From 425493b8b859b3f6198c6de1cb2afb4ff1e9e92f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tornac83 <> Date: Thu, 14 May 2020 20:52:37 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] first commit --- | 22 +++ pupatt.lua | 428 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 450 insertions(+) create mode 100644 create mode 100644 pupatt.lua diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b114316 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Pupatt +Ashita pup attachment addon for changing pup attachments per user profiles. Only working on retail and only pup main at the moment. + +pupatt commands /pupatt + +/pupatt load profileName, - Loads a saved profile from settings. + +/pupatt newprofile profileName, - Creates a new profile. + +/pupatt save, - Saves the new profile created. + +/pupatt list, - Lists the profiles as well as the hex values for each attachment. + +/pupatt current, - Lists the current attachments hex values. + +/pupatt clear, - Clears the current attachments. + +/pupatt save, - Saves the new profile created. + +/pupatt spawn, - Spawns the puppet using whatever is off cooldown. + +/pupatt despawn, - Despawns the puppet. diff --git a/pupatt.lua b/pupatt.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2e1158 --- /dev/null +++ b/pupatt.lua @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +--[[ +* Ashita - Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 atom0s [] +* +* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. +* To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to +* Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. +* +* By using Ashita, you agree to the above license and its terms. +* +* Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were +* made. You must do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor +* endorses you or your use. +* +* Non-Commercial - You may not use the material (Ashita) for commercial purposes. +* +* No-Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material (Ashita), you may not distribute the +* modified material. You are, however, allowed to submit the modified works back to the original +* Ashita project in attempt to have it added to the original project. +* +* You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others +* from doing anything the license permits. +* +* No warranties are given. +]]-- + = 'tornac'; = 'pupatt'; +_addon.version = '1.05'; + +--------------------------------- +--DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE +--------------------------------- + +require 'common' +require 'ffxi.recast' +require 'logging' +require 'timer' + +-------------------------------------------------------------- +-- Create a table for holding the current profile to be written +-------------------------------------------------------------- + +objDelay = 0.65; -- The delay to prevent spamming packets. +objTimer = 0; -- The current time used for delaying packets. +unequip = 0x00; +pupSub = 0x00; +offset = 0x04; +local PlayerName = nil; +inProgress = false; -- packet sending is in progress. +queOffset = 1; -- smoother experience for packets. + +currentProfile = { }; +attachmentQueue = { }; -- Table to hold commands queued for sending +currentAttachments = { }; -- table for holding current attachments +pupattProfiles = { }; -- table for holding attachment profiles +petlessZones = {50,235,234,224,284,233,70,257,251,14,242,250,226,245, + 237,249,131,53,252,231,236,246,232,240,247,243,223,248,230, + 26,71,244,239,238,241,256,257} + +--[[ keeping for reference + +local player = GetPlayerEntity(); +local pet = player.PetTargetIndex +local recastTimerActivate = ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id(205); +local recastTimerDeactivate = ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id(208); +local recastTimerdeusex = ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id(115); +local MainJob = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetMainJob(); +local SubJob = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetSubJob(); +local buffs = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetBuffs(); +local limitpoints = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetLimitPoints(); +local zone_id = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty():GetMemberZone(0); + +]] + +--------------------------------------------------------------- +--try to load file when addon is loaded +--------------------------------------------------------------- + +ashita.register_event('load', function() + load_pupattSettings(); +end); + +--------------------------------------------------------------- +-- sees if any values are in a given table. +--------------------------------------------------------------- + +function contains(table, val) + for i=1,#table do + if table[i] == val then + return true + end + end + return false; +end; + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- desc: Getting pup information from packets for subsequent equipment changes. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ashita.register_event('incoming_packet', function(id, size, packet) + -- Party Member's Status + if (id == 0x044) then + DiffPack = struct.unpack('B', packet, 0x05 + 1); + equippedOffset = 1; -- Increase by one byte every loop + if (DiffPack == 0) then + -- Unpack 14 bytes and set the slotid:attachmentid into currentAttachments table + for i = 1, 14 do + attachmentId = string.format("0x%X" , struct.unpack('B', packet, 0x08 + equippedOffset)); + currentAttachments[i] = attachmentId; + equippedOffset = equippedOffset + 1; + end + end + end + return false; +end); + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- desc: Adds all the attachements from the given profile. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +--Pass in a slot ID + hex id of the Attachment +-- Slot ID 1 = Head, 2=frame, 3-14 = attachment slots +function addAttachment(slot, id) + slots = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; + slots[slot] = id; + local attach = struct.pack('I2I2BBBBBBI2BBBBBBBBBBBBBB', 0x5302, 0x0000, id, 0x00, unequip, 0x00, 0x12, pupSub, 0x0000, slots[1],slots[2],slots[3],slots[4],slots[5],slots[6],slots[7],slots[8],slots[9],slots[10],slots[11],slots[12],slots[13],slots[14]):totable(); + table.insert(attachmentQueue, { 0x102, attach}); +end; + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- desc: Clearing all the attachment out of the puppet. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function clearAttachments() + local player = GetPlayerEntity(); + local pet = GetEntity(player.PetTargetIndex); + + if(pet == nil) then + print ("Clearing Attachments"); + slots = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; + for slot,id in pairs(currentAttachments) do + slots[slot] = id; + end + slots[1] = 0x00; + slots[2] = 0x00; + local unattach = struct.pack('I2I2BBBBBBI2BBBBBBBBBBBBBB', 0x5302, 0x0000, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x12, pupSub, 0x0000, slots[1],slots[2],slots[3],slots[4],slots[5],slots[6],slots[7],slots[8],slots[9],slots[10],slots[11],slots[12],slots[13],slots[14]):totable(); + table.insert(attachmentQueue, { 0x102, unattach}); + else + print("Puppet still out please despawn to unequip attachments.") + end +end; + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- desc: Pup attachment struct.packing. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function load_pupatt(attachmentSet) + local player = GetPlayerEntity(); + local pet = GetEntity(player.PetTargetIndex); + local MainJob = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetMainJob(); + local SubJob = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():GetSubJob(); + + if ((MainJob == 18 or SubJob == 18)and pet == nil) then + if (SubJob == 18) then + local pupSub = 0x01; + end + for slot,item in ipairs(attachmentSet) do + addAttachment(slot,item); + end + else + print("Puppet is still out please please despawn pet to make changes to attachments.") + end +end; + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- desc: Despawns your pet based on cooldowns. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function despawn_pet() + local recastTimerDeactivate = ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id(208); + local player = GetPlayerEntity(); + local pet = GetEntity(player.PetTargetIndex); + + if (recastTimerDeactivate == 0 and pet ~= nil) then + AshitaCore:GetChatManager():QueueCommand('/ja "Deactivate" ' , 1); + elseif (recastTimerDeactivate > 0 and pet ~= nil) then + print('<>') + end +end; + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- desc: Summons your pet based on cooldowns and zone_id. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function Summon_pet() + local recastTimerActivate = ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id(205); + local recastTimerdeusex = ashita.ffxi.recast.get_ability_recast_by_id(115); + local zone_id = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetParty():GetMemberZone(0); + local player = GetPlayerEntity(); + local pet = GetEntity(player.PetTargetIndex); + + if (pet == nil) then + if contains(petlessZones, zone_id) then + print("You are in a zone that dose not allow pets.") + else + if (recastTimerActivate == 0) then + print("<>") + AshitaCore:GetChatManager():QueueCommand('/ja "Activate" ' , 1); + elseif(recastTimerdeusex == 0) then + print('<>') + AshitaCore:GetChatManager():QueueCommand('/ja "Deus Ex Automata" ' , 1); + elseif(recastTimerdeusex > 0 and recastTimerdeusex > 0) then + print('<>') + end + end + else + print("Your puppet is already out") + end +end; + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: process_queue +-- desc: Processes the packet queue to be sent. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function process_queue() + if (os.clock() >= (objTimer + objDelay)) then + objTimer = os.clock(); + + -- Ensure the queue has something to process.. + if (#attachmentQueue > queOffset) then + queOffset = 0 + inProgress = true + -- Obtain the first queue entry.. + local data = table.remove(attachmentQueue, 1); + + -- Send the queued object.. + --print("Sending packet #"..(#attachmentQueue + 1)) + AddOutgoingPacket(data[1], data[2]); + elseif (#attachmentQueue == queOffset and inProgress == true) then + print("Attachment change completed") + inProgress = false + queOffset = 1 + end + end +end + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: render +-- desc: Event called when the addon is being rendered. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ashita.register_event('render', function() + -- Process the objectives packet queue.. + process_queue(); + attFromMemory(); +end); + +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: load_pupattSettings +-- desc: load pup attachments from a file and sets currentattachment equip. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function load_pupattSettings() + local tempCommands = ashita.settings.load(_addon.path .. '/settings/pupattProfiles.json'); + + if tempCommands ~= nil then + print('Stored objective profiles found.'); + pupattProfiles = tempCommands; + else + print('pupatt profiles could not be loaded. Creating empty lists.'); + pupattProfiles = { }; + end +end; + +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: new_profile +-- desc: Creates new profile with current objectives +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function new_profile(profileName) + print("Saving current attachments to profile " .. profileName) + newProfile = {} + for k,v in pairs (currentAttachments) do + convv = string.format("0x%X",v) + if (__debug) then + print(string.format("slot id and attachmentId: %d, 0x%X", k, v)); + print(convk) + print(convv) + end + table.insert(newProfile, convv) + end + pupattProfiles[profileName] = newProfile; +end; + +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: list_profiles +-- desc: Lists saved profiles +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function list_profiles() + print("Current Profiles:\n") + printProfiles = ashita.settings.JSON:encode_pretty(pupattProfiles, nil, {pretty = true, indent = "-> " }); + print(printProfiles); +end; + +--------------------------------------------------------------- + -- Prepairs, reads and stores the current attachment for 1st time use. +--------------------------------------------------------------- + +function attFromMemory() + if (currentAttachments == nil) then + local pointer1 = ashita.memory.findpattern('FFXiMain.dll', 0, 'C1E1032BC8B0018D????????????B9????????F3A55F5E5B', 10, 0); + if (pointer1 == 0) then + err('Failed to locate current attachments, please cycle a attachment to continue.'); + else + local offset1 = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer1); + pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(AshitaCore:GetPointerManager():GetPointer('inventory')); + pointer = ashita.memory.read_uint32(pointer); + currentAttachments = ashita.memory.read_array((pointer + offset1) + offset, 0x0E); + if (currentAttachments ~= nil) then + for i = 1, 14 do + currentAttachments[i] = string.format("0x%X" , currentAttachments[i]); + end + end + end + end +end; + +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: save_pupattProfile +-- desc: saves current pup attachment profiles to a file +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +function save_profiles() + print("Writing saved profiles to file settings/pupattProfiles.json"); + -- Save the addon settings to a file (from the addonSettings table) + .. '/settings' .. '/pupattProfiles.json' , pupattProfiles); +end; + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: print_help +-- desc: Displays a help block for proper command usage. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +local function print_help(cmd, help) + -- Print the invalid format header.. + print('\31\200[\31\05' .. .. '\31\200]\30\01 ' .. '\30\68Invalid format for command:\30\02 ' .. cmd .. '\30\01'); + + -- Loop and print the help commands.. + for k, v in pairs(help) do + print('\31\200[\31\05' .. .. '\31\200]\30\01 ' .. '\30\68Syntax:\30\02 ' .. v[1] .. '\30\71 ' .. v[2]); + end +end; + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- func: user_commands +-- desc: User commands to help interact with the program. +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ashita.register_event('command', function(command, ntype) + -- Get the arguments of the command.. + local args = command:args(); + + if (args[1] ~= '/pupatt') then + return false; + end + + if (#args == 3 and args[2] == 'newprofile') then + new_profile(args[3]) + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'list') then + list_profiles() + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'current') then + currentAtt = ashita.settings.JSON:encode_pretty(currentAttachments, nil, {pretty = true, indent = "-> " }); + print(currentAtt); + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'save') then + save_profiles() + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'clear') then + clearAttachments() + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'spawn') then + Summon_pet() + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'despawn') then + despawn_pet() + return true; + end + + if (#args >= 2 and args[2] == 'load') then + print("Loading " .. args[3]); + if pupattProfiles[args[3]] then + ashita.timer.once(1,clearAttachments); + ashita.timer.once(2,load_pupatt,pupattProfiles[args[3]]); + else + print (args[3] .. " profile not found"); + end + return true; + end + + -- Prints the addon help.. + print_help('/pupatt', { + {'/pupatt load profileName', ' - Loads a saved profile from settings. '}, + {'/pupatt newprofile profileName', ' - creates a new profile.'}, + {'/pupatt save', ' - Saves the new profile created.'}, + {'/pupatt list', ' - Lists the profiles as well as the hex values for each attachment.'}, + {'/pupatt current', ' - Lists the current attachments hex values.'}, + {'/pupatt clear', ' - Clears the current attachments.'}, + {'/pupatt spawn', ' - Spawns the puppet using whatever is off cooldown.'}, + {'/pupatt despawn', ' - despawns the puppet.'}, + }); + return true; +end);