The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.
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* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once
#include <Windows.h>
#include "AS_Event.h"
namespace Ashita
namespace Threading
* Thread Priority Enumeration
enum class ThreadPriority : int32_t {
Lowest = -2,
BelowNormal = -1,
Normal = 0,
AboveNormal = 1,
Highest = 2
class AS_Thread
HANDLE m_ThreadHandle;
uint32_t m_ThreadId;
AS_Event m_StartEvent;
AS_Event m_EndEvent;
: m_ThreadHandle(nullptr)
, m_ThreadId(0)
, m_StartEvent(true)
, m_EndEvent(true)
{ }
virtual ~AS_Thread(void)
if (this->m_ThreadHandle != nullptr)
* Thread entry function the inheriting class must implement.
* @returns {uint32_t} The thread functions return value.
virtual uint32_t ThreadEntry(void) = 0;
* Thread entry function used to signal the thread and run the inheriting
* classes thread entry function.
* @returns {uint32_t} The thread functions return value.
uint32_t InternalEntry(void)
if (this->IsTerminated())
return 0;
return this->ThreadEntry();
* Starts the thread.
void Start()
this->m_ThreadHandle = ::CreateThread(nullptr, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadCallback, (LPVOID)this, 0, (LPDWORD)&this->m_ThreadId);
* Stops the thread.
void Stop(void)
if (this->WaitForFinish(INFINITE))
this->m_ThreadHandle = nullptr;
this->m_ThreadId = 0;
* Waits the given amount of milliseconds for the thread handle to signal.
* @param {uint32_t} milliseconds - The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait.
* @returns {uint32_t} True on success, false otherwise.
bool WaitForFinish(uint32_t milliseconds = INFINITE) const
if (this->m_ThreadHandle == nullptr)
return false;
return ::WaitForSingleObject(this->m_ThreadHandle, milliseconds) != WAIT_TIMEOUT;
* Sets the threads priority.
* @param {ThreadPriority} p - The thread priority to set the thread to.
void SetPriority(ThreadPriority p) const
if (this->m_ThreadHandle != nullptr)
::SetThreadPriority(this->m_ThreadHandle, (int32_t)p);
* Gets the threads priority.
* @returns {ThreadPriority} The threads priority.
ThreadPriority GetPriority(void) const
if (this->m_ThreadHandle == nullptr)
return (ThreadPriority)0;
return (ThreadPriority)::GetThreadPriority(this->m_ThreadHandle);
* Signals the end event telling the thread it should stop.
void RaiseEnd(void)
* Resets the end event signal.
void ResetEnd(void)
* Returns if the thread has been terminated or not.
* @returns {bool} True if the thread is terminated, false otherwise.
bool IsTerminated(void) const
return this->m_EndEvent.IsSignaled();
* Returns the threads handle.
* @returns {HANDLE} This threads handle.
HANDLE GetHandle(void) const { return this->m_ThreadHandle; }
* Returns the threads id.
* @returns {uint32_t} This threads id.
uint32_t GetId(void) const { return this->m_ThreadId; }
* Returns the threads exit code.
* @returns {uint32_t} This threads exit code.
uint32_t GetExitCode(void) const
if (this->m_ThreadHandle == nullptr)
return 0;
uint32_t exitCode = 0;
::GetExitCodeThread(this->m_ThreadHandle, (LPDWORD)&exitCode);
return exitCode;
* Internal thread callback to invoke the inheriting objects thread handler.
* @param {LPVOID} param - The AS_Thread object passed to this callback.
* @returns {uint32_t} The internal threads return value, 0 otherwise.
static uint32_t __stdcall ThreadCallback(LPVOID param)
auto thread = (AS_Thread*)param;
if (thread != nullptr)
return thread->InternalEntry();
return 0;
}; // namespace Threading
}; // namespace Ashita