The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.
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* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once
* Credits to the original ProjectXI team for these functions which is where they have
* originated from. (See CBasePacket of the ProjectXI source code base.)
namespace Ashita
class BinaryData
* Packs data into the given buffer. (Big Endian)
static uint32_t PackBitsBE(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value, uint32_t offset, uint8_t len)
return PackBitsBE(data, value, 0, offset, len);
* Packs data into the given buffer. (Big Endian)
static uint32_t PackBitsBE(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value, uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t bitOffset, uint8_t len)
byteOffset += bitOffset >> 3;
bitOffset %= 8;
auto bitmask = (uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
bitmask >>= 64 - len;
bitmask <<= bitOffset;
value <<= bitOffset;
value &= bitmask;
if (len + bitOffset <= 8)
auto dataPointer = (uint8_t*)&data[byteOffset];
auto bitmaskUC = (uint8_t)bitmask;
auto valueUC = (uint8_t)value;
*dataPointer &= bitmaskUC;
*dataPointer |= valueUC;
else if (len + bitOffset <= 16)
auto dataPointer = (uint16_t*)&data[byteOffset];
auto bitmaskUC = (uint16_t)bitmask;
auto valueUC = (uint16_t)value;
*dataPointer &= bitmaskUC;
*dataPointer |= valueUC;
else if (len + bitOffset <= 32)
auto dataPointer = (uint32_t*)&data[byteOffset];
auto bitmaskUC = (uint32_t)bitmask;
auto valueUC = (uint32_t)value;
*dataPointer &= bitmaskUC;
*dataPointer |= valueUC;
else if (len + bitOffset <= 64)
auto dataPointer = (uint64_t*)&data[byteOffset];
*dataPointer &= bitmask;
*dataPointer |= value;
// We should not get here.. an error occurred..
// data size > 64bits
return (byteOffset << 3) + bitOffset + len;
* Unpacks data from the given buffer. (Big Endian)
static uint64_t UnpackBitsBE(uint8_t* data, uint32_t offset, uint8_t len)
return UnpackBitsBE(data, 0, offset, len);
* Unpacks data from the given buffer. (Big Endian)
static uint64_t UnpackBitsBE(uint8_t* data, uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t bitOffset, uint8_t len)
byteOffset += (bitOffset >> 3);
bitOffset %= 8;
uint64_t retVal;
auto bitmask = (uint64_t)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL;
bitmask >>= (64 - len);
bitmask <<= bitOffset;
if (len + bitOffset <= 8)
auto dataPointer = (uint8_t*)&data[byteOffset];
retVal = (*dataPointer&(uint8_t)bitmask) >> bitOffset;
else if (len + bitOffset <= 16)
auto dataPointer = (uint16_t*)&data[byteOffset];
retVal = (*dataPointer&(uint16_t)bitmask) >> bitOffset;
else if (len + bitOffset <= 32)
auto dataPointer = (uint32_t*)&data[byteOffset];
retVal = (*dataPointer&(uint32_t)bitmask) >> bitOffset;
else if (len + bitOffset <= 64)
auto dataPointer = (uint64_t*)&data[byteOffset];
retVal = (*dataPointer&(uint64_t)bitmask) >> bitOffset;
// We should not get here.. an error occurred..
// data size > 64bits
return 0;
return retVal;
* Packs data into the given buffer. (Little Endian)
static uint32_t PackBitsLE(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value, uint32_t offset, uint8_t len)
return PackBitsLE(data, value, 0, offset, len);
* Packs data into the given buffer. (Little Endian)
static uint32_t PackBitsLE(uint8_t* data, uint64_t value, uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t bitOffset, uint8_t len)
byteOffset += bitOffset >> 3;
bitOffset %= 8;
uint8_t bytesNeeded;
if (bitOffset + len <= 8)
bytesNeeded = 1;
else if (bitOffset + len <= 16)
bytesNeeded = 2;
else if (bitOffset + len <= 32)
bytesNeeded = 4;
else if (bitOffset + len <= 64)
bytesNeeded = 8;
// We should not get here.. an error occurred..
// data size > 64bits
return 0;
auto modifieddata = new uint8_t[bytesNeeded];
for (uint8_t curByte = 0; curByte < bytesNeeded; ++curByte)
modifieddata[curByte] = data[byteOffset + (bytesNeeded - 1) - curByte];
int newBitOffset = (bytesNeeded << 3) - (bitOffset + len);
PackBitsBE(&modifieddata[0], value, 0, newBitOffset, len);
for (uint8_t curByte = 0; curByte < bytesNeeded; ++curByte)
data[byteOffset + (bytesNeeded - 1) - curByte] = modifieddata[curByte];
if (modifieddata)
delete[] modifieddata;
return (byteOffset << 3) + bitOffset + len;
* Unpacks data from the given buffer. (Little Endian)
static uint64_t UnpackBitsLE(uint8_t* data, uint32_t offset, uint8_t len)
return UnpackBitsLE(data, 0, offset, len);
* Unpacks data from the given buffer. (Little Endian)
static uint64_t UnpackBitsLE(uint8_t* data, uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t bitOffset, uint8_t len)
byteOffset += bitOffset >> 3;
bitOffset %= 8;
uint8_t bytesNeeded;
if (bitOffset + len <= 8)
bytesNeeded = 1;
else if (bitOffset + len <= 16)
bytesNeeded = 2;
else if (bitOffset + len <= 32)
bytesNeeded = 4;
else if (bitOffset + len <= 64)
bytesNeeded = 8;
// We should not get here.. an error occurred..
// data size > 64bits
return 0;
uint64_t retVal;
auto modifieddata = new uint8_t[bytesNeeded];
for (uint8_t curByte = 0; curByte < bytesNeeded; ++curByte)
modifieddata[curByte] = data[byteOffset + (bytesNeeded - 1) - curByte];
if (bytesNeeded == 1)
uint8_t bitmask = 0xFF >> bitOffset;
retVal = (modifieddata[0] & bitmask) >> (8 - (len + bitOffset));
int newBitOffset = (bytesNeeded * 8) - (bitOffset + len);
retVal = UnpackBitsBE(&modifieddata[0], 0, newBitOffset, len);
if (modifieddata)
delete[] modifieddata;
return retVal;
}; // Ashita