpot = 0x000C,
PuppetItem = 0x000D,
Mannequin = 0x000E,
Book = 0x000F,
RacingForm = 0x0010,
BettingSlip = 0x0011,
SoulPlate = 0x0012,
Reflector = 0x0013,
Logs = 0x0014,
LotteryTicket = 0x0015,
TabulaM = 0x0016,
TabulaR = 0x0017,
Voucher = 0x0018,
Rune = 0x0019,
Evolith = 0x001A,
StorageSlip = 0x001B,
Type1 = 0x001C
JobMask =
None = 0x00000000,
WAR = 0x00000002,
MNK = 0x00000004,
WHM = 0x00000008,
BLM = 0x00000010,
RDM = 0x00000020,
THF = 0x00000040,
PLD = 0x00000080,
DRK = 0x00000100,
BST = 0x00000200,
BRD = 0x00000400,
RNG = 0x00000800,
SAM = 0x00001000,
NIN = 0x00002000,
DRG = 0x00004000,
SMN = 0x00008000,
BLU = 0x00010000,
COR = 0x00020000,
PUP = 0x00040000,
DNC = 0x00080000,
SCH = 0x00100000,
GEO = 0x00200000,
RUN = 0x00400000,
MON = 0x00800000,
JOB24 = 0x01000000,
JOB25 = 0x02000000,
JOB26 = 0x04000000,
JOB27 = 0x08000000,
JOB28 = 0x10000000,
JOB29 = 0x20000000,
JOB30 = 0x40000000,
JOB31 = 0x80000000,
AllJobs = 0x007FFFFE,
Jobs =
None = 0,
Warrior = 1,
Monk = 2,
WhiteMage = 3,
BlackMage = 4,
RedMage = 5,
Thief = 6,
Paladin = 7,
DarkKnight = 8,
Beastmaster = 9,
Bard = 10,
Ranger = 11,
Samurai = 12,
Ninja = 13,
Dragoon = 14,
Summoner = 15,
BlueMage = 16,
Corsair = 17,
Puppetmaster = 18,
Dancer = 19,
Scholar = 20,
Geomancer = 21,
RuneFencer = 22
Language =
Default = 0,
Japanese = 1,
English = 2,
French = 3, -- No longer used.
Deutsch = 4 -- No longer used.
LoginStatus =
LoginScreen = 0,
Loading = 1,
LoggedIn = 2
MagicType =
None = 0,
WhiteMagic = 1,
BlackMagic = 2,
Summon = 3,
Ninjutsu = 4,
Song = 5,
BlueMagic = 6,
Geomancy = 7,
Trust = 8
MoonPhase =
New = 0,
WaxingCrescent = 1,
WaxingCrescent2 = 2,
FirstQuarter = 3,
WaxingGibbous = 4,
WaxingGibbous2 = 5,
Full = 6,
WaningGibbous = 7,
WaningGibbous2 = 8,
LastQuarter = 9,
WaningCrescent = 10,
WaningCrescent2 = 11
Nation =
SandOria = 0,
Bastok = 1,
Windurst = 2
PuppetSlot =
None = 0,
Head = 1,
Body = 2,
Attachment = 3
RaceMask =
None = 0x0000,
HumeMale = 0x0002,
HumeFemale = 0x0004,
ElvaanMale = 0x0008,
ElvaanFemale = 0x0010,
TarutaruMale = 0x0020,
TarutaruFemale = 0x0040,
Mithra = 0x0080,
Galka = 0x0100,
Hume = 0x0006,
Elvaan = 0x0018,
Tarutaru = 0x0060,
Male = 0x012A,
Female = 0x00D4,
All = 0x01FE,
SkillTypes =
-- Weapon Skills
HandToHand = 1,
Dagger = 2,
Sword = 3,
GreatSword = 4,
Axe = 5,
GreatAxe = 6,
Scythe = 7,
Polarm = 8,
Katana = 9,
GreatKatana = 10,
Club = 11,
Staff = 12,
-- Combat Skills
Archery = 25,
Marksmanship = 26,
Throwing = 27,
Guard = 28,
Evasion = 29,
Shield = 30,
Parry = 31,
Divine = 32,
Healing = 33,
Enhancing = 34,
Enfeebling = 35,
Elemental = 36,
Dark = 37,
Summoning = 38,
Ninjutsu = 39,
Singing = 40,
String = 41,
Wind = 42,
BlueMagic = 43,
-- Crafting Skills
Fishing = 48,
Woodworking = 49,
Smithing = 50,
Goldsmithing = 51,
Clothcraft = 52,
Leathercraft = 53,
Bonecraft = 54,
Alchemy = 55,
Cooking = 56,
Synergy = 57,
ChocoboDigging = 58,
TargetType =
None = 0x00,
Self = 0x01,
Player = 0x02,
PartyMember = 0x04,
AllianceMember = 0x08,
Npc = 0x10,
Enemy = 0x20,
Unknown = 0x40,
CorpseOnly = 0x80,
Corpse = 0x9D
TreasureStatus =
None = 0,
Pass = 1,
Lot = 2
WeatherType =
Clear = 0,
Sunny = 1,
Cloudy = 2,
Fog = 3,
Fire = 4,
Fire2 = 5,
Water = 6,
Water2 = 7,
Earth = 8,
Earth2 = 9,
Wind = 10,
Wind2 = 11,
Ice = 12,
Ice2 = 13,
Lightning = 14,
Lightning2 = 15,
Light = 16,
Light2 = 17,
Dark = 18,
Dark2 = 19
WeekDay =
Firesday = 0,
Earthsday = 1,
Watersday = 2,
Windsday = 3,
Iceday = 4,
Lightningday = 5,
Lightsday = 6,
Darksday = 7