Ashita v3 launches to POL #16

opened 8 years ago by Rampsumair · 5 comments


I have been having an issue loading the FFXI game client through Ashita v3. Everything seems to be installed correctly, but when I launch Retail(Full Screen) or Retail(Windowed), the client boots up the POL screen.

I have tried to unistall everything and placing Ashita v3 in it's own folder on the C: drive, but these things don't seem to work.

Anything I am missing here? Thank you.

Hello. I have been having an issue loading the FFXI game client through Ashita v3. Everything seems to be installed correctly, but when I launch Retail(Full Screen) or Retail(Windowed), the client boots up the POL screen. I have tried to unistall everything and placing Ashita v3 in it's own folder on the C: drive, but these things don't seem to work. Anything I am missing here? Thank you.

If you are playing on retail, this is normal. It should boot up PlayOnline as normal so you can login with the desired account and so on. You should see the window title edited to include that Ashita is loaded. Once you are logged in and go to play FFXI as normal, Ashita will work like normal.

If you are trying to play on a private server you do not want to use the retail configurations inside of Ashita.

If you are playing on retail, this is normal. It should boot up PlayOnline as normal so you can login with the desired account and so on. You should see the window title edited to include that Ashita is loaded. Once you are logged in and go to play FFXI as normal, Ashita will work like normal. If you are trying to play on a private server you do not want to use the retail configurations inside of Ashita.

Thanks for the answer.

I don't think I am logging in through retail... I have the Nasomi version of the game which includes all of the things available to download off of their website. They had me create a POL ID back when I was installing the private server, but it never required a password or anything. One just has to be registered in order to access POL for updates and things like that.

I am trying to play on the Nasomi private server. How then can I use the correct configurations in order to access the game through Ashita v3? Before I learned that Ashita2 was no longer being used after it crashed on me, I was able to successfully log into the Nasomi server without any interruptions or a need to access the FFXI through POL first.

What would the alternative be in my situation?

Thanks for the answer. I don't think I am logging in through retail... I have the Nasomi version of the game which includes all of the things available to download off of their website. They had me create a POL ID back when I was installing the private server, but it never required a password or anything. One just has to be registered in order to access POL for updates and things like that. I am trying to play on the Nasomi private server. How then can I use the correct configurations in order to access the game through Ashita v3? Before I learned that Ashita2 was no longer being used after it crashed on me, I was able to successfully log into the Nasomi server without any interruptions or a need to access the FFXI through POL first. What would the alternative be in my situation?

If normal PlayOnline is being launched, then you are using a retail configuration to load the game. Check to see if the boot file is properly set to use the private server boot file instead and not a blank entry or being pointed to the real POL file.

If normal PlayOnline is being launched, then you are using a retail configuration to load the game. Check to see if the boot file is properly set to use the private server boot file instead and not a blank entry or being pointed to the real POL file.

Where would I check that, atom0s? Forgive my extreme lack of knowledge on this subject, but I don't know where the boot file is.

Where would I check that, atom0s? Forgive my extreme lack of knowledge on this subject, but I don't know where the boot file is.

Thanks a bunch for the troubleshooting, atomOs. Problem solved.

Thanks a bunch for the troubleshooting, atomOs. Problem solved.
Rampsumair closed this issue 8 years ago
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