--[[ * Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 atom0s [atom0s@live.com] * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ or send a letter to * Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. * * By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms. * * Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were * made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor * endorses you or your use. * * Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes. * * No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the * modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original * Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project. * * You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others * from doing anything the license permits. * * No warranties are given. ]]-- ashita = ashita or { }; ashita.ffxi = ashita.ffxi or { }; ashita.ffxi.vanatime = ashita.ffxi.vanatime or { }; -- Scan for patterns.. ashita.ffxi.vanatime.pointer = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'B0015EC390518B4C24088D4424005068', 0x34, 0); -- Signature validation.. if (ashita.ffxi.vanatime.pointer == 0) then error('vanatime.lua -- signature validation failed!'); end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_raw_timestamp -- desc: Returns the current raw Vana'diel timestamp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_raw_timestamp() local pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(ashita.ffxi.vanatime.pointer); return ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer + 0x0C); end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_raw_timestamp = get_raw_timestamp; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_timestamp -- desc: Returns the current formatted Vana'diel timestamp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_timestamp() local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp(); local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25; local h = (ts / 3600) % 24; local m = (ts / 60) % 60; local s = ((ts - (math.floor(ts / 60) * 60))); return string.format('%02i:%02i:%02i', h, m, s); end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_timestamp = get_timestamp; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_current_time -- desc: Returns a table with the hour, minutes, and seconds in Vana'diel time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_current_time() local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp(); local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25; local h = (ts / 3600) % 24; local m = (ts / 60) % 60; local s = ((ts - (math.floor(ts / 60) * 60))); local vana = { }; vana.h = h; vana.m = m; vana.s = s; return vana; end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_time = get_current_time; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_current_hour -- desc: Returns the current Vana'diel hour. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_current_hour() local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp(); local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25; return (ts / 3600) % 24; end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_hour = get_current_hour; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_current_minute -- desc: Returns the current Vana'diel minute. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_current_minute() local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp(); local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25; return (ts / 60) % 60; end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_minute = get_current_minute; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_current_second -- desc: Returns the current Vana'diel second. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_current_second() local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp(); local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25; return ((ts - (math.floor(ts / 60) * 60))); end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_second = get_current_second; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: get_current_date -- desc: Returns a table with the current Vana'diel date. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_current_date() local timestamp = get_raw_timestamp(); local ts = (timestamp + 92514960) * 25; local day = math.floor(ts / 86400); -- Calculate the moon information.. local mphase = (day + 26) % 84; local mpercent = (((42 - mphase) * 100) / 42); if (0 > mpercent) then mpercent = math.abs(mpercent); end -- Build the date information.. local vanadate = { }; vanadate.weekday = (day % 8); vanadate.day = (day % 30) + 1; vanadate.month = ((day % 360) / 30) + 1; vanadate.year = (day / 360); vanadate.moon_percent = math.floor(mpercent + 0.5); if (38 <= mphase) then vanadate.moon_phase = math.floor((mphase - 38) / 7); else vanadate.moon_phase = math.floor((mphase + 46) / 7); end return vanadate; end ashita.ffxi.vanatime.get_current_date = get_current_date;