--[[ Copyright © 2013-2015, Giuliano Riccio All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of findAll nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Giuliano Riccio BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] _addon.name = 'findAll' _addon.author = 'Zohno (ported by farmboy0)' _addon.version = '1.20170501' require 'ffxi.enums' require 'tableex' require 'windower.strings' ki = require('windower.key_items') slips = require('windower.slips') KEY_ITEM_STORAGE_NAME = 'Key Items' sorted_container_names = {} for name, id in pairs(Containers) do sorted_container_names[id + 1] = {id = id, name = name} end -- global_storages[server str][character_name str][inventory_name str][item_id num] = count num global_storages = {} item_names = {} function get_item_names_by_id(storage_name, id) if storage_name == KEY_ITEM_STORAGE_NAME then return { name = ki[id].en, long_name = '' } end if item_names[id] == nil then local item = AshitaCore:GetResourceManager():GetItemById(id) if not item then item_names[id] = { name='Unknown item with ID ' .. id, long_name='Unknown item with ID ' .. id } else item_names[id] = { name=item.Name[0] or '', long_name=item.LogNameSingular[0] or '' } end end return item_names[id] end function log(method, message) print(message) end function warn(method, message) print('WARN(' .. method .. '): ' .. message) end function error(method, message) print('ERR(' .. method .. '): ' .. message) end function encase_key(key) if type(key) == 'number' then return '[' .. tostring(key) .. ']' elseif type(key) == 'string' then return '["' .. key .. '"]' end return tostring(key) end function make_table(tab, tab_offset) -- Won't work for circular references or keys containing double quotes local offset = string.rep(" ", tab_offset) local ret = "{\n" for id, v in pairs(tab) do ret = ret .. offset .. encase_key(id) .. ' = ' if type(v) == 'table' then ret = ret .. make_table(v, tab_offset + 2) .. ',\n' else ret = ret .. tostring(v) .. ',\n' end end return ret .. offset .. '}' end function get_player_name() local player = GetPlayerEntity() if player ~= nil then return player.Name end return nil end function get_files_in_dir(path, filter) return ashita.file.get_dir(path, filter, false) end function get_storage_path() return _addon.path .. '/data' end function create_storage_dir() if not ashita.file.dir_exists(get_storage_path()) then ashita.file.create_dir(get_storage_path()) end end function is_bit_set(slip_inv_entry, bit) local byte = slip_inv_entry.Extra[math.floor((bit - 1) / 8)] if byte < 0 then byte = byte + 256; end -- this computes the value of the bit for its byte as 2^0 to 2^7 local bit_value = 2 ^ ((bit - 1) % 8) return byte % (2 * bit_value) >= bit_value end function update_slip_storage(storage, inv_entry, item) if slips.items[inv_entry.Id] ~= nil then local slip_name = item.Name[0] storage[slip_name] = {} for slip_index, slip_item_id in ipairs(slips.items[inv_entry.Id]) do if (is_bit_set(inv_entry, slip_index)) then storage[slip_name][slip_item_id] = 1 end end end end function update_keyitem_storage(storage) local ki_storage = {} for _, key_item in pairs(ki) do if (AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetPlayer():HasKeyItem(key_item.id)) then ki_storage[key_item.id] = 1 end end storage[KEY_ITEM_STORAGE_NAME] = ki_storage end function update_player_storages() local player_name = get_player_name() if player_name == nil then error('update_player_storages', 'Couldnt determine player name') return end local storages = {} -- TODO -- storages.gil = items.gil update_keyitem_storage(storages) for container_name, container_id in pairs(Containers) do local current_storage = {} for i = 0, AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetInventory():GetContainerMax(container_id), 1 do local inv_entry = AshitaCore:GetDataManager():GetInventory():GetItem(container_id, i); if (inv_entry.Id ~= 0 and inv_entry.Id ~= 65535) then local item = AshitaCore:GetResourceManager():GetItemById(inv_entry.Id); if item then local quantity = 1; if inv_entry.Count and item.StackSize > 1 then quantity = inv_entry.Count; end current_storage[inv_entry.Id] = (current_storage[inv_entry.Id] or 0) + quantity end update_slip_storage(storages, inv_entry, item) end end storages[container_name] = current_storage end global_storages[player_name] = storages end function load_global_storages() local files = get_files_in_dir(get_storage_path(), '*.lua') if not files or #files == 0 then return end for _, f in pairs(files) do local char_name = string.sub(f, 1, -5) local success, result = pcall(dofile, get_storage_path() .. '/' .. f) if success then global_storages[char_name] = result else warn('load_global_storages', string.format('Unable to retrieve item storage for %s.', char_name)) end end end function save_player_storages() local player_name = get_player_name() if player_name == nil then error('save_player_storages', 'Couldnt determine player name') return end local self_storage = io.open(get_storage_path() .. '/' .. player_name .. '.lua', 'w+') io.output(self_storage):write('return ' .. make_table(global_storages[player_name], 0) .. '\n') io.close(self_storage) end function update_player() update_player_storages() save_player_storages() end function print_help() local help = { { '/findall', '- Forces a list update and prints this help.' }, { '/findall', '' }, { ' [: [:...]]', '- the names of the characters to use for the search.' }, { ' [! [!...]]', '- the names of the characters to exclude from the search.' }, { ' []', '- the word you are looking for.' }, { ' [-d|--duplicates]', '- list only items which are found in more than one container.' }, { ' [-e|--export=]', '- exports the results to a csv file in the data folder.' }, } local examples = { { '/findall thaumas', '- Search for "thaumas" on all your characters.' }, { '/findall :alpha :beta thaumas', '- Search for "thaumas" on "alpha" and "beta" characters.' }, { '/findall :omega', '- Show all the items stored on "omega".' }, { '/findall !alpha thaumas', '- Search for "thaumas" on all your characters except "alpha".' }, } print('\31\200[\31\05' .. _addon.name .. '\31\200]\30\01' .. ' Version ' .. _addon.version) for k, v in pairs(help) do print('\31\200[\31\05' .. _addon.name .. '\31\200]\30\01 ' .. '\30\68Syntax:\30\02 ' .. v[1] .. '\30\71 ' .. v[2]); end print('\31\200[\31\05' .. _addon.name .. '\31\200]\30\01' .. ' Examples') for k, v in pairs(examples) do print('\31\200[\31\05' .. _addon.name .. '\31\200]\30\02 ' .. v[1] .. '\30\71 ' .. v[2]) end end local do_auto_update = false local next_sequence = nil function handle_incoming_packet(id, original) local seq = string.byte(original, 3) + (string.byte(original, 4) * 256) if (next_sequence and seq >= next_sequence) and do_auto_update then update_player() next_sequence = nil end if id == 0x00B then -- Last packet of an old zone do_auto_update = false elseif id == 0x00A then -- First packet of a new zone, redundant because someone could theoretically load findAll between the two do_auto_update = false elseif id == 0x01D and not do_auto_update then -- This packet indicates that the temporary item structure should be copied over to -- the real item structure, accessed with get_items(). Thus we wait one packet and -- then trigger an update. do_auto_update = true next_sequence = (seq+22)%0x10000 -- 128 packets is about 1 minute. 22 packets is about 10 seconds. elseif (id == 0x1E or id == 0x1F or id == 0x20) and do_auto_update then -- Inventory Finished packets aren't sent for trades and such, so this is more -- of a catch-all approach. There is a subtantial delay to avoid spam writing. -- The idea is that if you're getting a stream of incoming item packets (like you're gear swapping in an intense fight), -- then it will keep putting off triggering the update until you're not. next_sequence = (seq+22)%0x10000 end end function determine_query_elements(searchparams) local char_include = {} local char_exclude = {} local search_terms = {} local export = nil local duplicates = false for _, query_element in pairs(searchparams) do -- character specifiers must start with a '!' or a ':' local char_search = string.match(query_element, '^([:!]%a+)$') if char_search then local char_name = string.gsub(string.lower(string.sub(char_search, 2)), "^%l", string.upper) if string.sub(char_search, 1, 1) == '!' then table.insert(char_exclude, char_name) else table.insert(char_include, char_name) end elseif string.match(query_element, '^--export=(.+)$') or string.match(query_element, '^-e(.+)$') then export = string.match(query_element, '^--export=(.+)$') or string.match(query_element, '^-e(.+)$') if export then export = string.gsub(export, '%.csv$', '') .. '.csv' if string.match(export, '[' .. string.escape('\\/:*?"<>|') .. ']') then export = nil error('determine_query_elements', 'The filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \\ / : * ? " < > |') end end elseif string.match(query_element, '^--duplicates$') or string.match(query_element, '^-d$') then duplicates = true else table.insert(search_terms, query_element) end end return char_include, char_exclude, table.concat(search_terms,' '), export, duplicates end function build_search_pattern(terms) local terms_pattern = '' if terms ~= '' then terms_pattern = string.gsub(string.escape(terms), '%a', function(char) return string.format("[%s%s]", string.lower(char), string.upper(char)) end) end return terms_pattern end function search(char_include, char_exclude, terms) local results = {} log('search', 'Searching: ' .. terms) local terms_pattern = build_search_pattern(terms) for char_name, char_storage in pairs(global_storages) do if (#char_include == 0 or table.hasvalue(char_include, char_name)) and not table.hasvalue(char_exclude, char_name) then for storage_name, storage_content in pairs(char_storage) do for item_id, quantity in pairs(storage_content) do local names = get_item_names_by_id(storage_name, item_id) if terms_pattern == '' or string.find(names.name, terms_pattern) or string.find(names.long_name, terms_pattern) then results[char_name] = results[char_name] or {} results[char_name][storage_name] = results[char_name][storage_name] or {} results[char_name][storage_name][item_id] = quantity end end end end end return results end function filter_duplicates(search_result) for char_name, storage_list in pairs(search_result) do storage_list[KEY_ITEM_STORAGE_NAME] = nil end local counts_by_itemid = {} for char_name, storage_list in pairs(search_result) do for storage_name, item_list in pairs(storage_list) do for item_id, quantity in pairs(item_list) do counts_by_itemid[item_id] = (counts_by_itemid[item_id] or 0) + 1 end end end for char_name, storage_list in pairs(search_result) do for storage_name, item_list in pairs(storage_list) do for item_id, quantity in pairs(item_list) do if counts_by_itemid[item_id] == 1 then item_list[item_id] = nil end end end end return search_result end function display_search_results(result, from_all_chars, terms, duplicates) local terms_pattern = build_search_pattern(terms) local total_quantity = 0 local results = {} for char_name, storage_list in pairs(result) do for storage_name, item_list in pairs(storage_list) do for item_id, quantity in pairs(item_list) do local names = get_item_names_by_id(storage_name, item_id) if terms_pattern ~= '' then total_quantity = total_quantity + quantity end local prefix = '\30\03' .. char_name .. '/' .. storage_name .. '\30\01' local suffix = (quantity > 1 and ' \30\03' .. '(' .. quantity .. ')\30\01' or '') local item_name if terms_pattern ~= '' then item_name = string.gsub(names.name, '(' .. terms_pattern .. ')', '\30\02%1\30\01') if not names.name:match(terms_pattern) then item_name = item_name .. ' [' .. string.gsub(names.long_name, '(' .. terms_pattern .. ')', '\30\02%1\30\01') .. ']' end else item_name = names.name end if duplicates then table.insert(results, item_name .. ': ' .. prefix .. suffix) else table.insert(results, prefix .. '\30\03: \30\01' .. item_name .. suffix) end end end end table.sort(results) for _, result_string in pairs(results) do log('display_search_results', result_string) end if total_quantity > 0 then log('display_search_results', 'Total: ' .. total_quantity) end if #results == 0 then if search_pattern ~= '' then if from_all_chars then log('display_search_results', 'You have no items that match \'' .. terms .. '\'.') else log('display_search_results', 'You have no items that match \'' .. terms .. '\' on the specified characters.') end else log('display_search_results', 'You have no items on the specified characters.') end end end function export_to_file(result, export) local export_file = io.open(get_storage_path() .. '/' .. export, 'w') if not export_file then error('export_to_file', 'The file "' .. export .. '" cannot be created.') return end export_file:write('"char";"storage";"item";"quantity"\n') for char_name, storage_list in pairs(result) do for storage_name, item_list in pairs(storage_list) do for item_id, quantity in pairs(item_list) do local names = get_item_names_by_id(storage_name, item_id) export_file:write('"' .. char_name .. '";"' .. storage_name .. '";"' .. names.name .. '";"' .. quantity .. '"\n') end end end export_file:close() log('export_to_file', 'The results have been saved to "' .. export .. '"') end function handle_command(args) local char_include, char_exclude, terms, export, duplicates = determine_query_elements(args) local result = search(char_include, char_exclude, terms) if duplicates then result = filter_duplicates(result) end local all_chars = #char_include == 0 and #char_exclude == 0 display_search_results(result, all_chars, terms, duplicates) if export ~=nil then export_to_file(result, export) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Event Handler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ashita.register_event('load', function() load_global_storages() end) ashita.register_event('incoming_packet', function(id, size, packet, packet_modified, blocked) handle_incoming_packet(id, packet) return false end) ashita.register_event('command', function(cmd, nType) if not string.match(cmd, '^/findall') then return false end local args = {} for arg in string.gmatch(cmd, '([^%s]+)') do args[#args + 1] = arg end update_player() if #args > 1 then table.remove(args, 1) handle_command(args) else print_help() end return true end)