Plugins/Source downloading to Addons Folder #24

opened 8 years ago by Vicrelant · 2 comments

Did speak with you atom0s about this but figured post to see if any one else reads these. Basically I load ashita and it checks for updates, once done it starts downloading full source/dll to the addons folder.

Both myself and atom0s had looked into this and not able to find a solution to the issue so figured post and see if there where others like me out there with this issue.

Did speak with you atom0s about this but figured post to see if any one else reads these. Basically I load ashita and it checks for updates, once done it starts downloading full source/dll to the addons folder. Both myself and atom0s had looked into this and not able to find a solution to the issue so figured post and see if there where others like me out there with this issue.

At this moment, Vicrelant is the only person that has had/reported this issue. If anyone else has this issue please report it here. More information and insight is needed to figure out what is causing this issue. I am personally unable to recreate it on any of my machines, so other people affected reporting info would be helpful.

At this moment, Vicrelant is the only person that has had/reported this issue. If anyone else has this issue please report it here. More information and insight is needed to figure out what is causing this issue. I am personally unable to recreate it on any of my machines, so other people affected reporting info would be helpful.

Closing this due to inactivity after 4 years of not being able to recreate this problem or have anyone else report it. Ashita v3 is coming up on end of life as well which will make this issue obsolete soon anyway.

If anyone else hits this problem, feel free to make a new issue and reference this one.

Closing this due to inactivity after 4 years of not being able to recreate this problem or have anyone else report it. Ashita v3 is coming up on end of life as well which will make this issue obsolete soon anyway. If anyone else hits this problem, feel free to make a new issue and reference this one.
atom0s closed this issue 3 years ago
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