The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.
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SDK: Updated and fixed the broken player structure. (player.h)
SDK: IPlayer: Overhauled IPlayer to add a lot of new things that have been missing for a bit and were planned for v4.
SDK: IPlayer: Reorganized the methods exposed to match the order of the data in memory.
SDK: IPlayer: Added the following:
- GetSuLevel, GetHighestItemLevel, GetItemLevel, GetMainHandItemLevel
- GetUnityFaction, GetUnityPoints, GetUnityPartialPersonalEvaluationPoints, GetUnityPersonalEvaluationPoints, GetUnityChatColorFlags
- GetMasteryJob, GetMasteryJobLevel, GetMasteryFlags, GetMasteryUnknown0000, GetMasteryExp, GetMasteryExpNeeded
- GetMountRecast, GetMountRecastTimerId
- GetDataLoadedFlags
- GetHomepointMasks
- GetIsZoning
- GetCapacityPoints, GetJobPoints, GetJobPointsSpent
SDK: IPlayer: Adjusted some return types to match their proper memory sizes.
The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.