The main release package of Ashita v3. Contains all the needed files for users to get up and running. Used by the launcher/injector to auto-update as well.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

265 lines
14 KiB

* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2021 atom0s []
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to
* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms.
* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were
* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor
* endorses you or your use.
* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes.
* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the
* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original
* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project.
* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others
* from doing anything the license permits.
* No warranties are given.
#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once
namespace Ashita {
namespace FFXI {
struct playerstats_t
int16_t Strength;
int16_t Dexterity;
int16_t Vitality;
int16_t Agility;
int16_t Intelligence;
int16_t Mind;
int16_t Charisma;
struct playerresists_t
int16_t Fire;
int16_t Ice;
int16_t Wind;
int16_t Earth;
int16_t Lightning;
int16_t Water;
int16_t Light;
int16_t Dark;
struct combatskill_t
uint16_t Raw;
uint16_t GetSkill(void) const { return (uint16_t)(this->Raw & 0x7FFF); }
bool IsCapped(void) const { return (this->Raw & 0x8000) == 0 ? false : true; };
struct craftskill_t
uint16_t Raw;
uint16_t GetSkill(void) const { return (this->Raw & 0x1FE0) >> 5; }
uint16_t GetRank(void) const { return (uint16_t)(this->Raw & 0x1F); }
bool IsCapped(void) const { return (this->Raw & 0x8000) >> 15 == 0 ? false : true; };
struct combatskills_t
combatskill_t Unknown;
combatskill_t HandToHand;
combatskill_t Dagger;
combatskill_t Sword;
combatskill_t GreatSword;
combatskill_t Axe;
combatskill_t GreatAxe;
combatskill_t Scythe;
combatskill_t Polearm;
combatskill_t Katana;
combatskill_t GreatKatana;
combatskill_t Club;
combatskill_t Staff;
combatskill_t Unused0000;
combatskill_t Unused0001;
combatskill_t Unused0002;
combatskill_t Unused0003;
combatskill_t Unused0004;
combatskill_t Unused0005;
combatskill_t Unused0006;
combatskill_t Unused0007;
combatskill_t Unused0008;
combatskill_t Unused0009;
combatskill_t Unused0010;
combatskill_t Unused0011;
combatskill_t Archery;
combatskill_t Marksmanship;
combatskill_t Throwing;
combatskill_t Guarding;
combatskill_t Evasion;
combatskill_t Shield;
combatskill_t Parrying;
combatskill_t Divine;
combatskill_t Healing;
combatskill_t Enhancing;
combatskill_t Enfeebling;
combatskill_t Elemental;
combatskill_t Dark;
combatskill_t Summon;
combatskill_t Ninjitsu;
combatskill_t Singing;
combatskill_t String;
combatskill_t Wind;
combatskill_t BlueMagic;
combatskill_t Unused0012;
combatskill_t Unused0013;
combatskill_t Unused0014;
combatskill_t Unused0015;
struct craftskills_t
craftskill_t Fishing;
craftskill_t Woodworking;
craftskill_t Smithing;
craftskill_t Goldsmithing;
craftskill_t Clothcraft;
craftskill_t Leathercraft;
craftskill_t Bonecraft;
craftskill_t Alchemy;
craftskill_t Cooking;
craftskill_t Synergy;
craftskill_t Riding;
craftskill_t Unused0000;
craftskill_t Unused0001;
craftskill_t Unused0002;
craftskill_t Unused0003;
craftskill_t Unused0004;
struct abilityrecast_t
uint16_t Recast; // The abilities recast timer at the time of use.
uint8_t Unknown0000; // Unknown
uint8_t RecastTimerId; // The abilities recast timer id.
uint32_t Unknown0001; // Unknown
struct mountrecast_t
uint32_t Recast;
uint32_t TimerId;
union unityinfo_t
uint32_t Raw;
uint32_t Faction : 4;
uint32_t Unknown : 6;
uint32_t Points : 22;
} Bits;
struct jobpointentry_t
uint16_t CapacityPoints;
uint16_t Points;
uint16_t PointsSpent;
struct jobpointsinfo_t
uint32_t Unknown0000;
jobpointentry_t Jobs[24];
struct playerinfo_t
uint32_t HealthMax; // The players max health.
uint32_t ManaMax; // The players max mana.
uint8_t MainJob; // The players main job id.
uint8_t MainJobLevel; // The players main job level.
uint8_t SubJob; // The players sub job id.
uint8_t SubJobLevel; // The players sub job level.
uint16_t ExpCurrent; // The players current experience points.
uint16_t ExpNeeded; // The players current experience points needed to level.
playerstats_t Stats; // The players base stats.
playerstats_t StatsModifiers; // The players stat modifiers.
int16_t Attack; // The players attack.
int16_t Defense; // The players defense.
playerresists_t Resists; // The players elemental resists.
uint16_t Title; // The players title id.
uint16_t Rank; // The players rank number.
uint16_t RankPoints; // The players rank points. [Two values packed.]
uint16_t Homepoint; // The players homepoint.
uint32_t Unknown0000; // Unknown (Set from 0x61 packet. Offset: 0x4C)
uint8_t Nation; // The players nation id.
uint8_t Residence; // The players residence id.
uint16_t SuLevel; // The players Superior Equipment level.
uint8_t HighestItemLevel; // The players highest equipped item level.
uint8_t ItemLevel; // The players item level. (1 = 100, increases from there. -1 from what the value is in memory.)
uint8_t MainHandItemLevel; // The players main hand item level.
uint8_t Unknown0001; // Unknown (Set from 0x61 packet. Offset: 0x57) [Never read, just set.]
unityinfo_t UnityInfo; // The players unity faction and points.
uint16_t UnityPartialPersonalEvalutionPoints; // The players partial unity personal evaluation points.
uint16_t UnityPersonalEvaluationPoints; // The players personal unity evaluation points.
uint32_t UnityChatColorFlag; // Alters the color of the unity faction name when the chat bar is open for /unity chat.
uint8_t MasteryJob; // The players set Mastery job id.
uint8_t MasteryJobLevel; // The players current Mastery job level.
uint8_t MasteryFlags; // Flags that control how the Mastery system works and displays information.
uint8_t MasteryUnknown0000; // Unknown
uint32_t MasteryExp; // The players current Mastery job experience points.
uint32_t MasteryExpNeeded; // The players current Mastery job experience points needed to level.
combatskills_t CombatSkills; // The players combat skills.
craftskills_t CraftSkills; // The players crafting skills.
abilityrecast_t AbilityInfo[31]; // The players ability recast information.
mountrecast_t MountRecast; // The players mount recast information.
uint8_t DataLoadedFlags; // Flags that control what player information has been populated. Controls text visiiblity in player menus, unity information, etc.
uint8_t Unknown0002; // Unknown [Padding?]
uint16_t LimitPoints; // The players current limit points.
uint8_t MeritPoints; // The players current merit points.
uint8_t LimitMode; // The players current limit mode. (Controls mode, text color, etc.)
uint8_t MeritPointsMax; // The players max merits.
uint8_t Unknown0003[3]; // Unknown [Set with MeritPointsMax, looks to be just junk.]
uint16_t Unknown0004; // Unknown (Set from 0x63 packet. Offset: 0x0C) [Never read, just set.]
jobpointsinfo_t JobPoints; // The players current job point information.
uint8_t HomepointMasks[64]; // The players known homepoints. [Bitpacked masks.]
int16_t StatusIcons[32]; // The players status icons used for status timers.
int32_t StatusTimers[32]; // The players status timers.
uint8_t Unknown0005[32]; // Unknown [Set from 0x63 packet, case 0x0A.]
uint32_t IsZoning; // Flag if the player is zoning and the client should send an 0x0C request.
float Unknown0006; // Unknown [Client uses these when the player entity status is 29 or 30.]
float Unknown0007; //
float Unknown0008; //
uint32_t Unknown0009; // Unknown [Padding?]
float Unknown0010; // Unknown [Client uses these when the player entity status is 29 or 30.]
float Unknown0011; //
float Unknown0012; //
uint32_t Unknown0013; // Unknown [Padding?]
float Unknown0014; // Unknown [Client uses these when the player entity status is 26 or 27.]
float Unknown0015; //
float Unknown0016; //
uint32_t Unknown0017; // Unknown [Padding?]
float Unknown0018; // Unknown [Client uses these when the player entity status is 26 or 27.]
float Unknown0019; //
float Unknown0020; //
uint32_t Unknown0021; // Unknown [Padding?]
uint32_t Unknown0022; // Unknown [Set from 0x10E packet, casted to a double later in usages.]
uint32_t Unknown0023; // Unknown
int16_t Buffs[32]; // The players current status effect icon ids.
}; // namespace FFXI
}; // namespace Ashita